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Your Victory is Near | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

my beloved child do not ignore my voice as it lovingly reassures you do not fear I am with you you are not alone you will prevail even though it seems everything is against you your Victory is near don't close this video don't leave this page this isn't just coincidence if you're hearing this message it's because your time has come I'm ready to reveal something Supernatural to you deep down your soul knows it your spirit senses it you are on the verge of experiencing a powerful and extraordinary Miracle with simple and genuine faith I can perform miracles in your life this is something I urge you to listen to understand Embrace and accept with love I know you're in a tough spot but take it easy because I'm already working in your favor you might feel confused the noise in your mind might drown out the gentle voice of my Holy Spirit don't block your ears don't let the frustration from your mistakes overwhelm you don't be harsh on yourself forgive yourself I know you once felt strong but now you feel your strength fading I know you're tired you feel weak but my power is made perfect in your weakness now I want you to stand up confront this situation boldly and pay close attention to what I am about to say do not fear those who lurk in the shadows with cowardly intentions let these words rekindle the flame of my love in your heart you will learn to face challenges and tough situations you will climb walls defeat armies and stand strong in battle like a mighty warrior do not be disturbed by those those who gossip and accuse you nor by the storms that appear on the horizon I am your God and I am with you I am your father and my deepest desire is to protect you like a precious child you are shielded by my arm and no problem or enemy is too great for I will grant you Victory you will succeed for I am the master of gold and silver the provider of your needs I lift up the humble and righteous but I bring down the deceitful and abusive who threaten my flock victory is yours I am your source of strength run to me in the midst of the storm I am your rock of Salvation your Refuge your God do not think that this situation will end your happiness or steal the success that awaits you you have devoted yourself to your family and approached me with your faith ignited feel it your heart leaps with joy my power is already working miracles in your life because of your faithfulness and your active genuine Faith do not worry you have taken the step and I am here for you you have called out and I am answering I will grant you many more years filled with wisdom and you will use them to spread my light to those still in darkness know that when you pray I listen wait in your heart for my response give me the chance to change your outlook and accept my truth I am your path your life your strength in my word there is power I want you to grasp what I'm telling you when you hear my voice and nourish yourself with these words of love I am the answer to your problems in my hands I hold the key to your Liberation today I bestow upon you the Breath of Life that ends your despair Forever This Sacred Love lights up every part of your being wiping away your past and the mistakes that have caused you pain I have transformed your heart you are never alone Not For a Moment have I left your side now I want you to see these conflicts for what they truly are steps on your path to maturity and success I won't let you fall back keep keep your eyes on me for good things are ahead I've given you a new life so don't return to your old ways of isolation fear or the times before you knew me you will overcome your enemies and those terrible feelings of hopelessness and loneliness will no longer trouble you always remember I'm with you you can handle any challenge you will be so courageous that you will climb mountains no matter their height you will master your emotions and even in the toughest times you will stay calm and composed never losing your cool in the face of adversity rest now and remember that I never leave or forget any of my children because their names are inscribed on my heart my promise to you was sealed with my great sacrifice never forget it I love you eternally in this beautiful moment as I speak and you listen feel my immense love for you I show you my Supernatural affection and assure you that I am always with you day or night whether things are going well or not I am here safeguarding you sending Provisions in perfect timing with beautiful details breathing my Divine breath into your life filling you with peace even amidst your struggles wherever you are you can find me this moment when you call out and I respond is just as important to me I send you the morning sun the dawn's Breeze my love wraps you in Divine warmth giving you the strength to walk confidently to transform your path of pain into a path of prosperity so you believe in my eternal pledge that nothing and no one will ever snatch you from my hand I'm aware of the hardships you faced I know your present and your past today stand firm in my promises recognizing that I have kept you upright and you're alive you have a future and a destiny because you are mine do not let your experiences and feelings pull you away from me today I have chosen to speak to confirm my presence in your life and all the promises that will lead you to Lush pastures and calm Waters of peace let every doubt be removed from your heart do not let fear and worry creep back in I am bringing changes to your home your future your character your dreams and your plans trust in me and let me work in your life let me be your guide and show you New Paths come without fear approach with full confidence I want to lift your burdens and wash away away every negative emotion that drains your life stop struggling alone stop fighting with your own strength dive into the river of my spirit and rest in peace give me your hand nothing bad will happen to you even if today you find yourself deep in your troubles I will rescue you and lift you up you won't be defeated no one will see you fall I'll ensure you're safe and I will save you from those who come against you I want your life to overflow with joy and love so evident that everyone can see it Embrace everything your heart desires and let the world see that you are my cherished child allow me the joy of bringing you out of the darkness you're in and guiding you onto Paths of Peace away from the Sorrows of this world remember if I'm reminding you of my promises today it's because of my love for you I want the best for you choose to change the things that bring you down my paths will lead you on a journey specially prepared to restore what you've lost remember I gave my life on the cross for you and rose again with power to show the world my greatness and that nothing is impossible for me avoid those who lead you astray and wish to harm you they want to see you lose the blessings I have for you they want you defeated without peace or

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