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Your Efforts Will Be Rewarded | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child everything happens for a reason I'm perfect in all my ways so you should not doubt when I say that things will turn out in your favor I will always be by your side making sure my plan unfolds in your life don't lose heart keep learning from my words every day because they hold powerful promises through them you will find peace strength and courage do not be afraid for I am in control of your life's journey I'm at work removing obstacles from your path and clearing away conflicts but it's not my plan to make things too easy as challenges will come cling to my promises for they will help you endure these trials and lead you to the blessings I have prepared for you your efforts will be rewarded every step you take towards gaining wisdom will be blessed and increased even though your enemies plot against you do not waver in your faith in my words stand firm against them knowing that my angels are watching over you my presence surrounds you and I protect you and your family be patient with those who irritate you do not hold on to resentment as it harms your spirit and weakens your faith even though you have faced injustices and missed opportunities ities remember that my love for you is deep those who have wronged you will be embarrassed and through your forgiveness they might find their way back I promise to make up for what you have lost be ready to see the change in those who have hurt you do not worry about those who do wrong but instead focus on strengthening your family ties and managing your finances spend your time in prayer and ref reflecting on my teachings avoid wasting your energy on unnecessary things for the challenges I allow can be overcome by believing in my promises Victory is certain for those who trust in me and approach each day with courage and Faith your success starts with each morning prayer you offer to me I know your struggles in your moments of Doubt but let go of those thoughts and dive deep into my words in difficult times I will guide you lift your spirits and strengthen your faith my promises will be written on your heart serving as a firm onore during life storms stay connected to me listen when I call you to join me in the quiet of the morning avoid the distractions that drain your energy and instead gain strength from the light that comes with each new day Stand United for to together we are unstoppable I will never leave you always remember that you are loved and blessed and look forward to the good things that are coming A great miracle is on its way much bigger than anything you've asked for trust in my control and ignore the negativity around you believe that you will Thrive even in tough conditions because I will nurture your growth amid scarcity and doubt your challenges will turn into victories showing your strong faith and resilience even when the road ahead is unclear trust in me for I alone hold your Future No Matter How Low you feel my hand is always there to lift you up even if I seem quiet I'm always with you my strong arm will support you until you succeed the time is right now grab it and act while the world tires from hearing about shortages and fears of War you live under my protection you and your family are always blessed by me if I tell you to walk then walk if I tell you to get up then stand if I say you are victorious believe what I tell you don't get stuck thinking about yesterday's mistakes and sins because that's all in the past see I have changed your life completely you're not the the same person anymore your future is safe in my hands in my presence I will look after you so I encourage you to pray every day and seek me with joy and Faith No matter how you feel if one day you wake up feeling unsettled and doubts Cloud your mind come to me anyway I love you just as you are and I want you to take that step of Faith towards me do not be afraid for I am here to help you I enjoy our talks your trust and the honesty of your emotions I heard you this morning I heard you yesterday even if your words are few it's your sincerity and intentions that truly matter to me remember I once told you that if your faith was as small as a mustard seed that would be enough for your prayers to be heard in Heaven from there I send you comfort and show my love I know what you need and I will provide according to my will all my answers are for your benefit you and your family are meant to thrive you will be greatly blessed and live in my presence forever I am fully aware of your needs and I truly care about your feelings I offer you my peace accept it with faith because the world cannot give you the Peace of spirit that I provide I heard you when you said you needed me and I welcomed your word Worship in my presence my answer is on its way expect it welcome it and celebrate the miracle I will perform in you today I do not want you to worry or feel discouraged anymore I hear all your prayers I'm making a path through the Wilderness and from my Throne flows a powerful river that washes away all your troubles leaving your soul purified calm and peaceful ready to be filled with faith hope and Tranquility stop letting those repetitive thoughts Hammer at the walls of your mind let me into those Corners where oppressive and sad memories hide I am the Lord your savior I have forgiven your mistakes so you shouldn't torment yourself with doubts and self- accusations if you truly love me and believe in me stop believing that there's no solution to your problems I don't want you to live in tension and distress it's not my desire for you to spend your days looking down without the faith to lift your eyes to the heavens today I want you to be free from all your worries although you live in a world filled with pain you were chosen for such a time as this you were born in the right place and no matter how difficult your journey has been it's all been part of my plan let this be the day your faith is rekindled because of what you've been through you've gain the humility needed to accept the wisdom and blessings I'm ready to give you your financial worries will diminish when you stop holding so tightly to material things remember your family is more valuable than your wealth or even your own future you should also treat yourself with p patience and kindness don't insist on being perfect that only creates barriers and leads to confusion everyone sins everyone makes mistakes but remember you have me I see how much it hurts you when you stray from my teachings and let your emotions drive you to actions you regret know that there is forgiveness and Grace for those who truly regret their wrongs and wish to change with each Dawn comes a new opportunity and fresh mercies that I will deliver into your hands with my own I will come myself knock on your window and awaken you I will illuminate your face with a beam of holy and white light and reveal to your soul this wonderful love I have for you now is the time to trust in me and hold fast you have

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