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YOU WILL NEVER FEAR PROBLEMS IN YOUR LIFE | Buddhist story on problems in life |

foreign [Music] decided to go on a long journey when he was going to leave his kingdom all the villagers came to send him off then they told the king that sir when you go through the forest then you will find a two-fit man in the forest and that to fit man will challenge you to fight with him so do not move forward without killing him the king left for the journey after listening to the villager's advice after two days of Journey the king reached the forest as soon as he reached the forest just then a two-fit man came in front of him that to fit man challenge the king to fight with him king tried to avoid him but that to fit man stood in the way of the king and blocked his way King got ready to fight with him and started the fight the fight ended in a short time and the King born but King did not kill him he thought that there is no bravery in killing this two-fit man so he left him alive and moved on two days passed the King was again traveling through the forest just then that man again came in front of the king but now the man was four feet tall he again challenged the king to fight with him the king accepted the challenge the fight ended and the King won again King left him alive this time also thinking that there is no greatness in killing this man and he left from there again two days passed the man again came in front of the king but now the man had become six feet tall he again challenged the king to fight with him King again accepted his Challenge and fight started again the King won this time King thought for once to kill the man but he again left him alive now like this the king kept leaving him alive and the man kept going two feet every time and after some time one day that man became bigger than the king he again challenged the king to fight with him this time the king got a little scared but the King still accepted the challenge the fight started this time the King was badly injured one of the king's hand was also broken but the King still defeated the man but this time he did not leave him alive he killed him and put an end to the trouble for once and all foreign if we see in our lives we will find that these two FIT man is there in the lives of every one of us this two-fit man is the problem that comes in our lives when there is a problem in your life then you also have two options like that King either solve the problem or ignore it and move on if you solve that problem then it is okay but if you ignore it and move on then tomorrow that small problem will come in front of you as a big one then you cannot solve it and then it will become big trouble for you therefore never move ahead without solving any problem because then you solve problems while it is small then you gain experience in solving these problems and later when a big problem comes in your life you can solve it easily with your experience therefore whenever any problem comes in your life always remember that running away from any problem only increases the distance from the solution the easiest way to escape from a problem is to solve it [Music]

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