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Why Do Yogis Bury Themselves? | Sadhguru

you don't sleep North and South because those changes are not entirely good for you till just above your ankle put your feet inside and close it and sit there 30 40 minutes if you do that those of you suffering from allergies it will just vanish [Music] if you're not aware of this we are living on a magnet planet is a magnet you know it has a North Pole in a South Pole and we are living on a magnet but somebody is selling you a little magnet that you can wear on your wrist and it's going to change your life I'm saying you live on this magnet why do you need another one this is a begin of magnet and it has enough influence and the Very body that you carry is a part of this magnet and it's a magnet by itself well many people may not be functioning as a magnet they may be opposite poles with everybody else around them [Laughter] or samples and repelling everything rather so commercial forces say many things if you wear a magnet on your body it may show some changes in the parameters of your physiological phenomena but it doesn't mean anything if you go and stand to stand next to an electrical transmitter you will you can measure changes in your body if you go stand next to a tree you can actually measure changes in your physiology if you stand up your body or the physiological parameters function one way if you just lie down on the Earth it will happen in a different way knowing this only we told you don't sleep North and South because those changes are not entirely good for you so should I wear a magnet not necessarily it may make some changes do not understand human physiology in such a simplistic way oh blood pressure is dropped Five Points so I'm doing better that's not how the human physiology works it's far more complex than that I would say there are tantric practices with which we can align you well to the part of the world in which you live these things these things can be done but that would again be relevant when there were times when people never moved more than maybe 10 miles more than where they live because people only walked they never really transported themselves very far from one place so at that time body would naturally get aligned to the planet in a pretty in a particular way depending upon the coordinates at which you are but today we're all flying around here there if I make you very aligned to 11 degrees here at wellingiri and tomorrow morning you fly to Another Place Another Place you must have the knowledge and the capability to realign your body otherwise body will get freaked in so many different ways so I would say if you get more involved with a big plan big magnet that all of us are living on and all of us are made of it would bring much more benefit then wearing tiny magnets on your wrist and all you may get is iron filings in the end so what you can do in the morning is after you finish your shambourine dig a hole in your backyard not for not big enough for you just two feet and just up till just above your ankle put your feet inside and close it and sit there 30 40 minutes simply stuck in the Earth your body will align itself to the larger magnet and you will not have to carry magnets on your wrists or your ankle into buying that magnet you can dig a hole which is two feet deep and put your feet and close it your system will align to the larger magnet very well and there are many things attached to this many many things uh uh you have heard of Indian yogis being buried right up till here in neck that's what I was about to suggest but I know you wouldn't do it so that's why I said the feet so just uh feed buried if it really works for you then you can dry up to your neck it works very well otherwise people are trying a simpler more cosmetic approach they are having a mud bath they are supposed to be buried in the Earth but the watered-down version of being buried up to your neck is mud bath you can try any one of them but feet is easy to do if you do that you will see in terms of health at least you will notice those of you suffering from allergies allergy means somehow you don't like this planet something within you is not in repo with what is life here the life making material on this planet you're becoming a little bit of an alien that's what allergy means in a very fundamental way so if you attune yourself to the waste of the planet it will just vanish so try the feet if it works go a little deeper it'll work [Music] [Applause]

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