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foreign [Music] disciple whose name was chakrupal chakshu means eyes hupal was blind once chakshupal went to jaitwan with the desire to see Buddha and after paying ubisans to Gotham Buddha he stayed in the Hermitage one night chakshupal was walking outside his room in the Hermitage he was engrossed in Walking meditation while walking some ants were crushed under his feet since chakshupal was blind therefore he could not see those ants walking on the ground the next morning when the other disciples of the monastery passed from there and saw the ants dead in the front of chakshupal's room they started criticizing chukchupal for doing Bad Karma they went to Buddha to complain about chakshupal after listening to the complaint of the disciples Buddha asked them did you see chakshupal crushing ants with your own eyes all the disciples refused that they had not seen anything with their own eyes but all the ants were laying dead in front of chakshupal's room that's why chakshupal must have done it then Buddha said that as they did not teach akshupal crushing ants with their own eyes similarly chakshupal had not seen those ants walking on the ground because he is blind that's why chakshupal is not guilty of this sin then Buddha told the disciples that chakshupal has attained enlightenment therefore chukchupal cannot do anything with the feeling of violence towards any living being then Buddha's disciples asked him that if chaksupal is enlightened then because of what sin is he blind then Buddha told them the story of a previous birth of and The Story Goes Like This in the previous birth of chakshupal he was a physician he used to treat people with herbal medicines he was a very skilled physician people used to get cute very quickly after taking his medicines one day a woman came to him to get his eyes treated the woman had lost her sight due to some disease in her eyes she had completely given up hope of recovering her eyes when she went to chakshupal she promised him that if our eyes were completely cute and she was able to see again then she would become a slave for the rest of her life along with our children [Music] pant to apply in her eyes and gradually the eyes of that woman started getting cured she started seeing with her eyes then she thought that by applying ointment for few days her eyes were cured so much then if she used the medicine for few more days then her eyes will become perfect and disease will not come back again but she was scared that now as per her promise she will have to remain a slave of chakshupal for the rest of her life and out of that fear she lied to chakshupal that her eyes were not getting cute and she need more medicine to cure her eyes but chakshupal was very clever he knew that his medicine cannot fail to cure the eyes of any person he understood that the woman does not want to keep on her promise of becoming a slave for Lifetime and that's why she is pretending not to be cured so out of malice he gave her such a ointment due to which she became blind for her whole life and because of this Bad Karma chakshupal had to be blind in this part after telling the story said to his disciples my pupils all the Tendencies of a human being are born from the mind if any person does something with bad intention in his mind then he will definitely get the result of his bad deed in the form of Sorrow and if he will keep doing such bad karma then sorrow will never leave him but will always keep following him just like in a bullock cart we'll follow block and if a person does Good Deeds with good intentions in his mind then happiness follows him like the bills of Ebola cart follow the Bullock after listening to the story all the disciples came to know about the law of karma and many of them became enlightened after listening to Buddha sermon that day if we see in our lives then we will find that Karma always has its root whether it is good or bad this is law of karma that what you saw so will you read if you do good deeds you will get happiness and if you will do bad Deeds you will get sorrow Our intention behind any karma is very important because it is Our intention that makes any action good or bad for example a robber stabs a person with a knife because his motive is to rob that person and on the other hand a doctor operates on a patient with a knife he also cuts his body with naive but his intention behind it is to save patients life both of them use naive to cut the body but their intentions were different due to which one's deed became Bad Karma and others did became Good Karma therefore Our intention behind any karma is very important we should always act with a good intention in our mind also if your wrong deed is done unknowingly without any bad intention then it is not a sin like in the story unknowingly crushed the ants under his foot that was not his sin because he did not do this with any bad intention we all have done good and bad deeds in our life we all have made mistakes too but what is important is Our intention if your mind is pure then even a mistake is Forgiven but if your mind is not pure then you will have to be rich food before doing any Karma there is freedom but once you have done it you are bound to reap its root and then you can't do anything to change it that's why you always have to be careful before doing any Karma because good or bad what you put out comes back to you [Music]

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