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They Are No Longer Hiding It! Digital IDs | Incoming Bible Ban | Book Of Revelation Is Happening!

I came across an article recently titled the deception of one Health what will world leaders be willing to give up a few lines from this article reads and I quote the world is just a few weeks away from the global acceptance of the World Health Organization pandemic treaty known as who wh this treaty includes the one Health agenda and is designed to balance the health of people animals and plants as though all three are of equal value and as I read further one line stood out to me as it read the press conference acknowledges this treaty or agreement calls for surveillance and digital IDs this treaty sets the stage for the Antichrist system described in Revelation 13 the future Antichrist system will lead to the demand for the global worshiping of the Beast end quote Revelation 13 is an enlightening chapter concerning the reain of the Antichrist he suffers a fatal wound but this wound is miraculously healed obviously this healing is a result of some demonic power but the disturbing thing is the whole world marveled at this miracle and because of this people will pledge allegiance to the Beast they'll adore and worship the Antichrist because of this so-called Miracle the Antichrist will then go on to blasphemed and then he goes on to wage war against God's holy people to conquer them in fact he gains the authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation and all the people who belong to this world worshiped the Beast this is when he requires everyone small and great rich and poor free and slave to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead and no one can buy or sell anything without that Mark which was either the name of the Beast or the number representing his name imagine waking up one day and hearing this breaking news a new law has just been passed it is now considered illegal to own purchase or reference the Bible breaking news all citizens are to conform to the new unified religion Christianity is now outlawed and it is an offense for any group to gather with the purpose of discussing praying or worshiping Jesus Christ ladies and gentlemen this is not a reality but what if one day it was by now you've probably heard of Bill HR 690 the anti-Semitism awareness act the bill has gotten the attention of Christians around the world and not just in America because one of its definitions cites that claims of Jews Killing Jesus is an example of classic anti-Semitism this is obviously contrary to the Bible what you're about to watch is simply a Biblical perspective Ive on what could happen in the near future in relation to end time Bible prophecy so many times we underestimate the warning in 1 John 4:3 which tells us but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God this is the spirit of the Antichrist which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world a lot of us are waiting for the Antichrist to be unveiled on a grand World stage we're waiting for this man in a suit with all this power to appear on the global scene and just begin enforcing his regime when in reality the Bible tells us that the spirit of antichrist is already it's already in operation it's already working slowly but surely before we get to a stage where Christians are no longer allowed to worship freely the Bible is removed from bookshelves freedom of religion is gone and Christian persecution is normalized before we get to that the spirit of the Antichrist will be in the background working deceiving the masses causing people to turn their ears to doctrines of demons now if this bill succeeds in denying biblical facts facts like pontious pilate did indeed bring Jesus in front of a crowd and that crowd roared crucify him and the Bible clearly states in Matthew 27: 24-2 that when pilate saw that he could not Prevail at all but rather that a tumult was arising he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person you see to it and all the people answered and said his blood be on us and on our children the gospel of Christ cannot be changed let me Begin by bringing your attention to one interesting quote the Kansas City Star reported the following Senator Roger Marshall on Thursday claimed a congressional push to combat anti-Semitism violates Christian scripture religious leaders back home are very concerned about some of the language in that bill that it pushes against what the scripture said Marshall said obviously ly as a born again Christian I believe that the Holy Bible is the word of God I think that we're not supposed to alter the word so I'm just guessing the house overlooks something in quote before I go any further keep this verse in mind 2 Corinthians 4:4 the God of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the Gospel that displays the glory of Christ who is the image of God a different translation of this verse says Satan who is the God of this world has blinded the minds of those who don't believe they are unable to see the Glorious light of the good news they don't understand this message about the glory of Christ who is the exact likeness of God we may very well be heading to an Era where the Bible is outlawed the day may not be too far off when it's considered a crime to preach the gospel as we Edge deeper and deeper into the Realms of time and as we live in these last days the question is not if persecution is coming for Christians it's when will you stand strong in faith when the day comes when it's illegal to believe on act on or even speak about the Bible the precious word of God Satan the God of this world blinds the minds of unbelievers so that they can't see the gospel and in a practical sense where can you find the gospel in the word of God now for a moment think who would want the Bible removed or inaccessible to people the devil consider why the Bible is being contested so often and here are just a few examples in 2018 one publication reported just as China pledged to uphold religious freedom China's 70 million Christians are finding it harder to get a copy of the Holy Bible online bookstores in China have pulled the Bible off their shelves in recent days with searches for the Bible in Chinese on major e-commerce sites including alibaba's tbow and Amazon China yielding no results in 2022 CBN reported communist China is reportedly rewriting the Bible and calling Jesus a sinner in 2023 Utah District bans Bible in elementary and middle schools after complaint calls it sex written in 2023 it was reported that the freedom from religion Foundation a national nonprofit with 40,000 members sent a letter to the Chino Valley Unified School District asking that the Bible be pulled out of school libraries due to more than 100 sexually explicit references that could be considered obscene or offensive these are just a few examples we have to remember that when Jesus Christ was on this Earth he went through persecution he suffered suffer

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