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Sadhguru – These People will HURT You

When was the last time somebody stabbed you with a knife? The never did! Okay when was the last time somebody poked you with a pin at least NO!!! they ignored you. That's not nice. So there is no perfect human being anywhere. No, but should we choose to walk away? will come. First of all, why are you hurt? That's all I'm asking. I just want to know one thing. When some when you feel really hurt by something or someone or situation people or whatever. How? How correct or incorrect is it to move away despite making one attempt to try and clarify things? When was the last time somebody stabbed you with a knife? They never did okay. when was the last time somebody poked you with a pin, at least. No, they ignored you. It's not nice. So when you talk about causing pain, someone else can cause physical pain To you they can enjoy That's different mentally all pain is caused by you and nobody else but you. Somebody is doing what they like to do, and you get hurt. No. But should we choose to walk away from? Will come. First of all, why are you hurt? That's all I'm asking. If you start doing that, you will be walking away from everybody. Because everybody will hurt you. There is no such perfect human being who will not hurt you. Everybody will hurt you. If you are waiting for that perfect white horse night, there is no such man. Believe me, you can believe me. See, I've been around for long and there is no such a man or woman that who is perfect. I want you to look back and see today are in Gujarat. So here there's a big celebration about Krishna. I'm saying even such a man not OK for the people who were there. So there is no perfect human being anywhere. So they. They do not hurt you. They're doing what they know best. You're getting hurt, isn't it? Unless they're poking you with something, poking you with the dagger, you must move away. You shouldn't be there. But they're saying something. Why? They're saying what they're saying. That is the best they know. Yes or No? You don't like to be an atmosphere. Not because it is causing pain to you. Because certain atmospheres will not allow you to be effective. I want to do something. In a certain atmosphere, it will not work. So I don't want to waste my energies there so I'll more elsewhere. But not because they're going to hurt me. If they want to shoot at you, you must move away. Otherwise, why?

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