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[Music] once upon a time in a village lived a lazy man who did not like to work and would always look for an easier way to feed himself one day while searching for his food he saw a fruit farm he decided to steal some fruits from the farm he walked into farm and started to climb the tree just at that time farmer came and saw him climbing the tree farmer shouted at him and asked him to calm down lazyman got scared and did not came down seeing this farmer went inside and came back with a big stick to hit him when lazyman saw this he quickly came down before farmer could reach him and ran toward the nearby forest and hide there after some time he got up and while passing through the forest he saw a crippled fox who had only two legs and was crawling lazy man thought how can this fox stay alive in such a condition this fox can't run how he is able to feed himself or stay safe from threat of other animals just then he saw a lion coming toward that fox with a piece of meat in his mouth seeing lion all other animals ran away but fox stayed there only but what happened next surprised that lazy man he saw that lion dropped that piece of meat in front of fox and fox ate that piece of meat lazy man was shocked to see that but he was happy to see god's play he thought god is greater of all and he always have a plan to take care of all living beings thinking this he thought that if god had such a plan for fox then god must be having some plan for him too so he moved forward and found a tree alongside road he sat below tree and started waiting for someone to feed him too he kept looking at the road and waiting for his food he waited for two days but still no one came with food at last when he could not bear his hunger anymore he left in search of some food on his way he met an old sage and told him everything that he saw sage gave him some food and water after eating food lazy man questions age oh wise one you won't believe what i saw i saw fox and a lion was feeding him is it not a divine message of god for me god has shown his mercy upon a crippled fox but no one came for me why god was so cruel to me old sage smiled and said it is true that creator has a plan for everyone you are also part of god's plan but my friend you took his sign in a wrong way he did not want you to be like the fox but he wanted you to be like the lion [Music] if we see in our life we will find that often we misunderstand the signs god has given everyone strength and ability to do their part always learn to see the things in a positive way and see yourself in a strong position to help the ones who need it don't go for the easy choice but make a right choice [Music] this is words of wisdom inspirational stories thanks for watching [Music] you

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