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Terrance Howard: “they THREATENED me to keep this quiet.”

you show me a real straight line in nature if everything in the nature if everything in the universe everything is expressed in motion all motion expressed in waves all waves were curved every action has an equal and opposite reaction so the greater the action the greater the reaction the greater the reaction the greater the resistance the greater the resistance the greater the curvature Terrence Howard widely recognized for his roles in film and television has also expressed profound thoughts on the nature of the universe Howard's interest in science and the cosmos goes beyond the typical scope of an actor delving into areas of physics mathematics and the fundamental nature of reality because the universe is based off of equinity which Einstein left out in his theory of relativity the balancing side of the gravity gravity was caused by electric force electricity is always seeking a higher pressure condition it spends Northeast is trying to get to the center of an area the center of a cone but the next electric wave is coming so it gets pushed out and as it's pushed out it gets to the vortices and that's some of on those pieces those vortices now instead of it spinning northeasterly one of Howard's Central ideas involves the notion that the universe is governed by a more complex an interconnected system than what is currently understood by mainstream science he proposes that instead of relying solely on established mathematical principles we should consider new ways of thinking about numbers centripetally it's forced to spin centrifugally and it spins southwesterly and it expands itself out it decays it keeps decaying until you get four magnetic waves that hit each other at 120° Angles at that point they reconvert back into the electric field and then they make their way back to their Source again whether it's the star whatever star it came into what happens when we get older we expand at our equator right we get shorter at the top why because the electric force is pushing in and condensing and the magnetism expands out at the Equator the the electron field the electrons that's just discharged electricity devitalized electricity coming from the Sun coming from the earth it's the waste product from it but it hits our magnetic field and then it gets pulled right back in and gets compressed again and now it becomes electricity for the Earth and then it pushes itself right back out again at the Equator the equator is 5 miles wider than the than the poles electricity Einstein left that out of his equation because he coupled electricity and magnetism together and didn't realize that electricity was the equal and opposite of magnetism Howard has spoken extensively about his own theories on the universe often challenging conventional scientific understanding he has been particularly vocal about his belief in a concept he calls terryology which he describes as an alternative view of mathematics and the structure of the universe electricity being the the contractive field you breathe in that's a contractive thing you breathe out that's that's a magnetic thing a radiative thing but they use the term magnet as an attractor but to magnify something means to what make it larger increase the space that's the work of radiation that's what Walter Russell was talking about all those years that's the work of radiation it's the electricity between the things that pull them together the kulam force that supposedly Opposites Attract and push each other away if that was true then hot air and cold air would seek each other out they're the same substance but just under a but in a different state one is they move in opposite directions from each other hot water and cold water move in opposite directions from each other the reason two magnets seem like like there the North Pole is attracted to the South Pole because if you had two rivers or two hose two hoses with water coming out of them and you pointed them at each other what are they going to do they're going to be pushing against each other but they align to where the male enters the female and is able to come out so they've been fooled by their senses they've been fooled by their eyes and and and have missed the whole picture of it Terren Howard is an American actor singer and producer known for his work in film and television he gained widespread recognition for his roles in various popular films one of his most acclaimed performances was in the movie Hustle and Flow for which he received an Oscar nomination for best actor now you know this is one of the oldest symbols in um human history right this symbol was found in the temple of Osiris in Egypt and it had been molecularly burned into the wall and it's 6,000 years old this the same symbol has been found in the The Forbidden temples in China sitting under the Fufu dogs and the foot on it the Flower of Life saying whoever controlled that flower of life controlled the universe in terms of science Howard has shown an interest in subjects like physics physics and cosmology he has discussed his personal theories about the universe and time shaping his world view regarding mathematics Howard has expressed fascination with the subject acknowledging its importance in understanding the universe there were secrets in that flower of life that D Vinci spent his whole life trying to uncover there were secrets in that flower of life that Newton spent his whole life in secret trying to cover they couldn't get it out of this two-dimensional frame and as a result they got stuck in this plane a flat plane now what D Vinci and all them wanted to do they were trying to find a way to bring this flower to life because what is inside of it well apparently there were Secrets inside of it his opinions in these areas often attract attention and can be considered controversial but he is recognized for his passion and intellectual curiosity in exploring these topics shapes they got the mcba and all of those other things out of it but they were misled by something I think called a straight line all energy in the universe is expressed in what it's in motion if something is still there's no energy kinetic right all motion is expressed in what you look at galaxies are they expressed in straight lines expressed in vortices our vortices are expressed in what waves all waves are curved show me a straight line in nature you show me where the plutonic solids come from where do they have their foundations in our universe are there any straight lines if you look at anything there are no straight lines that's been the mistake we've been looking at these straight lines this ukian way of thinking and missing the curvature of nature so here we are back with the curvature of nature so comp compare some of these points take a point here and say well what's the space in between all of these things now they've said that all the in between spaces if this is the Earth and this is the moon right here all this in between space is filled

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