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Strange Things Are Happening Worldwide! (If This Wasn’t In The Bible We Wouldn’t Believe It)

These Are Spiritual phenomenon there's no evidence they're from another planet I mean I think that's the op that's the LIE okay so if they're Spiritual Beings which I believe they are it's a binary they're either you know you're on team good or team bad you can assign any name to it you want but like what are these things I'd like to offer a Biblical perspective on some of the comments made by Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan during a recent interview where they were discussing the notion that UFOs are a spiritual phenomenon the first thing to be said here is that there's a lot of interest a lot of debate and controversy surrounding whether or not UFOs are real there are some who in one Camp would stand and say there's strong evidence that suggests they are real While others are just not convinced just listen to this clip for just a moment I mean here's what we do know is that there's enough going on in the skies but not just the skies underwater that the US military has been forced to respond to it so like move aircraft from one place to another because there are too many of these objects in the sky that's actually happen Chris melon just wrote a long piece about it so it's real the government is not controlling it in fact it's forcing the government DOD to respond so let's look at this he claims that there are these objects flying objects that move in a manner contrary to what we know and understand to be possible according to the laws of physics and he doesn't just stop there he goes on to say this that's all known that's established I don't think any rational person would deny that the question is like what is it actually I mean now is sort of the point you have to ask like what is this now that's a good and valid question right if these objects are actively being tracked or popping up on radar then what could they be now there are those who will think there's some form of an extraterrestrial life force that's come to Earth and there are those who will think it's simply a blip a glitch a technical malfunction or even make believe and then there are people out there who will share this View point now a lot of people when they heard this began to scratch their heads could these unidentified flying objects be indeed Supernatural or spiritual there are some Christians who believe that these incidents captured are small Clues left from the spiritual realm to prove to us that there is indeed another world and here is their argument they would argue the Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places and because of this they believe that sometimes these forces that were told we wrestle against these forces which are not flesh and blood can be seen felt or there can be evidence left that validates their existence now hear this well it depends like that okay so the template that you're using to understand this is like science fiction right these are an advanced race of beings from somewhere else but the temple that every other Society before us has used is a spiritual one there is a whole world that we can't see that acts on people a supernatural world it's acting on us all all the time for good and bad every society has thought this before ours in fact every society in all recorded history has thought that until I'll be specific August 1945 When we dropped the atom bombs on Roshan Nagasaki and all of a sudden the West is just officially secular we're God there is no God but us and that's the world that we have grown up in but that's an anomaly like no one else has ever thought that there's never been a society that thought that every other Society has assumed and they've had all kinds of different explanations and the details differ but the core idea does not differ and never has differed from caves until now that we're being acted on by spiritual forces at all times and so to someone born before or living before 1945 I think it would have been much more obvious that this is the thing that every society has written about and in fact that battle that unseen battle around us that spiritual battle has like been the basis of every soy of every every religion not just Christianity so one thing that all Christians can agree on is that the Bible does let us know the reality of a spiritual realm a realm where demons and angels exist a realm where evil forces wage war against the forces of God and while the Bible does not speak in detail about what you can see in the spiritual world we can learn some of the effects and the things that happen in the spiritual world and while the Bible does not address anything to do with unidentified flying objects we may have questions but we ought to remember that our minds are so limited in comparison to God or to the spiritual realm we have a limited understanding in point of view and therefore we will never be able to fully understand the matters of the spirit there's an interesting passage in the Bible that says in Isaiah 55 verse 8-9 for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the Lord as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts we cannot expect to know know everything and for everything strange to make sense he was seeing these flying saucers these discs that were moving over mountains well right I mean the prophet Ezekiel writes about it in the first chapter wheels in the sky yeah that's a crazy one boy when you well it is crazy if you if you read it it's like oh wow you know the Hebrew scripture is like it's all over every mhm the viic textas of course so these are spiritual phenomenon there's no evidence they're from another planet I mean I think that's the op that's the lie that they're from Mars look space the atmosphere is really well monitored right both for military for defense reasons but also because like it' be nice to know when asteroids are coming and there's no evidence has never been any evidence there are lots of these objects these vehicles coming into our atmosphere from somewhere else some other planet there's no evidence of that at all so they're from here and they've been here for thousands of years whatever they are and it's pretty clear to me that they're spiritual entities whatever that means they're Supernatural which is to say Supernaturals means above the natural above the observable uh nature and um they don't behave according to the laws of science as as measured by people now there is some reference to Ezekiel chapter 1 and here's a summary of some of the key things were told the word of the Lord came expressly to Ezekiel the priest and here's what Ezekiel said then I looked and behold a whirlwind was coming out of the North a great cloud with Raging Fire engulfing itself and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst like a color of

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