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Something Very Strange Is Happening In These Places in 2024

territorial Spirits are principal spirits that have a demonic hold over a specific geographical location and I'm not talking about a conspiracy theory or something that's unexplainable like the Bermuda Triangle a place where strange things seem to happen a place that has reported The Disappearance of dozens of ships and airplanes when I'm talking about principalities I really mean spiritual strongholds in a specific geographical location in a 2015 article The Guardian newspaper reported the following Haiti the saying goes is 70% Catholic 30% Protestant and 100% voodoo voodoo is everywhere in the Caribbean Nation a spiritual system infusing everything from medicine and agriculture to cosmology and arts in another part of the world Scotland has a history intertwined with witchcraft dating back to the 16th and 17th century these are only a couple of examples but to truly understand territorial Spirits or principal Spirits you really need to understand Ephesians 6:12 which says for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places these are ranks in the devil's Kingdom now a principality is defined in the dictionary as a state ruled by a prince or or the position or authority of a prince or chief ruler a principality is a chief spirit it's a territorial spirit that influences a specific location now you may be thinking this is just a theory but territorial Spirits are mentioned in the Bible in Daniel 10 we're introduced to a principality an evil Prince Angel Daniel had prayed and prayed for days and weeks with no answer and finally when an angel appeared to him the angel told him in Daniel 10:13 that the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days but Michael one of the chief princes came to help me for I was left there with the kings of Persia the evil Prince of Persia fought an angel from God for 21 days until Michael a chief Angel a prince angel from heaven had to come and defeat the Prince of Persia this tells you that the Prince of Persia had a hold on this region this Prince of Spirit had such a strong and evil influence over that location that it could block and delay the answer to Daniel's prayer have you ever noticed that certain places have something sinister about them some cities or towns seem to have a prevalent Spirit some places are given to one specific type of crime some towns and cities have a high and unusual activity of Witchcraft when Jesus encountered a man possessed in Mark 5: 8 to10 the Bible says for he was saying to him come out of the man you unclean spirit and Jesus asked him what is your name he replied my name is Legion for we are many and he begged him earnestly not to send him out of the country now why would demons beg not to be sent out of the country they were okay to be cast out of the man but they earnestly begged Jesus so that they wouldn't be sent out of the country why because they are settled in that region they were territorial a story is told of one man of God who once traveled to a certain part of the world to do God's work this remote part of the country was renowned for its occult practices and especially the practice of Witchcraft now as soon as this pastor stepped off the plane he felt uneasy within his Spirit he could sense that there was a Sinister aura about that place and because he was a man who was filled with the Holy Spirit he could sense and discern the evil presence in that particular place he knew that his presence there in that particular part of the world made whatever spirit that was situated over that geographical area become angry and afraid because he was there to preach the gospel essentially he was there to disrupt the work of whatever this evil principle Spirit was and that evening he went to bed early he had a full itinerary the next day but that night around 3:00 in the morning he suddenly woke up with the feeling of a heavy weight on his chest and neck area immediately he was trying to open his mouth trying to speak but he couldn't he was fighting to get up trying hard to sit up but he couldn't and within him he knew this was a spiritual attack this wasn't a dream anymore and most people will simply put this down to sleep paralysis or a nightmare but this is where we really need the help of the holy spirit so that we may have discernment and knowledge to really understand that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but against the Unseen the Bible spells it out clearly we are up against rulers of darkness in this world against spiritual wickedness do you not think that these forces will rise up in opposition and I don't say this to scare you but I am telling you this so that you may have knowledge God is all powerful the name of Jesus is all conquering but if you don't know that and if you don't know your opposition then how will you apply that knowledge when under attack so this man had a briefcase which was open resting on the side of the bed next to him and in the middle of this struggle in the middle of that crushing feeling he was fighting he was trying to say the name Jesus but no sound was coming out he was trying to slide his hand down to his Bible but he could barely move it and he knew for sure that this was a demonic attack because the room was filled with a fearful spirit so while struggling to to move he started to speak in his mind he started to recite Psalm 27 Jesus my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear Jesus the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid Jesus my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear Jesus the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid and he kept saying it over and over again until eventually he started screaming it Jesus my light and my salvation Whom Shall I Fear Jesus the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid and as he continued he could feel that thick spirit of fear leave the room and just as quickly as it started it went away you see whatever the evil spirit was that dominated that region wanted to scare this man off but he knew the word of God even in the middle of a fearful attack the next day this pastor went out to preach God's word and he witnessed the spirit of the Lord move like never before territorial Spirits are real but the power of God is also real Jesus Christ is real the holy spirit is real and I want you to hold on to what the Bible says it says greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world talking about evil spirits is a strange thing to many of us today however when Jesus walked the Earth he cast out evil spirits he rebuked them he warned against them and most importantly he taught people about them he taught people about their existence and their tactics but today many Christians will quite openly speak about angels but ignore the reality of demons now don't get me wrong we are not to glorify demons but equally we are not to fear them but the fact is tha

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