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Seek God Daily and The Blessings Will Come | Inspirational & Motivational

there was once a young man in college who majored in psychology he needed to take three credits worth of music class instead of taking one three credit class he decided to take a drumming class that the school offered he planned to take it for three semesters which would get him three credits he was not very musically inclined but that didn't matter after one semester of classes he didn't get much better after two semesters of classes he still didn't make very much progress by the end of the third year of classes he was barely able to make a steady beat after the third semester a drum teacher sat down to talk to him and asked why do you think he didn't make much progress over your three semesters the young man didn't know how to respond he thought his lack of growth was due to his natural ability the teacher said i already know the answer you don't practice you see this young man did not grow because he didn't put in the work to get better and many people wonder why they're not growing in their relationship with the lord the reason may be that they are not putting in the work to grow in a greater understanding of the lord god made us in such a way that we need to seek him daily by seeking god daily we grow in a relationship with him the lord reminds us often in scripture of our daily need for him while jesus was praying the lord's prayer in matthew 6 verse 11 he said give us this day our daily bread many of us live in a time and country where we don't need to worry about getting our daily food we can go to the store and buy enough food for weeks we can then go home and store that food in a refrigerator however the crowd that jesus was talking to didn't have that privilege they didn't have access to stores or ways to store mass amounts of food for long periods of time they often had to wait for god to provide food for them the day they ate they needed to seek god daily for provisions the children of israel were in this exact spot when traveling through the wilderness they needed food however god didn't open up a grocery store for them in the middle of the desert god did not miraculously tie their stomach so that they wouldn't need any food instead he gave them just enough bread for them to survive each day manna fell from heaven daily they had to look to god daily exodus 16 verse 4 says then the lord said to moses i will rain down bread from heaven for you people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day in this way i will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions if they ended up taking more than what they needed for the day the bread would become uneatable he gave them just enough bread each day so that the people of israel would take time to seek the lord each day seeking god every day should be the way of life for a christian god commands us to seek him daily and not even to worry about tomorrow as jesus preaches the sermon on the mount he says in matthew 6 34 therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow will be anxious for itself sufficient for the day is its own trouble since tomorrow is not promised god wants us to focus on trusting him today in the moment we do this by running to god daily we may worry about a health crisis or a financial situation but god wants us to trust him in those daily moments instead of worrying about what could or will happen lamentations 3 verse 22 to 23 says the steadfast love of the lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness god has given us enough mercy in the day to make it to the end why worry about life when god gives us new mercy each morning when we seek him the book of first chronicles actually takes it a step further first chronicles 16 10 to 11 says glory is his holy name let the hearts of those who seek the lord rejoice seek the lord and his strength seek his presence continually not only should we seek the lord daily but also seek him continually there is no place you can go or hide where god is not with you he is an ever-present god that means we can seek his presence in the car at the store on a walk or as we lay in bed due to the life death and resurrection of jesus we have continual access to god hebrews 10 verse 19 says therefore brothers since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of jesus verse 22 says let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water since we can draw near to god because of the blood of jesus then we should continually take advantage of it and seek his power daily the college student i mentioned earlier wanted to become a great drum player he had dreams of starting a rock band and becoming a rock legend yet he was not willing to put in the work to become that after three semesters of practice he could only play a couple of simple beats he didn't put in the work to grow great swimmers don't become great swimmers after a couple of days of work it takes a lifetime of daily work usain bolt did not become the fastest man alive by simply running for a few weeks it took years of daily dedication same is true for those who want to grow in christ we cannot only go to church once a week and think we're going to grow it takes daily time with the lord to grow as a christian as you daily seek the lord it shapes your character you develop a strong backbone god takes you from one level to another so in summary by seeking the lord daily by praying daily by yielding to the leadership of the holy spirit daily you will become more christ-like [Music] deuteronomy 31 verse 8 says it is the lord who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you or forsake you do not fear or be dismayed this is god's word to you he will not leave you he will not forsake you he will finish the work he called you to do everything god has for us is contained in these simple words i will never leave you whatever you need from the lord he will supply it because he will never leave you if you feel inadequate that's good because you will depend even more on the lord god never starts anything he does not finish there is power in the name of jesus christ there is power in the blood of jesus christ and as children of god we ought to know this [Music] you

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