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Overcoming Anxiety With God | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message God Say

today I want to speak directly to your heart about a matter that has troubled many of my beloved ones anxiety I know every thought of yours Every Beat of your heart and I'm here to bring peace to your restless Spirit from the beginning when I created the world and everything in it I established order and purpose for each human being you were molded in my image and my peace is your true state of being however I understand the battles you face daily anxiety may seem like a shadow that follows you a dark cloud that obscures your vision of my light and love but know that I am with you in the midst of all your struggles anxiety often arises from uncertainty about the future concerns about life's Necessities fears and insecurities that plague the human mind but I tell you do not fear for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God I strengthen you and help you c i uphold you with my righteous right hand when you feel overwhelmed by anxiety remember that you are my beloved Son my beloved daughter I did not give you a spirit of fear but of power of love and of self-control these words are not just empty prom promises they are the true essence of my love for you I want you to understand that anxiety is not a sin in itself but when it allows itself to dominate you and distance you from my peace it can become an obstacle in your path therefore I want to guide you out of this Maze of worries and Lead You Back to the calmness of my love first and foremost I I want you to learn to trust me completely trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding acknowledge me in all your ways and I will make your paths straight trust in me is the key to dissipating anxiety because when you place your life in my hands you can rest assured knowing that I take care of you in every detail secondly I want you to practice gratitude in the midst of worries it's easy to forget the blessings surrounding you always give thanks in everything for this is my will for you in Christ Jesus when you give thanks your heart fills with joy and appreciation for what you already have reducing anxiety about what you have not yet achieved furthermore I want you to develop a life of constant prayer do not be anxious about anything instead in everything by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to me prayer is the means by which you can communicate your concerns to me ask for my guidance and experience the peace that surpasses all human understanding also remember my promises I promise to take care of you as a Shepherd cares for his sheep I promise to supply all your needs according to my riches in glory and Christ Jesus I promise that I will never leave you nor forsake you all these promises are a reflection of my unconditional love for you when anxiety tries to engulf you remember my words come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest I am your strength your safe Refuge your unshakable rock nothing can separate you from my love understand that you are loved by me with an eternal love with Everlasting Love I have loved you therefore I have drawn you with loving kindness no matter what circumstances surround you my love for you remains constant and unchanging I want you to remember that you have a mission in this life you have been called to be a light in the midst of Darkness to bring hope to the despairing and love to The Forsaken when you focus on serving others and fulfilling the purpose I have for you anxiety loses its power over you beloved child never forget that I'm always by your side holding your hand and guiding your steps do not fear the future for I already know it and I have plans of Peace for you in it rest in my love and allow my peace to flood your heart I know that this is a topic that touches many hearts because anxiety is one of the most challenging realities that my beloved children face I want you to know that I'm here present in every moment of your life and I desire to bring peace and comfort to your heart anxiety is like a storm that can affect anyone regardless of age social status or life experience it manifests in various ways constant worries irrational fears racing thoughts a feeling of Suffocation and even panic attacks it's not easy to deal with but I want to help you face this battle first and foremost it's important to understand that anxiety is not a sign of spiritual weakness many of my Faithful Servants in the Bible faced moments of deep anguish and anxiety remember job who endured terrible trials but in the midst of his pain he turned to me in trust and faith anxiety often arises from concerns about the future life's uncertainties societal pressures and even past traumas but know that you are not alone on this journey I am with you holding your hand every step of the way I want to share with you some powerful truths that can help you deal with anxiety in a healthier and more balanced way the first and most important truth is that you can trust me completely I am your refuge and strength a very present help in times of trouble when you place your trust in me you can rest assured knowing that I am in control of all things remember my promises do not fear for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand no matter what circumstances surround you I am greater than any problem you face secondly I want to encourage you to surrender all your concerns and anxieties to me in prayer cast your burden upon the Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved do not hesitate to share with me everything that troubles you for I am always always ready to listen and help prayer is not just a way to ask for help but also to cultivate an intimate relationship with me when you draw near to me in prayer you will experience my peace that surpasses all human understanding another important step in the journey against anxiety is the renewal of your mind do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may experience my good pleasing and perfect will feed your mind with positive thoughts biblical truths and principles that promote peace and serenity remember that you are loved by me with an unconditional and eternal love gratitude also plays a fundamental role in overcoming Anxiety when you focus on the blessings you already have instead of just the problems your heart fills with joy and contentment give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you practicing gratitude doesn't deny the reality of challenges but helps you face them with a more positive and hopeful perspective do not be afraid to seek professional help and support from the community I have placed people around you to assist and guide you on the path of healing and growth beloved ch child always remember that I am with you every step of your journey do not le

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