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My Love is Stronger | God Message Today | God Message For You | Gods Message Now | God Message

my dearest child in the quiet of this moment I reach out to you with a love that transcends time and space I am here ever present even when you feel most alone I see you in all your struggles and tears and I whisper to you now I have never abandoned you nor will I ever understand my beloved that your pain and trials were never a part of my plan for you my love for you is unending a constant Refuge waiting for your open heart in the shadows of life where confusion and uncertainty Loom remember I am there my presence is a beacon in Your Darkest Hours guiding and safeguarding you you are never alone reach out your hand let me lead you from the darkness into the warmth and light of my love to a place brimming with joy abundance and true happiness trust in me my child the life I have for you is filled with extraordinary promise a life rich in purpose overflowing with victories and blessings no distance can separate you from My Embrace no misstep is too far for my grace and forgiveness know that my love breaks through every barrier conquers every challenge have faith in me for I am always here ready to listen to your prayers and hold you in my eternal love regardless of moments of pain and sorrow my ears shall always be attuned to your words and my heart shall be filled with compassion for you there is nothing you can do to push me away no mistake you can make no sin that can sever our connection my love is stronger than any failing or weakness my love surpasses all understanding and reaches higher than the heavens allow me to embrace you in your moments of vulnerability to reveal the grace and forgiveness I offer understand that my love knows no bounds no matter how many times you stumble I shall always be there to lift you up no matter how many times you Heir I shall always be there to correct your steps and guide you on the right path my love is constant and inexhaustible and it shall always be present in your life life providing you with the strength and courage to overcome any difficulty my child close your eyes and allow me to embrace you let the warmth of my presence be a comforting source of energy let my love envelop you and provide Solace I shall cradle you in my arms and give you encouragement come now Surrender Your Heart to me do not fear for I shall Grant you Freedom peace and tranquility trust in me for I shall be your refuge and strength allow me to embrace you and show you true love a love capable of healing any wound and restoring your soul always remember that you are my greatest treasure and my love for you shall never change no matter how challenging the circumstances you face may be I shall always be there to support you my child on this day allow me to embrace you and entrust all your burdens to me no matter how distant you may feel or how dark the path you are traversing may seem my love surrounds you and restores you in this very moment know that all is not lost for I with you today you can begin a new live once more dream and Aspire for in me you can reclaim all that you have lost and even more for an abundant life is what you deserve a life of Victory and happiness that is my will so from this day forward when you feel overwhelmed by the weight of your burdens or troubled by your worries believe in me Place everything in my hands allow me to be your support and Foundation you need not bear the weight alone for I am here to assist you today I shall take care of all your needs filling your soul completely remember that I shall always be with you providing you with the strength you require to face any adversity simply trust in me even when you feel no one understands you or that you are alone in your battles I shall always be here listening to every Whisper of your heart loving you and helping you in every way in this moment my beloved child may you feel the warmth of my love enveloping you and comforting you understand that my love for you shall never waver it shall always be there for you in every moment of your life ready to embrace and console you whenever necessary beloved child raise your hands now and embrace my love which never fails or fades it is my pure Sublime and unconditional love for you receive my Embrace in it you will find the strength to carry on the hope to face challenges and the certainty that you shall never ever be alone you are facing formidable challenges but I will touch your heart with my words nothing has the power to destroy you or steal away all that I have bestowed upon you certainly these times are difficult but nothing will prevent me from performing my mighty work within you I know you have many plans and dreams and each day you strive for them however at times you may believe that nothing will come to pass that none of your dreams will be realized but let me tell you that I have great and marvelous things in store for you for I chose you before the foundation of the world formed you in your mother's womb and declared my child in you I am well pleased so do not be disheartened keep putting forth your efforts give your all for I will ignite in you a desire to live and a passion to keep fighting your way of thinking shall change and you shall feel renewed and strong every sense of defeat will be consumed by my power you shall rise in my name feeling triumphant blessed and beloved your life shall be transformed into a Living Testament of my power and magnificence you shall become a beacon as Illuminating the darkness and guiding the lives of many others shall seek you out for they shall see in you the radiance of my love and my might you shall be like a tree beside refreshing streams bearing abundant fruit and leaves that never wither for I shall restore all that you had lost everything that once slipped through your fingers shall return to you thus your life and that of your family shall no longer be the same as I shall shower upon you an abundant rain of blessings that shall not cease until your souls are satisfied hence my beloved child today I approach you to declare that it is time to arise set aside all fears and the deception that has ens snared you in this predicament listen to my voice and allow my truth to liberate you from the lies of the malevolent one for his falsehoods have only stagnated your existence filling you with fears and insecurities almost driving you to relinquish all that you had fought for yet the hour has come for you to Rise And Take My Hand by my side you shall dream again think Grand thoughts your fears shall dissipate and you shall accomplish all you set out to achieve take my hand beloved child and I assure you that nothing will ever be as it was once was therefore do not be afraid draw near to me remember that I shall always be with you to ensure your success according to the plan I have for your life I shall lead you by the hand to where you ought to be where you shall Thrive where my love overflows and my grace is more than sufficient I only ask that you trust in me and believe in th

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