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Masonic 33rd Degree Lecture on Energy Manipulation (MIND BLOWING)

[Music] from the traditions of Mesopotamia to the intellectual minds of the Renaissance our curiosity uncovers the early foundations that shaped our understanding of magnetism but here's the twist back then magnetism wasn't just a theory it was a potent power used for practical applications especially in healing back in the day Pythagoras was onto something big sharing loads of info with us fast forward not much was known until the Arabs got into it the Chinese were involved too thanks to the marinus compass but honestly it got a bit neglected until the 17th century that's when things got interesting with Rosicrucianism and hermetist diving into magnetic Theory imagine stepping into a tank called the mesmos magnetic Cube it's not your usual tank here people gather put their feet in hold hands and create a unique battery using the water in the tank now let's talk about the magnetic theory behind this it's surprisingly simple you see what we often think of as empty air is anything but empty in fact it's a vital mix of elements that sustains all life we live and Thrive within this substance we call Air it's not just oxygen or helium air is a substance in itself a fundamental part of our existence think about about it if air fails so do we it's more than just a mix of gases it's a crucial substance that supports life in ways we might not always recognize there's a powerful force that's all around us yet it often goes unnoticed this force is the magnetic energy field present in our atmosphere directly influenced by the Sun the changing seasons winter summer and spring are linked to this magnetic factor in the air everything around us is buzzing with a kind of invisible energy this energy creates vibrations like ripples in a pond now these Vibes when they hit the magnetic field turn into a whole bunch of different signals it's like having a th TV channels each one beaming its own unique show so what's interesting is that beyond the air we breathe and the usual stuff we know there's something else out there it's an invisible player in The Game of Life and guess what this energy isn't just out there it's part of us too we're diving into the magnetic field and how it plays a role in our bodies we've uncovered that every person is surrounded by a unique energy field called an etheric it's like a magnetic Aura but not quite what you'd expect from metaphysics this energy field stretching about 3 to 5 ft in every direction creates a protective bubble around our bodies it's our Powerhouse because because it thrives on our moods emotions thoughts and attitudes like a bodyguard when we're mentally emotionally and physically in sync this magnetic field becomes a super Shield it fights off infections AIDS in healing and even compensates for lost functions if we take good care of it it all ties back to our morality it's not just a nice to have thing it's crucial for our survival did you know that the energy straight from the Sun flows into us through our magnetic field it enters through the crown of our heads spreads throughout our bodies and then exits through the lower centers but here's this flow is sensitive the moment we break the rules we mess with this magnetic flow it's like damaging the life force within us we've got to stick to the laws of nature almost like the laws of God or this magnetic field can fail living a Rowdy lifestyle is a common cause of damaging our Vital energy field today this field can be negatively affected by moods attitudes fears and complexes when this energy field is damaged it swiftly impacts our health reducing Vitality increasing susceptibility to infections and ultimately shortening life expectancy understanding and preserving this vital energy is crucial for a healthier and longer life now let's talk about the energy vibes our bodies give off imagine it like a magnetic field wrapping around everything in us but get this it's not just one big energy thing every part of your body has its own little magnetic field and inside you there are these tiny energy units hanging out in the tiniest spaces even in atoms each tiny energy unit is like a mini me of you surviving in its own way and guess what this energy thing it plays by the rules the LW of the energy field that law is also the law of Integrity so basically your energy field decides what's right and wrong it's like the natural referee of Life the energy TPL that's like our inner guide says a few things first off it's a no no to mess with our mood and well-being using negativity nope not cool compromising on good values also a thumbs down basically anything that goes against the common good messes up our magnetic field and that's a problem selfishness messes with our energy field it's the engine behind all the bad stuff we do breaking rules like the Ten Commandments or any other good life principles yep that damages our energy field too it's not about where you're from or some fancy rules it's about the life principle in every part of us even in small scenarios where you're tempted to act selfishly perhaps by skipping a line or ignoring someone in need need this action while seemingly small is like a misstep in the intricate dance of your body's energy field just as every organ in your body has a moral duty to the whole every action we take impacts this delicate balance each part of our body has its own job and believe it or not a moral duty our body is a team of organs working together for a common goal our well-being if we mistreat one organ it affects all neglecting one is neglecting them all each organ has its unique role creating Fields within our body together these fields form a powerful magnetic force around us let's dive deeper to understand this incredible Synergy now let's Journey back to Pythagoras's era in ancient Egyptian temples therapy wasn't all about words it was about gazing at cool symmetrical shapes like cubes octagons and dodecahedrons each of these shapes acted like a therapeutic picture set on altars for people to reflect upon they weren't alive but looking at them somehow made people feel The Vibes everywhere you look there are these invisible magnetic fields and they've got some rules when you see a shape that's just right like perfect proportions it's not just a cool visual it actually Taps into your subconscious and makes you feel satisfied or fulfilled that uplifting feeling transforms into a sort of positive energy akin to a friendly magnetic influence it indicates an acknowledgement of Harmony as if everything is falling into perfect alignment when we visualize Perfection it's like a boost for ourselves it's like a secret upgrade but if we focus on Discord or things being out of whack it actually hurts us it messes with our energy nature is pretty cool it's full of benevolent things but when hum mess with nature that goodness can disappear living in this universe you'll notice Harmony is the key we often assume that external factors can disrupt this harmony however 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