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[Music] once upon a time there was a king who had three ministers the king wanted to test the loyalty and intelligence of his ministers so he gave them a simple task he asked them to take a bagage and go to the forest to fill it with Foods the first Minister was faithful and hardworking he thought that the king deserved the best fruits so he searched for the ripest and juiciest fruits he could find with hard work he found the best fruits and filled his bag with those fruits the second Minister was lazy and dishonest he thought that the King was too busy to check what he had collected so he picked up whatever fruits he found without bothering about their quality he filled his bag with a mixture of good and rotten fruits the third Minister was cunning he thought that the king would only look at the size of the bag not its content so he stuffed his bag with dried leaves and dust the three ministers returned to the court with their bags thinking that they had completed the task the king without even looking at their bags ordered them to be sent two separate jails for 3 months he ordered that they would not be given any food and they could only eat what they had collected in their bags the first Minister survived the 3 months in the jail by eating the delicious fruits he had collected he was grateful for his honesty and diligence the second Minister survived red for some time in the jail by eating the good fruits in his bag but after some time he had to eat the roten fruits and thus he became ill by eating those roten fruits later he regretted his liness and dishonesty the third Minister who had only dried leaves and dust in his bag died in the jail by starving as he had nothing to eat in his bag he came to understand his own foolishness and faced the consequences of his cunningness if we see in our lives we will find that the story of the king and the three ministers teaches us the important law of karma that we have to face the consequences of our own actions the first Minister was honest and diligent he collected the best fruits he could find thinking that the king deserved the best he did not try to cheat or take any shortcuts and in the end he was rewarded for his honesty by having enough food to survive in the jail the second Minister was lazy and careless he collected whatever fruits he came across without checking their quality he thought that the king would not notice or care about what he had done he was punished for his negligence by having to eat rotten fruits and getting sick the third Minister was cunning he filled his bag with dried leaves and dust thinking that he could fool the King by making his bag look big he did not care about the king or his task and in the end he was punished for his deception by having nothing to eat and starving to death this story teaches us that we cannot escape from the results of our own Deeds if we do good we will receive good if we do bad we will suffer bad this is the law of karma which governs everyone's life therefore we should do only good deeds and perform our actions diligently and with dedication because we re what we saw in the Garden of [Music] Life

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