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Kanye West’s Speech Will Leave You SPEECHLESS (Watch Before DELETED)

I believe that my calling is to be the leader of the Free World I I completely sto rapping because I didn't know how to rap everything that I'm doing is for the sake of the human race we are in War I think it's crazy music like at this point it loses me money I'm like a human version of Instagram in a world in constant search for leaders who Inspire and transform the voice of a controversial figure emerges with a vision that defies the boundaries of the conventional Kanye West now known as yay shares his belief that his calling transcends traditional expectations positioning himself not just as an artist but as a potential leader of global Freedom this documentary delves into the depths of his Visionary mind exploring the ideas and aspirations of a man who sees Beyond the Horizon of our time there couldn't be a better time to put a Visionary in the in the captain's chair um and that's not to say we we haven't had Visionaries be uh before I'm not coming here to down any of the other uh I'm not here to down Trump down Biden uh I'm just here to express why God has called me to take this position we're all different from each other by declaring his willingness to take on the role of Governor if it is divine will you not only sets forth his political Ambitions but also invites us to question what does it mean to be a leader in the Free World today his journey suggests a quest for Innovation and change not just in music but in the very fabric of our society I see things I I'm a great leader because I listen and I'm empathetic and I feel the entire Earth and I feel us as a as a species as the the human race like I sometimes people think of uh Utopia as almost like a negative word that's that's like we couldn't have that but I do believe in world peace now the world is innovated all around our political system but we have been innovated and simplified our political systems he speaks of a ripe time for Visionaries to take the helm highlighting the need for leadership that listens empathizes and feels Humanity as a whole this utopian vision of the world where peace and Innovation walk hand in hand resonates with the idea that it's possible to rethink and reshape existing structures for a better future I'm not in war with the music industry it's just it's time for us to innovate uh and we need to have contracts that Mak sense with exactly how we sell music music like at this point it loses me money it doesn't make it doesn't make me money it is my my $5 billion net worth and $300 million of cash that I see a year music is like -4 million for me and that's there's a complete parallel to the way the music industry works and the way the world currently works and the influence that America has on other countries While y reflects on the music industry and his own Financial Journey he draws a parallel to the Dynamics of global power questioning the distribution of wealth and the effectiveness of our political systems his critique aims not just to expose flaws but also to inspire a reflection on how we can innovate for a fairer world so if money is the key to all people's happiness and we solve everything and everyone's doing things for money let's just make more money but it's not about making more money it's about keeping poor people poor and rich people rich and keeping PE keep keeping people in their place like where is the money going why aren't things being built like how much is America in debt and they were like this many trillion how much does the earth cost but how much is your Earth worth the Divine calling ye feels to serve a greater purpose through his art and influence is a powerful reminder that true leadership comes with the responsibility to be the change we wish to see I have my issues with Jesus there's a lot of stuff I went through that I prayed and I didn't see Jesus show up so I had to put my uh my experience in this world my experience with my children my experience other people my experience with my account my experience with my brand and my experience with the level of music that I was dealing with in my own hands like a lot of times I just feel like in our society in America you know people Christians we depend on Jesus so much that we won't put the word in oursel and the main thing that really that I don't rock with is like it's just always like I'mma pray for you and it's just like you can actually physically do something yourself too more than just pray and we're so in this mentality that's that's all that needs to happen yeah God knocked me off my horse God like literally called me and said okay now I need you I need you right now I need I mean not that God needs needs me we need God but he called me to serve him and I was tired of serve in the music industry I am fighting a battle in the spiritual form and anyone that believes in God and is looking at this interview would agree with that and I just so happen to be a bright part of God's Army I'm fighting for us to live the greatest gift is life itself people need the voice and even right now what I'm doing or how God is using me I'm showing where our voices are being muted this is where you know in my weakness God becomes strong I have to be the hire me when when people are Downing me it's not like me fighting fire with fire and me attacking or as you say like you know stooping to uh stooping to that level it's like the devil will use you against you you become your own uh you become Your Own Worst Enemy so as I go through these different levels there's times where I would use confidence when I knew what I was doing and I would use arrogance when I didn't know what I was doing but I'd rather use arrogance than to let someone uh diminish my idea of myself because that is what keeps us going hope actually Keeps Us Alive anybody you ask most people it's like do you want tomorrow to come and they say yes they they have they have hope for it but I went from having confidence and arrogance to having faith and faith is the opposite of fear and that created this Fearless approach that I have and that's what made now has made me the fearless leader that I am I'm like a human version of Instagram when you look at Instagram you look at you know you're looking like a a hundred images a day uh well I've got millions of images in my mind and the majority of them haven't been realized yet you know there's some images that are from my memory but I got this whole the future that's in my mind that has to be brought so like only there's only a billion people on the internet you never think about that there's seven to eight billion people on on Earth but then there's only a billion people that are influence and that are on the internet we feel like the internet is everything it's only like 15 you know six 18% of human beings but in order to make for our our civilization for us to survive we have to make more human beings we have we have family we have to we have to have food we have to have shelter that we don't have to have

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