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Forgiveness | God Message Today | God Message For You | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child today I want to talk to you about the transformative power of forgiveness forgiveness is one of the greatest expressions of love and compassion you can offer to one another it is a precious gift that liberates both the forgiver and the forgiven Paving the way for healing and Reconciliation forgiveness is not just an action it is a state of mind a conscious choice to release resentments hurts and the need for Revenge when you choose to forgive you are choosing love over hatred peace over bitterness and freedom over the imprisonment of the past allowing yourselves to break free from the chains of the past and pave the way for a future filled with hope and peace I understand that forgiving can be a difficult task sometimes you may feel hurt betrayed or wronged and the the idea of forgiving those who have hurt you may seem impossible however I want to remind you that forgiveness is not about denying the pain or injustices you have faced it is about choosing not to let those experiences control your lives when you choose to forgive you are choosing no longer to allow the wounds of the past to control your lives you are choosing not to carry the weight of resentment and bitterness anymore but rather making room for love compassion and healing forgiveness is an act of self-love as it allows you to break free from the emotional prison that hatred and resentment build around the heart it is important to understand that forgiveness is not synonymous with forgetting you are not denying the injustices suffered or erasing painful memories instead you are choosing not to let those experiences Define who you are you are choosing not to let the past dictate the course of your futures remember my words in Ephesians 4:32 be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you just as I forgive you so you must forgive those who have hurt you do not hold resentment in your heart for it will only bring suffering and anguish sometimes forgiveness is an internal process a solitary journey toward emotional freedom however in other cases forgiveness can lead to reconciliation and the restoration of broken relationships whatever the outcome the important thing is that the act of forgiveness brings healing and Liberation to truly forgive it takes courage humility and compassion it it requires looking beyond the destructive actions of others and seeing the shared Humanity that we all possess it requires recognizing that we are all fallible that we all make mistakes and that we all deserve a second chance my dear child know that just as you are unconditionally loved by me you are also called to love and forgive one another forgiveness is an expression of the Divine love that dwells in your heart hearts and it is through forgiveness that you will find true peace and happiness May the power of forgiveness guide you in your lives empowering you to leave the past behind and embrace a future of love compassion and Harmony may you find the courage to forgive not only others but also yourselves and walk toward the light of the divine grace that always awaits you I told you in Matthew 18 if your brother sins against you go and confront him alone if he listens you have won your brother over but if he does not listen take one or two others along with you so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three Witnesses if he still refuses to listen tell it to the church and if he refuses to listen even to the church treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector this passage underscores the significance of reconciliation and forgiveness in your relationships it shows that even in conflicts you should seek peace and restoration of fraternal bonds practicing forgiveness as Guided by love and divine Justice when you choose to forgive you are choosing love over hatred compassion over resentment and freedom over the prison of the past forgiveness is a journey of healing and transformation and it is a choice you can make at any time no matter how deep the wound or how much time has passed there is always room for forgiveness forgiveness does not mean ignoring the pain or injustices you have suffered it means choosing not to let those experiences Define who you are or how you live your life when you release the burden of resentment you're making space for inner healing and peace of mind remember my words in Matthew chapter 6 for if you forgive other people when they sin against you your heavenly father will also forgive you forgiveness is a Divine virtue that reflects my infinite grace and mercy by forgiving you are following my example and allowing my light to shine through you I understand that forgiving those who have deeply hurt you can be difficult but I want to encourage you to remember that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but of strength remember that you are loved beyond measure and I am always by your side guiding and sustaining you every step of the way know that forgiveness is not just for those you forgive but also for yourselves by forgiving you are choosing to release the burden of the past and embrace the light and peace that come with forgiveness when you choose to forgive you are choosing not to be prisoners of the past anymore you are choosing not to allow pain and resentment to control your lives anymore forgiveness does not erase what happened but it frees you from the weight of the past as written in Matthew chapter 6 therefore you shall pray like this Our Father in Heaven may your name be honored may your kingdom come may your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors this passage teaches us that just as you ask for forgiveness for your own shortcomings you must also forgive those who have wronged you it is a powerful reminder that forgiveness is essential for a life of communion with me and with our fellow human beings it is important to understand that forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with those who have hurt you sometimes forgiveness is a solitary act a decision to let go and move forward even if the other person does not apologize or acknowledge their wrongdoing it is a gift you give to yourself a chance for peace and healing be like The Prodigal Son who was welcomed with open arms by the loving father even after he had made mistakes and sinned just as the father forgave his son I am also ready to forgive you regardless of what you have done my love for you is unconditional and eternal and nothing can separate you from it amidst the complexities of life it is easy to be weighed down by resentment and bitterness however it is important to remember that forgiveness is a gift it is an act of courage and compassion which frees both the offender and the victim forgiveness is not easy but it is powerful remember that forgiveness is not a one-time event but a continuous process it may require time and effort b

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