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HOW TO GET RID OF YOUR BAD KARMA | HOW KARMA WORKS | Buddhist story | Inspirational story |

[Music] once upon a time there lived a woman in a town every morning woman baked bread for her family members and an extra one for a hungry passerby she would always place the extra bread on the windowsill so that whosoever needs it can take it she noticed that a beggar came every day and took the extra bread instead of expressing gratitude he would mutter some words as he went on his way and those words were the evil you do remains with you the good you do comes back to you this went on day after day and so on the woman felt very irritated not even a word of gratitude she said to herself everyday this beggar utter this jingle what does it mean one day exasperated she decided to do way with him i shall get rid of this beggar she said to herself she added poison to the bread she prepared for him as she was about to place it on the windowsill her hands trembled what is this i am doing she said to herself and immediately she threw this bread into the fire and prepared another one and put it on the sale as usual the beggar came picked up the bread and mutter the words the evil you do remains with you the good you do comes back to you the beggar proceeded on his way blissfully unaware of the bar raging in the mind of the woman the woman thought that he did not thank me and went away saying the same words again it would have been better if i had given him poison bread anyways every day as the woman placed the bread on the windowsill she offered a prayer for her son who had gone missing two years ago she tried a lot to find her missing son but of no use she always paid for his safe return that evening there was a knock on the door as she opened the door she was surprised to find her son standing in the doorway he had grown thin and lean his garments were tattered and torn he was hungry starved and weak she started crying with joy and hugged our son immediately looking at his mother her son said mother it is a miracle that i am here while i was miles away i was so hungry that i collapsed there i would have died but just then an old beggar passed by i begged him for some red and he was kind enough to give me a whole bread the woman asked in christie who was that man can you tell me i want to thank him the son said mother he did not tell anything about him he just muttered few words and bent on his way and those words were the evil you do remains with you the good you do comes back to you as the mother heard those words she was stunned she leaned against the door for support now she knew who was that man she remembered the poison bread that she had made that morning and had she not burnt that bread in the fire it would have been eaten by her own son and he would have lost his life she realized the significance of the words the evil you do remains with you the good you do comes back to you if we see in our lives then we will find that this principle of karma is applicable to all if we do bad deeds bad will happen to us and if we do good deeds good will happen to us if you will dig a pit for someone then you will yourself fall in that bit and if you do good to others then good will come back to you do good and don't ever stop doing good even if it is not appreciated at that time if you want to live a happy life then you start giving happiness to others because what we give to others comes back to us that's why it is said that the evil you do remains with you the good you do comes back to you you

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