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I Will Grant You Victory | God Message Today | God Message For You Today | God Message Now

my dear child I want to speak directly to your heart to connect with you on a deep and emotional level I know life can be overwhelming at times but I want you to know that everything will turn out well no matter how daunting the situation may seem it is within my grasp and I will grant you Victory please do not be filled with fear I'm sending you these words to strengthen your faith I offer you love salvation Grace and forgiveness I also want you to know that I take responsibility for your troubles I have already overcome this world's afflictions and I have ignited a spark of life within your heart which will grow and flourish each word I speak to you is like a foundation stone fortifying your life providing shelter and bringing peace and protection to your family don't be afraid or disheartened but don't don't remain idle either your Soul's adversary seeks your defeat but you must rise to the occasion stand up to the battle the forces of Darkness will flee and blessings that have been withheld will be released I have heard your prayers and though the forces of Darkness may try to steal from you you have not given up and you have continued to pray with faith now I urge you not to falter keep tilling the soil rise early and SE do not be discouraged by the sight of others faltering and abandoning their faith persist in your efforts for in my perfect time you will witness a Bountiful Harvest treasure this message when you feel downtrodden listen to it again open your Bible nourish your soul with Psalms and Proverbs and study the lives of my servants The Heroes of Faith [Music] they were imperfect yet they silenced Lions defeated armies and remained steadfast just as they endured pain and suffering so must you do not surrender to your adversaries or those who seek to disrupt your familial Harmony confront them in my holy name and fight until the end do not submit to emotional turmoil distance yourself from those who harm you with their words and actions while you committed to supporting them through thick and thin they have no right to rob you of your future or trample your integrity Stand Tall you possess great worth and precious dignity protect your loved ones and avoid violence and malevolence regardless of what others may say those who criticize you do not lend a hand during your time of conflict so Heed These words and fight for your freedom Freedom do not place your hopes in people who may fail you many promise eternal love but flee When Storms approach stealing your joy and hope if you seek Clarity depart from violence for the sake of your children Escape wickedness and fear not for I will provide all that you need do not follow those who seek to clip your wings preventing you from soaring I have rescued you to brighten your future he Feld your soul with my love and I will pour peace into your heart and anoint you with Supernatural joy in times of pain the world's winds bring pessimism and Whisper negative thoughts in your ears regardless of what happens hold on to the security my words provide fear not do not faint be strong and courageous for I Am with You await me at dawn come into my presence when you receive the first rays of the new day the Brilliance you see is my love announcing the wondrous and Supernatural things I wish to can and shall accomplish in your life dedicate your faith to me weary though it may be kneel bringing all your conflicts and problems anxiety and frustration to my feet today I have spoken to you with tenderness revealing what resides in my heart you have chosen to listen obey me and journey towards your future with faith and determination I tell you and you must believe it you shall prosper despite the current circumstances and the obstacles you see all will turn out well I shall overthrow your enemies and you shall Raise Your Hands In Praise thank you for your blessings tell your family that it is indeed worth hearing believing and obeying your heavenly father's word I love you pay attention I have an Urgent Message for your heart I truly love you you mean so much to me even if you distance yourself I continue to love you I will seek you wherever you are rescuing you from the deepest pit I want you to feel my affection there are no words in the universe that can adequately describe this holy beautiful Eternal emotion I feel for you holy beautiful this is Eternal emotion is so tender for you I will never abandon you because you are essential to me there is no reason for me to break my eternal commitment to hold you in my hands I await you every day early in my presence you will find the strength and comfort you need to face the challenges on your path no matter how enormous the mountain may appear I am here to help you conquer it I shall Elevate you to the highest spirit spiritual level strengthening your spirit I want you to understand something this is the message I wish to convey to you today do not compare my love to anyone else's or doubt your own worth due to the challenges you face today do not discard my word because of your failures do not underestimate my blessings do not cast my forgiveness aside I remain the same and I shall continue to love and strengthen you I repeat I will never fail you I have the right to establish a covenant with you and this Covenant is already written I grant you salvation and you are an heir to blessings that Empower you with peace patience and love I will open your eyes to see beyond the contempt and you will praise me when you comprehend how great and wonderful your future is your happiness begins here and now today you are filled with unwavering strength Mighty power I ignite in your heart a purpose for living a light to illuminate your path the motivation to keep fighting without giving up the desire to help serve and bless those around you allow me to guide you and provide you with wisdom every step of the way trust that I will never leave you alone I will always be by your side to hold your hand and lift you up when you feel weak I am your omnipotent God and today I command the Seas and storms to obey you as well I grant you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and nothing shall harm you watch as your enemies fall to the left and right all who rise against you shall be ashamed and defeated please do not tell me that you feel insignificant ific I do not want you to belittle yourself or deny this beautiful blessing you say you love me and have faith prove it in this manner receive these words and believe them confront your conflicts and problems prepare to overcome today I surround you with my love fill you with my power on this day I reaffirm my Covenant I shall always be by your side I love you and I will never abandon you dare to write these three words in your own hand I believe it I have blessed you and I have done it you have asked for health and happiness for your family I want to prosper you in all things just as your soul and heart seek me and grow in my love I tell you I ble

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