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Rest in My Presence | Gods Message Today | God Blessings Message | Gods Message for Me Today

beloved child Rest In The Deep Assurance of my unfailing love let your body Mind and Spirit relax in my presence release into my care anything that is troubling you so that you can focus your full attention on me be AED by the vast dimensions of my love for you wider longer higher and deeper than anything you know Rejoice that this marvelous love is yours for forever the best response to this glorious gift is a life steeped in thankfulness every time you thank me you acknowledge that I am your lord and provider this is the proper stance for a child of God receiving with Thanksgiving bring me the sacrifice of gratitude and watch to see how much I bless you cast all your anxiety on me because I care for you I am here holding out my hands to take the burden that weigh heavily on your heart in the Stillness of your soul find the peace I offer a peace that transcends all understanding a peace that guards your heart and your thoughts in me remember my child that in my presence there is fullness of joy and at my right hand there are Pleasures forever more I am the source of all comfort and strength in times of distress Lean on Me In moments of Joy share it with me your life is a tapestry of moments both challenging and beautiful and I am with you through each one I pray that out of my glorious riches I may strengthen you with power through my spirit in your inner being let Christ dwell in your hearts through faith be rooted and established in my love may you have the power together with all the saints to grasp how how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God I am the vine you are the branches whoever abides in me and I in them they will bear much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing Let My Words dwell in you richly let them be the foundation upon which your life is built in time of uncertainty cling to my promises they are the anchor for your soul firm and secure remember I am the same yesterday today and forever my love for you is unchanging unwavering and eternal you are my beloved in you I am well pleased walk in the confidence of my love let it be the shield around you the strength within you and the light that guides your path seek first my kingdom and my righteousness and all these things will be added to you I am your refuge and strength and everpresent help in trouble therefore do not fear though the Earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea be still and know that I am God I will be exalted among the Nations I will be exalted in the earth my child let your life be a test testimony of my love and faithfulness share the hope that is within you let your words and actions reflect my grace and compassion be a light in the darkness a source of comfort and encouragement to those around you in my love there is no fear perfect love casts out fear so walk boldly live joyfully and love deeply my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness I Am With You Always even to the End of the Age strengthened by my love filled with my spirit and empowered to face each new day with hope and courage I invite you to be willing to go out on a limb for it is there you will find me leading you understand that this place seemingly precarious is the safest when you're in my will your desire for a risk-free life understandable as it is stands as a form of unbelief a subtle barrier to the depth of faith and trust I am beckoning you towards your longing to live close to me must surpass your fear of uncertainties and risks you are now at a pivotal Crossroads in your spiritual journey to follow me wholeheartedly you must let go of your inclination to play it safe let me guide you step by step through this day with your focus firmly on me even the most perilous paths can be tread without fear in time you will learn to relax and find joy in the adventure of our journey together remember as long as you stay close to me my sovereign presence encircles and protects you in every circumstance even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me Psalm 23:4 this assurance is your anchor in times of trial and uncertainty in the darkest valleys in the moments where Shadows Loom large my presence is your Constant Comfort and guide those who know my name will put their trust in me for I the Lord have never forsaken those who seek me Psalm 9:10 my faithfulness is unending and my love is unfailing I'm a God who keeps his promises and my commitment to you is Everlasting when you seek me with all your heart you will find me and in finding me you will find the strength courage and peace you need to face any challenge whoever serves me must follow me and where I am my servant also will be my father will honor the one who serves me John 12-26 to serve me is to follow me and to follow me often means walking paths that the world may deem risky or unconventional yet these are the paths where true faith is exercised and strengthened in your service to me in your willingness to follow where I lead you will find honor from my father child I call call you not to a life of comfort and predictability but to a life of faith and trust in me the way of faith is not a path void of challenges rather it is a journey marked by Reliance on my sovereignty and Grace in your walk with me you will face moments where your faith will be tested where you will be called to stand firm in the face of fear and uncertainty consider the words spoken to Mary the the holy spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you so the Holy One to be born will be called The Son of God Luke 1:35 this mystery the word becoming flesh and dwelling among you reveals my glory the glory of the one and only who came from the father full of grace and truth John 1:14 this truth is a Cornerstone of your faith a profound revelation of my love and grace remember the Journey of the wise men As Told in Matthew 29:11 they followed the star they had seen in the East until it led them to where I the young child was their Joy was immense their worship sincere they brought gifts of gold frankincense and myr laying them before me in Humble adoration their Journey marked by faith and reverence is a model for your own spiritual path in your daily walk seek to emulate this posture of worship and adoration let your life be a journey of following my light rejoicing in my presence and offering your own gifts your time your talents your very self to Me In Worship in prayer and in Daily acts of devotion lay your life before me as an offering in moments of Doubt or confusion look to me your guiding star and find reassurance in my presence I Am With You Always illuminating your path guiding you through every circumstance in my light find the wisdom and Direction you seek in my presence find the peace and rest

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