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I Will Care For You | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

my beloved child this week I will bless you abundantly I will care for you surround you with mercy and show you my love in countless ways each day I will heal you with peace and tenderness I will hold you close through every challenge you face this week you will see my hand at work in your life you believe in my words and that's why I love speaking to your heart every day you treasure my word in your soul keeping it in your mind and always remembering it I Delight in hearing you speak my promises and bow before me in prayer this is how you will see many miracles in your life your faith is growing stronger and I sense your prayers are filled with more confidence and Assurance you know that praying is never in vain and that I will answer you that pleases me this week is filled with many tasks but your soul will be tranquil many situations will test your faith but your heart will trust in my word alone do not forget to give me the time I deserve I am more important than all your duties and responsibilities give me a few minutes of your day in silence offer me your sincere faith and give me your whole heart do not forget your dreams I want them to become reality I want your eyes to see what your faith and my power can achieve this message is very special for you and you know it recently your mind was filled with doubts and you wondered if I heard your prayers but through my words I'm showing you that I am always listening even when you speak to me only in your thoughts I am attentive my love for you is immense and unwavering trust in me for I am always by your side guiding you protecting you and loving you through every moment of your life your dreams are my dreams your desires my desires many of the plans you have will come to fruition because I will take care of them your life matters to me your happiness your fulfillment and knowing that you will be a great blessing to others whatever you do this week do it with passion strive with the strength I give you I am giving you much wisdom prudence and intelligence to use Triumph and success are coming to you I say it I have promised it and so I have determined it do not doubt it it is no coincidence that you receive this message listen carefully let it be written in your heart this word that can transform you I hear your thoughts and I do pay attention your laments resonate here at my Throne you are crying out for a change of life and Direction but I will tell you what you need to do so do not stress do not make strong decisions today I want you to meditate silently and carefully on everything I will say to you if you leave your place where will you go I brought you to where you are today because that is how I wanted it until here I have helped you and you cannot deny it sometimes you get desperate and don't know what to think but I assure you my child you must not worry I took you by the hand and I will continue guiding you at this moment I am filling you with peace and much Serenity Divine oil is poured on your head and a fragrance of security quietude and Tranquility fills your room my presence in your life is real not an invention of your imagination the same power that sustains the universe is writing these verses to you the same love that has cared for you since childhood guides the voice that swws this word in your heart marking your destiny you don't need to wander from place to place from time to time from thought to thought there is no reason for you to throw in the towel and lose your way if I brought you to where you are it is for a powerful and Supernatural reason and if you don't understand it now soon in the Stillness of the night my spirit will reveal to you the great things I will do with you my blessings healing spiritual growth and abundant provision are coming your way those who left will return bringing you great gifts and much happiness trust in my love my child and know that I am always with you guide and protecting you every step of the way what do you desire most yes I know but I want to hear it from you speak aloud and ask me let your faith shine today you needed to hear feel and enjoy this Divine love that fills you with beautiful feelings I love you ask me and I will give it to you I repeat it again so you feel it deep within you I love you forever do not be disturbed good things are coming for you the time is near when you will recover many lost things you will witness that nothing is impossible for me A great miracle is on its way your prayer has been answered what I want to give you is even better than what you will ask for your destiny is in my hands no one else's do not look around or let negative people fill you with thoughts of failure I am with you I love you you that is the truth others may prefer to live in lies but you had the courage to believe me and now I declare that you will flourish even in Barren land in the place where everyone complains of scarcity where others abandon their hopes you my beloved child will strengthen your dreams will be reborn and you will walk in success everything meant to destroy you I have transformed to make you stronger what today seems like a great trial will become a great testimony of Faith perseverance dedication patience strength and love trust in me even when your future seems unclear no matter how low you have fallen my hand can lift you sometimes it may seem like I am silent but I am never absent my mighty arm will sustain you until you Triumph my timing is perfect for you take advantage of it now is the time to act the world is disheartened by news of scarcity and rumors of wars but you live under my protection you and your family are always under my blessing when I tell you to walk walk when I command you to rise rise when I declare you a Victor open your heart to my words and do not dwell on the mistakes and sins of the past the past is gone behold I have changed your life and transformed you completely you are no longer the same your future is in my hands in my presence I will keep and protect you that is why I command you again to pray every day no matter how you feel seek me with joy and Faith even if you wake up with turbulent emotions and doubts come to me anyway I love you and receive you as you are I want you to take a step of faith do not fear here I will help you stabilize your feelings I will fill your heart with encouragement and remind you of my promises so that you can believe again today more than ever you need me and I know it I love that you talk to me that you trust me with your feelings I heard you this morning I listened and even if your words were few your sincerity and intention are what count I do not need more remember if you have faith even as small as a mustard seed that is enough for your prayer to be heard in heaven it is there that your destiny is decided from there I send you comfort and show you my love I know what you need I know what I will give you according to my will all my answers will always be for your good

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