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I Know Your Journey | God Message Today | God Message for You Today | God Message for me Today

my dear child you have already faced many tests and challenges in your life and I want you to know that your faith and perseverance have not gone unnoticed now it is your turn to be blessed you have endured hardships learned valuable lessons and shown incredible courage in the face of adversity I want you to understand that the difficulties you faced were not your fault you did not cause them the adversary Like the Wind that Shakes the wheat sought to disturb your life in your moments of desperation You released your Seeds of Hope and they fell onto the ground moistened by your tears but I want you to open your eyes with faith because the Earth is trembling and a green Sprout is emerging I want this truth to be etched in your heart this year you will reap a Bountiful Harvest the seeds you thought were lifeless are coming back to life and they will return to you as fruitful and beautiful blessings these blessings will enrich your spiritual life without bringing sorrow tension or problems I have positioned you perfectly to prosper but you must understand that I am your Shepherd and your provision will come when you treat others with kindness without placing complete trust in any mortal being obey my Commandments leave behind doubt and pessimism and rise with faith great Miracles and wonders are possible if you believe understand that this is not a game it's not about luck magic or vague declarations I am speaking of my holy word which always fulfills itself in perfect timing according to my will I see your desire for change your longing for things to go well well your yearning for Prosperity compassion wisdom and truth in your life and the lives of your loved ones you seek a transformation with all your heart and I want to assure you that I can and will transform you I have the power to change hearts and Minds overnight but I always need your faith you're entering a new phase in your life and I want you to leave behind what is holding you back reach for forward with faith and grasp the blessings I am placing before you the trials have passed Your Time Has Come Today I will perform beautiful miracles in your life and the lives of your family and you will not be troubled by the doors that have closed speak to me affirm your thoughts and write them down tell me that you believe and accept this holy encouragement that comes from Heaven if one door closes do not not despair for another massive door will soon open bringing something even better there is a spiritual battle in the Heavenly realm for your life and your faith many enemies oppose your growth attacking you from outside and within though you cannot see them but fear not for I will place people with Divine knowledge in your path to assist you accept their Guidance with humility dedicate time to prayer and I will will reveal even more to you you will emerge victorious in this battle all obstacles you face will be vanquished I want you to know that while I can deliver you in an instant I need you to value your faith your talents and your gifts understand that victories are not won by you alone if you disregard my word and abandon your faith the enemy will seek to tear you apart and leave you in despair you are destined to go far and bless many and your family will also grow in wisdom and humility they will prosper in all things but we must walk this journey together give me your hand for you are ready to ascend to that spiritual level where the future is determined and lives are transformed there are countless good things and beautiful Works to be accomplished today as you listen to me the foundations for a strong future for your family are being laid each one of you will receive gifts talents professions and a desire to study and prepare beyond your imagination today you and your family are not meant to live in spiritual poverty emotional confusion or the burden of debt Embrace what I say learn to dream and I will increase your faith helping you to receive and manage these blessings with confidence I will replace your afflictions with blessings your sadness with strength and your pain with healing through my love I want you to feel the tender Embrace I am giving you right now wherever you are even if you are surrounded by others take a few seconds to receive this gift by faith bringing calm to your soul and peace to your mind I Empower you to control the turbulent emotions that may arise with in you the news you receive May alarm You Weary you and make you feel weakened but I want you to believe me when I say that I am here your life continues and this too shall pass your future is sealed with the anointing from above and your blessings will not be diminished by any enemy seeking to discourage you I possess the power and my eternal desire is for you to receive all the Wonders I have promised I am God not man I do not deceive and my purpose Remains the Same as it has been since the beginning of time I have come to save you offer you eternal life and guide you on the right path I am the way the truth your life Your solution and your way out therefore I ask you with love to cling to my promises and not to be swayed by the lies of this world it pleases me to see you placing your trust in me and disregarding the threats of provocators who seek to steal your peace fill your mind with anger and confusion and Lead You astray from the truth my love and my presence now that you understand their intentions know that I know you love me and I trust that you will not allow anyone to remove you from the place where you are surrounded by affection and supreme love unlike any other other in your life I understand that you have experienced loneliness and a lack of tenderness in your life but now I embrace you and console you with Divine strength and encouragement because I love you deeply my child I heard your plea your urgent request for my mighty hand to come and fix your situation I comprehend your concerns and I want you to realize that you will always need me even when things are going well and prosperity surrounds you do not forget this do not let your guard down because the enemy seeks an opportunity to make you careless destroy your faith disrupt your plans and wound your soul A New Beginning awaits you and soon you will witness it instead of dwelling on the same thoughts repeatedly surrender your thoughts to me if thoughts of defeat arise do not embrace them for they are impossible you will not be defeated because you believe in the omnipotent God if despair attempts to grip your heart do not open its doors for that would be a grave mistake the one who believes in my power and anticipates my blessings cannot be discouraged if the desire to live slips through your fingers use your faith you believe and serve a powerful and Sovereign God who will ignite the fire of divine Love in Your Heart filling you with a wonderful desire to keep fighting hold fast to the promises I am making to you grasp these words I am speaking to you you

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