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How To Handle Shame About Sexual Desires? | Sadhguru

foreign [Music] you're actually a sexually transmitted disease you know [Applause] it is the basics of life you are born because of that I'm saying not your sexuality somebody else's so uh we are born out of that should we end with that that's a question it is not about right and wrong it is not about morality it is about the limited nature of what it is do you want to be stuck in it forever or do you want to think this is all bad I don't want to touch it no I would say for at least 30 to 40 percent of the human beings it is only a passing thing within themselves but because of social culture they all believe they must go in the direction there may be another 30 40 for whom it's very compulsive need another 30 40 percent medium they're like they need it but not so compulsively this is the nature of the population I am saying this with certain absolute sense of perception about this not everybody is on it all the time but today Society is cultivating them cultivating them like this if you're not it you're not no not normal so what you're essentially saying is all the yogis of the past were not normal Buddha was not normal nobody was normal except those who are in the pornography sites nobody's normal no this is highly exaggerated sense of physicality there is a physical body it has come into existence only because of somebody's sexuality isn't it Zeus sex is a fundamental Instinct in the body is one thing it's residing in your mind is another thing that is happening because of a certain level of culture around you that is happening because of somebody told you it is a sin you should not think about it it is just that there is a dignified way of conducting it for that we created institutions we created a certain level of commitment because there is a fundamental need within a human being to conduct every aspect of our life with some sense of aesthetic otherwise we will feel like animals see we eat we can eat like this when you're very hungry you become like an animal if you've not eaten for five days you will eat like that with both hands like how have you seen a how a hungry dog will eat like that a human being also will behave like that when the need becomes like that now the same but now we learn to sit properly when you're very hungry so I know [Laughter] some brahmachary is showing you his lung power [Laughter] [Music] uh [Laughter] you would have run three ohms by the time he finishes off um [Applause] because when something is very needed for you just if you wait two minutes you will see what is compulsive becomes conscious food sex sleep and death these are four things which are compulsive a human being distinguishes himself or herself from animal nature just by conducting these aspects of life also consciously that is when if you do these things like any other creature on the planet the moment you see somebody like that you say it's like animal isn't it so instinctually there is a certain compulsiveness but you have an intelligence which can make you conscious and conduct that aspect of life consciously if you don't do that then you see every day you're hearing about rapes and brutality and all kinds of things it's the same desire he has that any other man has but you cannot conduct it in an aesthetically correct way in a dignified way that his compulsions overtake his intelligence so first thing is leave this nonsense about it being a sin it being wrong morality that's not the point the important thing to understand is the limited nature of what it is there are many people who cannot stop eating hello it's just a good thing about eating is if you can't stop eating it will be immediately noticed by everybody who did not see you eating also similarly there are some people with sexuality there are some people who fall asleep wherever they are satsang is a good place it's happening it's okay so uh this is the fundamental thing these Basic Instincts that we have in our bodies of food sex sleep and death when you conduct these four things consciously that is when you are a human being including that I'm saying that is when you are a genuine human being otherwise it's an evolutionary lapse so what can I do satguru is evolution no no that is the whole thing once you become a human being evolution is by choice will you evolve or will you not when you are a monkey you did not choose to become human but once you become a human being what kind of human being do I want to be is your choice at a certain moment of compulsion you may think I don't have choice no you have choice you have not learned how to exercise the choice still instincts are there but you can conduct it by choice not by compulsion that's the difference all of you are born out of sex but should you live for this for the rest of your life this is a choice this is a choice it is an element of your body it is not the whole of it it is an element of who you are it is not the entirety of Who You Are essentially it is a longing what we long for can be transformed isn't it when you are a child you are longing for a peppermint as you grow up you long for something else right now you're a young adult you're longing for something but longings keep changing isn't it this longing will it shame change by the compulsions of time or will it change by choice my conscious Choice it is not about you must give up this you must give up that you must become like this you must become like that there are also ways for that that one who wants to transcend can transcend it is not a giving up if you transcend you are free from everything but the most important thing is even when you're in it are you a conscious choice or are you a compulsive animal this is the thing because the essential difference between a human being an animal is their instinctive reaction to life we are a conscious response to life exercise that it's all right you don't have to feel guilty you don't have to feel oh I am sexually driven so I am not spiritual you're driven so you can make it in the spiritual process instead of being driven if you become the driver that is the spiritual process you want to be driven by something or you want to be The Driver if you are the driver that is the spiritual process I'm just gonna [Music] [Music] thank you

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