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How to Find Stillness: A Retreat into Nature with Eckhart Tolle

there something not right something is missing it is not complete I am not complete and then it formulates further thoughts on the basis of that original erroneous assumption first of all you have nature here magnificent nature so you will be walking you will be looking you will be breathing and smelling and you will be listening to The Sounds perhaps even touching the sand there's plenty of it a tree so you use your senses or your senses are there and you as you go about in between sessions you interact with nature and that's a great opportunity for allowing nature to help you to become still and present rather than giving into the hypnotism of the mind with every thought wanting to draw your attention to it and saying this is so important I must think about this and then you've disappeared there's all that nature around you but you are no longer there the sacredness of nature suddenly is no longer there for you so you because you your Consciousness has been absorbed Again by The Mind stream very easy to happen and most likely will happen many times in the next few days here until the moment comes when you say oops this is what's going on and then you have a choice of bringing your attention back to sense perceptions alertness returns and you can when you become familiar with the falling back into identification with the mind and you might find that it it says something that's it's not happy with something or something isn't quite enough or there's something missing I have that feeling there's something and then very quickly the Mind interprets that feeling is ah yes that's what's wrong here now I [Music] know if you are familiar with the human mind you may be then you'll know one of the underlying patterns is that it continuously seems to say something not right something is missing this is not complete I am not complete but something is needed here to something needs to be added to this moment to this situation and then it formulates further thoughts on the basis of that original erroneous assumption once you recognize that pattern then you can it is easier not to get drawn into it at least not for too long so watch your mind as it becomes active and then it's you have a choice of either allowing yourself to be drawn into proliferating mindstreams might even want to get away from here it's quite a common phenomenon on Retreats a certain percentage of people after the second day or even the first day says get me out of here or you start looking up the uh uh flight information on the internet or you call a friend well there's something not right here I'll tell you about it so the opportunity is here for you to allow nature to bring you into that still awareness so that you can contemplate experience all those all that wonderful nature around you without undue interference by thinking what is there to think about when you go for a walk on the beach here nothing you're n you you can only fully experience it when you become still and then you perceive through the Stillness rather than through conceptualized thought which interprets everything you see oh this is that and that's that and that's that when I like I don't like so that's you use nature and come to your senses as the expression goes you come to your senses but that implies that there is an awareness there that makes clear unobstructed sensory perception possible and then you you be amazed how at the sacredness of that space through which you move here and sacredness is not something that I could explain to to you or to your mind because the human mind says just a second sacredness what does that mean you haven't explained that term and that would be extremely hard impossible to explain it's a term that is no longer much in use these days uh sacredness it's a Holiness even is the Germanic based word sacredness the L based word is the same meaning but you can sense it the moment you your attention Rises and you go and there you see the branch of the tree moving slightly and there you see a bird flying across and the waves and suddenly is the totality of that experience

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