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Beware: Sadhguru Reveals the Universe’s Greatest Mystery! [RARE INSIGHT]

know they found or they seem to have found something near to uh what they are referring to as God Particle you know this it's called the boson which has a mass which is of a certain significance if you try to look at the whole universe you will not see anything if you just look at an atom intensely enough and if the atom yields to you then you know how the whole universe is made now they're no more talking about an atom they were talking about subatomic particles now they're not even talking about that when two subatomic particles Collide not atoms when two protons Collide something spills out of that they want to see that but when you say I'm on the path of yoga you're not even interested in the tiny minuscule particle we always told you the yogic systems always insisted the microcosm and the macrocosm are made the same way if you know this piece of life you will know everything in the universe because that's how it is made when they say if you know the way these bosen behave and what they are they saying we will know the whole universe the way the universe was made we will understand but you don't understand that you are also a bloody boson in the cosmic space you are just a boson so you are as much as a hi boson in the universe If You observe this if you pay enough attention to this this you would know [Music] everything there is right now no technological use but they're willing to spend $ 10 billion and 30 years just to know something if you go further it will become sh that means absolute emptiness there your intellect will be completely useless your senses will be completely useless because there is no physicality if you are willing to go into the depths of what this is because this is made exactly the same way the whole universe is made if you go deep enough into this and you know how this is made by inference you know how everything in the universe is made by inference and even now science is also only inferring today modern science has admitted that it's an ever expanding universe or an endless universe rather ever expanding is a yogic term they are calling it an endless universe if it's an endless universe trying to travel across the universe and find out the nature of the universe is unable isn't it simply out of question the only way you could know the nature of the universe nature of the creation and the source of creation is by going inward because whatever you ate in the morning whether it's a idly or a DOA or a banana has been transformed into a human being in the last few hours nobody else can do this except the source of creation so if the source of creation is right here if you want to know anything about creation isn't it the best place to consult if you want to know anything about creation isn't the source of creation the best place to consult and if you had to go to heaven for this you could give it up if it is right here why don't you consult simply because you too enamored by your own thought you think you are going to capture the whole universe with your thoughts it is a foolish way to approach the only reason why science has survived is because of Technology keeps throwing out Technologies if no Technologies were coming out of science they were just talking about all the things that they have been talking people would have beaten them down what has happened to me so after I spoke there and we had two-day event and uh then my English teacher came and hugged me and she said now I know why you wouldn't let me teach Robert Frost I said said why Ma'am why would I not let you teach Robert Frost I like frost she said no you do you remember you wouldn't let me teach Frost then I remembered one day she came and she opened the book and she introduced Robert Frost as a glorious poet and then she started off Woods are lovely dark and deep I said stop I said a man who calls a tree a wood I don't want to listen to him she said no no Robert Frost is a great p i I said I don't care how great he is a man who calls a tree of wood I will not listen to him I didn't let her teach Frost so after many years she comes up to me and she says now I know why you wouldn't let so if a tiger comes here now from the mountains I mean if you come from Sri Lanka that's different if a tiger comes down from the mountain looks at you he will think wow dinner so you look at a tree and you think wood it's all right for a tri tiger to do that because that's all he knows but it's not all right for you to do that isn't it but right now that is all science has become anything we see how to make use of it anything we see how to make use of it even an invisible atom we won't leave even the godamn boson already people are talking about in how many ways it could be used we could make a bosan bomb do you understand if we make a boson bomb all of you will just vanish we don't even have to deal with your dead bodies because you'll cease to exist just like the boson I know I'm going to be hugely unpopular because somebody is going to Twitter and say sadguru say science should be curtailed it's all right I'm telling you a science which is driven just by what can I get out of it needs to be controlled a bit otherwise human beings will have everything and they'll have nothing when that is your experience then you will destroy everything

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