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Best Prayers To Fall Asleep | Peaceful Bible Sleep Talk Down To Invite God’s Presence

[Music] thank you remember that the Bible in Psalm 29 verse 11 says the Lord gives strength to his people the Lord blesses his people with peace God blesses his people with peace what a wonderful promise for us to hold on to now let us pray dear Lord without you there is no peace Lord without your presence in our lives we are lost we are confused and incomplete and so father we need you we need you to bring peace into our lives to bring peace into our homes only as we live in your presence Lord can we be made whole and complete genuine peace comes with your presence Lord and it is this peace that leaves us unaffected by the Troubles of the world with you Lord Jesus we can see the trouble around us we can even acknowledge that there is trouble around us however our hearts will not be troubled because you are with us I pray that the blessing of Peace would rest over our lives let your peace reign in the hearts of each and everyone listening I pray for peace in their homes and peace in their minds when we feel overwhelmed Lord we will find refuge in you for your word in John 14 verse 27 says peace I leave with you my peace I give you I do not give to you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid the peace that you offer Lord surpasses anything I could gain from this world as we lay our burdens and cares at the foot of the cross we trust and believe that you are in control of Our Lives you have authority over the trials and challenges we face and if you allow something into our lives Lord we trust that it is for our good it is for our benefit in the faith King Jesus the Bible says in Colossians 3 verse 15. and let the peace of God rule in your hearts to which also you were called in one body and be thankful Lord Jesus I pray that you would speak the words peace be still into our lives reach down into the deepest parts of our minds and take away every worry replace it all with your love with your joy and courage you are the one who sees and knows all things calm our fears and anxieties give us the kind of peace that will calm our hearts and allow us to fully and wholeheartedly trust in you give us the kind of peace that banishes all worry and care strengthen us Lord with you on our side we can press on through any challenges and endure the trials of life with you in our lives Lord we can never be destroyed we can never be in despair and I would like to thank you Lord because you have never turned away from us or abandoned us as your children we are glad that your word encourages Us in second Corinthians 4 verse 8 to 10 which says we are hard-pressed on every side but not crushed perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not abandoned struck down but not destroyed we always carry around in our body the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body it's you Lord Jesus who holds us together It's You Lord who makes us whole again uproot everything that seeks to discourage us remove anything that brings disturbance into our lives bring peace into our homes father peace into our hearts and Minds Lord thank you for hearing this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen as you end your day I would like to share a few things with you from the word of God Isaiah 41 verse 10 says fear not for I Am With You be not dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand allow me to put it in a different way the first line is fear not for I Am With You in other words don't be alarmed or frightened don't be afraid don't be scared because God is with you do you know what that means we're not talking about armed security we're not talking about the deadliest warriors on Earth we're talking about the creator of Heaven and Earth Yahweh Elohim is with you a God who cannot be challenged a God who is the Alpha and Omega is with you the second line of Isaiah 45 verse 10 is be not dismayed for I am your God personally I love this lot because the Bible is saying do not have reason for concern don't wallow in worry don't wrestle with anxiety because God Almighty has said I am your God [Music] he's not limited in his ability so why should you worry he doesn't sleep nor does he Slumber so why should you be so shaken about what walks in darkness do not be dismayed do not be in distress God is with you the third line says I will strengthen you I will help you oh how privileged we are as children of the most high God the father has not only told us not to fear or be dismayed but he has promised to strengthen us so should the devil attempt to point out your weaknesses tell him that you are strong in the Lord if your mind tries to tell you that you are limited you're not strong enough fight back with the word of God and remind yourself that God has said he will strengthen you he will help you and come to your Aid now finally this verse ends with the line I will uphold you with my righteous right hand to uphold is to support it's to sustain preserve and protect I like to visualize the hand of God literally upholding me above all of the attacks of the devil his hand causes me to be elevated above any harm and so I encourage you to rest in the knowledge that we serve and Believe In An Almighty God now let us pray Lord you are a mighty and all-powerful God I enter your presence with sincere gratitude for your Providence over my life I am thankful for your protection thank you for being my safe place for being my refuge I'm thankful for your wonderful care and Tender Mercies I'm seeking your powerful protection over my life I am aware King Jesus that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against spiritual wickedness in high places and Lord this highlights the need I have for your heavenly protection this highlights the need for the blood of Jesus Christ to cover me and my family your word says in Psalm 34 verse 7 which says the angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him and delivers them oh taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him thank you for your promise of protection a Psalm that offers such a blessed hope I pray that your angels wouldn't Camp around my house and offer me Divine protection from the enemy may your presence be felt strongly in this place strengthen me so that I will be able to withstand the storms of life and the challenges that I face daily strengthen me so that I will be able to withstand the attacks from the enemy give me the power to overcome give me peace so that I will not allow fear and anxiety to hold me back I put my trust in you as I seek your blessings of divine protection today I refuse to let anxiety or fear become my companion help me to trust in you and not to worry I am blessed because I am under the care of Jehovah I am blessed because you watch over me each and every day I am blessed and protected because you go before me Lord Jesus and you watch over my coming in a

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