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Facing the Future | God Message Today | God Message For You | Gods Message Now | God Message

dear one why does your heart tremble with fear what causes you to gaze into the future with such unease and apprehension I am your creator the one who sculpted you for a Divine Purpose my design was not to abandon you but to cherish and remember you always in my eyes you are a precious gem the very essence of my love and creation do not let the shadows of sadness or the chains of discouragement and snake you fear and worry Have No Dominion over you for my arms of Endless Love are eternally outstretched towards you offering guidance and support through every trial and tribulation you are beloved beyond measure a radiant Jewel that brings joy to my heart the focus of my loving gaze my presence in your life is a constant unwavering force in moments of joy Joy or sorrow health or ailment I remain steadfastly by your side remember always you are my cherished child I vigilantly watch over you protecting your dreams and lighting your path with the Luminous Beacon of Hope and guidance therefore let go of your worries and trust me with your burdens and needs do not bear these heavy loads alone place your trust wholly in me and lay down your burdens at my feet feet seek Refuge In My Embrace and allow me to lift the weight that troubles your mind and heart rest in the knowledge that you are never alone for I am here to shoulder your burdens with you trust in me beloved daughter trust in my word I do not want you to be anxious for anything much less distressed thinking that you are alone in this hostile and adversarial world for I your father shall ensure that you lack nothing neither food nor drink nor clothing I am your God and provider and I shall make available to you all means to attain your desires you shall never be left in want for my word guarantees that my promises will be fulfilled bringing sustenance and blessings into your life trust in me and your dreams and desires shall come to fruition do not fear tomorrow for I shall be with you at all times I only ask that you have faith in me and I assure you that nothing shall be lacking for everything you need I shall provide I will open Pathways before you and reveal opportunities you could not have seen doors of blessings shall be opened for you to walk through and partake in all my promises remember that I am your father the creator of the heavens and the Stars I bestowed Beauty upon the nature that surrounds you today in my love and provision I multiplied Loaves and Fishes gave drink to the Thirsty in the desert demonstrating my power to those who had the least so trust in me and heed my words for your time has come this is the moment to rise up and move forward with confidence do not surrender or falter for I am within you and my strength is is your strength I shall be with you as you Traverse this desert of Life quenching your thirst and guiding you to Fountains of Living Water where you shall never be alone again come into my arms my daughter do not fear I am here for you all you need to do is take a step of faith and believe that I will help you in this challenging moment entrust your fears and anxieties to me and do not be consumed by the rush and worry of these times do not let fear dictate your decisions listen to my voice whispering to your heart reminding you that you are my beautiful and unique daughter capable of facing whatever comes with courage and strength remember that I brought you into this world for a unique and sacred purpose not to leave you alone or forgotten for you are the most precious to me I shall never abandon you in Desolation I am your beloved father your God and your creator release your burdens now and let my love unfold you allow my blessings to flow over you in ways you could never have imagined it is time for you to trust in me and place everything in my hands for I shall pour out upon you great and wondrous blessings that will Mark a before and after in your life prepare yourself my daughter prepare to receive blessings and be a Living testament to my power in your life do not fear the future for I hold you in my hands walk with courage and hope knowing that I am your faithful God your protector and eternal guide move forward beloved daughter with determination and perseverance for the faith you have placed in me shall be rewarded and my love that surrounds you today shall lead you to places of fulfillment joy and peace in my hand I hold the miracle you await do not despair something great is coming for you my son at this moment when your soul weeps and your heart feels wounded and ailing allow me to envelop you with my words of Love comfort and hope do not think that you are alone or abandoned for you have never been and even in the times when you may have felt lost in the darkness know that I have always been by your side cradling you in my arms of love and compassion today my beloved Son I want you to immerse yourself in my love and grace for in my hands I hold the miracle you have been waiting for in my hands I possess a blessing so immense that it will make you strong healthy and prosperous this is the miracle you have longed for and passionately yearned for in your heart despite facing trials and tribulations you never wavered in your Faith each tear you shed was not in vain for not one of them escaped my notice every prayer every sigh and every Cry of yours in the middle of the night has been heard that is why I am here to wipe away your tears and heal your deepest wounds I shall wrap you in my words of Love comfort and hope I do not want you to ever think that you are alone or that I have abandoned you for I have never left your side today my beloved Son I want you to immerse yourself in my love and grace for in my hands I hold the miracle you have been waiting for in my hands I possess a blessing so immense that it will make you strong healthy and prosperous this is the miracle you have longed for and passionately yearned for in your heart despite facing trials and tribulations you never wavered in your faith each tear you shed was not in vain for not one of them escaped my notice every prayer every sigh and every Cry of yours in the middle of the night has been heard that is why I am here to wipe away your tears and heal your deepest wounds my dear child I understand that throughout your life you have faced numerous challenges that have tested your spirit and left marks on your soul you have endured illness suffering sorrow and despair yet in the midst of these trials your faith has stood firm you have consistently believed in my ability to answer your prayers I want you to know that my love for you remains unwavering even in times of hardship I am always by your side for you are my precious child and it is my deepest wish to see you you heal grow and flourish in every aspect of your life do not lose heart my child do not yield to despair or let the difficulties of Life sway you from my teachings I understand that sometimes the burdens may feel too heavy as if the entire worl

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