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Are You Seeking Change? WATCH THIS!

my definition of addiction is something that you can't stop right and most people who struggle from addictions are trying to regulate and alter their internal State now you and I have been hypnotized and conditioned into believing that change happens outside of us people are looking for something outside of them to change their internal State it's kind of a Newtonian principle you wait for your wealth to come to feel abundant you wait for your healing to occur to feel wholeness you wait for your success to show up so you feel empowered you wait for your new relationship to show up to feel love you're you're waiting for the event outside of you to happen to change how you feel inside of you that's cause and effect and we're conditioned based on consumerism and marketing and programming that that's the way it works to get something to relieve yourself people watch things in their external environment and they they accept believe and surrender to those that information without any analysis and the problem with that is that people begin to confuse true happiness with pleasure and they're not the same thing so people who have addictions like that typically have had some very difficult past experiences that have branded them emotionally and they just don't know how to change they just don't know and they're just looking for some relief inside of them so that they can make that feeling go away so we can become distracted by our external environment for a period of time you know but then when you you you realize that the sports car the the new wardrobe or the vacation or whatever people do to try to make the feeling go the novelty of that that thing outside of us wears off because we're trying to re-identify with our environment and that goes away the next thing that people do is they look for some immediate change and so they take a drug they drink something they they gamble they watch pornography and the event outside of them changes their internal chemistry and the moment they notice that the pain or The Emptiness goes away the moment they feel differently they look to see what caused it and this is when the attachment begins here's the problem though the rush of chemical change that takes place the pleasure centers in the brain there's a huge release of the pleasure chemicals and the the release the intensity of those release of those chemicals begins to desensitize the receptor sites in the brain so as the brain chemicals are re released and the receptor sites become desensitized the next time you gamble the next time you take the drug the next time you shop you need a little bit more the next time so then what happens is the pleasure centers start to get recalibrated to a higher and higher level so you're always going to need more to make that feeling go away sounds like an addiction to me and so people get lost because then without the dependency on that external substance the body which has become the mind is is craving its relief an addiction really is when the body is the mind so you may say with your conscious mind I want to give up drinking I want to give up pornography I want to give up gaming I want to give up over shopping I want to give it up consciously but the body has been conditioned from the past subconsciously and so now the body's the mind now no one's told people that true change can happen within them and so then when people start to realize that there's a gap between the external world and how they present themselves to the world and their their tension on the outer world and their attention on their inner world and how they really feel and if they're spending the majority of their time looking outside of them for Change and they don't want to look at this feeling all they want to do is make that feeling go away they're going to wind up in trouble so true change is when you start looking within and you become conscious of your unconscious thoughts in Neuroscience it's called metacognition you become aware of your habits and your unconscious behaviors and you look at those emotions that are connected to past experiences and allow yourself to observe them so then think about this if 95% of Who We Are by the time we're 35 years old are those program States the moment you're observing how you think how you act and how you feel it means you're no longer the program you're now a Consciousness observing the program and you're beginning to objectify your subjective self you are seeing yourself Through The Eyes of someone else turns out that the size of the frontal loobe the crowning achievement of the human being 40% of our entire brain that's what separates us from all other species it's the boss it's the CEO it's the conscience it's the creative center it's what speculates possibilities it's what learns from its mistakes it's what has intention attention it regulates and controls behaviors and emotional reactions when your forebrain begins to turn on when that begins to happen you you are now beginning to become the executive in your life you're starting to gain more control over your life so by the mere fact that you can begin to observe who you're being means you could modify who you are to do a better job in life so then going from the old self to the new self I call that crossing the river of change because the moment the hardest part about change is not making the same choices you did the day before and the moment you're not going to think the same way make the same choice that leads to the same behavior that creates the same experience that produces the same emotion you are not going to feel like yourself it's going to feel uncomfortable it's going to feel unfamiliar there's going to be a certain amount of uncertainty you are going to feel the state of unpredictability and that's the moment you step into the river of change and the moment you step into the river of change you're then that discomfort means you're in the unknown and so the body which has been conditioned to the mind who's been living in the past would rather hold on to the guilt because at least it's familiar it' rather hold on to their own emptiness and unworthiness then not feel that because that's that's the unknown so people cling to the familiar and it transcends rationality so then the moment you step into that River and the body has become the mind the body starts sending signals back to the brain cuz it wants to return back to the familiar self and this is when we start to hear all the chatter the sub vocalizations you're not good enough if you're too much like your mother it's your ex-husband's fault start tomorrow this doesn't feel good what's wrong with me I want to kill myself that's the body saying I'd rather I don't want to go in the unknown I don't trust the unknown I'd rather hold on to this now going from that old self to the new self is the biological the neurological the chemical the hormonal the genetic death of the old self and most people they step out into that u

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