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Alan Watts on Being Alive

[Music] [Music] now why talk about this is it interesting is it important for the human being to realize that in some sense of the word whatever it means he is God one with God a lot of people understand but so what well the importance of it is this that to know that you are God is another way of saying that you feel completely with this universe you feel profoundly rooted in it and connected with it you feel an other words that the whole energy which expresses itself in the galaxies is intimate it is not something to which you are a stranger but it is that with which you whatever that is are intimately bound up that in your seeing you're hearing you're talking you're thinking you're moving you express that which it is which moves the Sun and other [Music] stars and if you don't know that if you don't feel that well naturally you feel alien you feel a stranger in the world and if you feel a stranger you feel hostile and therefore you start to bulldoze things about to beat it up and to try and make the world submit to your will and you become a real [Music] Troublemaker so I feel also uh one reason why you become hostile is that feeling that you were just brought into this place that your father and mother went up to some Monkey Business that they probably shouldn't have done or it was bad rubber goods and as a result of this here you are and you didn't ask to be here well you always feel you can turn around and blame them you can blame somebody you can blame the government you can blame the Rascals you can blame the blame the cheaters always supposing you yourself AR a rascal which is a long odds you always can blame someone and say I didn't ask for it take it away and yet and yet and yet very few people are all too ready to take it [Music] away and if you don't if you don't say take it away what are you going to do you've really got to assume responsibility for it you got to say yes to what [Music] happens you have to wake up you have to wake up

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