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3 Powerful Tips to Remove Impurities from Your System | Sadhguru

if you want this life to perform at its highest level purification is needed twice a month doing this and doing the regular practices whatever you're doing will ensure body is clean so if your chemistry is not clean then initially it's a question of unhappiness later on it's a question of ill health the five aspects of inner engineering this is a simple way of staying blissful [Music] so especially those of you who are aspiring for spiritual growth you need a good mechanism [Music] a good mechanism means least amount of friction least amount of friction nothing has gathered everything is clean now this functions smooth and easy whatever we want to do with this it becomes easy to do that but today in many ways in thought emotion even verbal purity is not there this is called wak shuddhi where a huge importance was given in this country as to what kind of sounds you utter and with what emotion you are taught you can manifest things in your life in the sense if i say flower the fragrance of flower becomes a living reality actually it will happen but those of you who are saying you're doing this to yourself just know this in your mind in your words the sounds that you utter and sounds that you hear and what kind of atmospheres you create for yourself and everybody around you all these things are important oh what is all this nobody told me this what words you utter what words you hear sounds what type of sounds do you utter it's very important if you utter it rightly like i said if you say flower fragrance should come because sound has that much power if you know how to use it see if you just want to go to work and come work essentially means on a living and come back something then with some broken down thing you can drive there and come back or you can go on a bicycle and come back now suddenly you want to enter a race track now every micro millimeter of the machine is looked at again and again and again purified and purified that's how it is if you want this life to perform at its highest level then everything just everything how you sit how you stand how you breathe how you step purification is needed otherwise it will not function like that when you're doing sadhana it's important you eat something that doesn't stick into you it must go when it's done its job not a speck of it should remain within you it must be out so how do you cleanse yourself one simple thing is at least twice a month one day should go 24-hour space must go without any ingestion of food just water this everybody here our brahmacaris and many others here are doing this in every ekadashi day that is the best day also to do that and 24 hours that is today evening you eat and only next day evening you eat you only drink water if you're feeling very tired or whatever initially after some time it'll be okay if you're doing enough sadhana it'll not be a problem otherwise if you're feeling tired a little bit of one lemon you can squeeze into it maybe a spoon of honey you can put into it it'll keep you going twice a month doing this and doing the regular practices whatever you're doing will ensure body is clean but the simplest way to arrive at cleanliness is to be in a blissful state to be hello i'm not asking you to do anything difficult i'm asking you to do the easiest thing and the most wonderful thing to do so this is a simple way because there is today we don't need any scientific today's lab lab science evidence but today there is also lab science evidence that when you're joyful when you're pleasant in experience how bodily functions happen in what way it functions how chemically it becomes very clean because human experience is rooted in in many ways in your chemistry so if your chemistry is not clean if it is getting contaminated by what you generate within you then initially it's a question of unhappiness later on it's a question of ill health and all kinds of suffering is happening if you take care of this how do i take care of this guru oh in engineering you know you thought now see it is like this you first went to school you learn a b c d all right rudimentary staff your kindergarten teacher but then you became whatever you became bsc msc a phd you became that will sound like a dead end phd so you got there and then you look at your kindergarten teacher that woman looks like no good she knows nothing you know abc suppose you forgot what she taught you and then you do how do you say phd then [Applause] so at different stages of life different things will come but it's very very important fundamentals are not lost inner engineering mother to the world hello forgot no said guru i am samyama [Applause] you forgot abc then no phd isn't it it's the same thing so the five aspects of inner engineering how to give yourself a crash course if you need it once a day give it once a day if you need it twice do it twice if you need 24 times do it 24 times if you need it 24 000 times do it 24 000 times remind yourself of the five fundamentals of engineering this is a simple way of staying blissful [Music] you

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