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10 Minutes to Start Your Day Right! – Motivational Speech By Sadhguru [YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS]

[Music] not a single day passes for me without witnessing tears of joy and love around me every day somebody will be shedding tears of love and joy I don't think there's a better way to live in this world and all of us should strive to create our own Circles of joyfulness and pleasantness around us because if you are not joyful by your own nature if you are always going around with the fear of suffering as long as fear of suffering is there within you you will never walk your life with full stride it will always be half a step most human beings have crippled themselves simply because of fear of suffering what will happen to me is always the question whatever happens this is how I will be if this assurance comes to you only now you will want to scale the peaks of life and see what about it if it happens makes no difference to you if it doesn't happen makes no difference to you that's when you would like to really explore every dimension of life so first and foremost thing is this that your way of being is not determined by what's around you if you bring this one aspect to you there is no fear of suffering once there is no fear of suffering you will Traverse the breadth and length of this life without hesitation when it comes to what you want to do you must think clearly it's very important thinking clearly means the question is not about what will get me this what will get me that is your life precious to you all of you I'm asking your life is it precious to you so before you invest this life into something you must look whether today if I invest my life into this after 25 years will it still mean a lot to me after 50 years will it still mean a lot to me at the end of my life you turn back under a look will I be proud of this or will I be ashamed of what I'm doing right now it doesn't matter what other people say but you should not do anything that you will feel ashamed of isn't it so it doesn't matter pay so many things everybody has opinion it's their business but you don't do something that you will feel ashamed of isn't it then you'll go turning against yourself somebody turns against you you can leave them and go somewhere else if you turn against yourself you'll have to live with it forever so this is all you have to look at it somebody something will get you money something will get you comfort that's not the point what you choose to do will it give you a life when I say give it give you a life are you just trying to make a living or are you trying to make a life out of this is important making a living is not an issue a worm a insect a bird an animal all of them are making their life making a living isn't it so they're even making a life out of it but definitely they're making a living so making a living with such a big brain is not an issue earning your food is not a issue making a living is not an issue only problem is you want to live like somebody else that's an endless problem I want to live is not a problem I want to live like you this is a problem so it is important if you consider your life as a precious life you must make sure you make a wonderful life out of this [Music] if your friend is doesn't not do well you'll feel sad about it if he does very well you'll feel very sad about it so you have fixed yourself in such a way whichever way you cannot be happy you you're in a self-defeating mode no matter what happens you will not be happy if you want to understand what I am saying you go and stand out on one of the main streets in Bangalore City thank you leave the poor people who are selling karlekai on the street sign leave them only look at those BMWs Mercedes and majorities and whatever is going around in Bangalore City only look at the dream cars okay because many of you may have dreams also of this just look at all these people you think they are in a perfusion of joy driving this car like that no only in case it's a stolen car you see the joy [Applause] [Music] so success has not brought joy to them if they're failed of course they are frustrated because they're very mode of approaches like this if this mode of approach comes whichever way it's not going to work because it's not even about you it's always about somebody here it's never about you the simple thing is this see if your joy your sadness your happiness your misery is determined by something or somebody around you the chances of you being joyful in your life is remote yes or no is it true that Human Experience is Created from within huh hello I'm asking all of you is it true that Human Experience Joy or misery Agony or ecstasy Madness or sanity everything is Created from inside at least if you're a manager if you're going to be a manager at least what is happening from within you must happen your way because essentially management means having situations the way we want it yes management is what having situations the way we want it well if the world is not happening your way at least this one must be happening your way otherwise what kind of management is this here is only one person here there are a thousand people they may not listen to you they got their own stuff but here there's only one person at least here what you want must happen isn't it if what you want happened would you keep yourself blissed out or miserable what's your choice you must choose I'm going to bless you now huh blessed out of course so if such a thing is not happening then all these problems come if things work it is a problem if they don't work it's a problem if you get a seat in this institution it's a problem if you cannot get out of this it's a problem you like this place so much you don't mind staying here it's not like that you must get in and you must get get out ahead of others everything it's never about you it's always about something else outside is a variable situation who these people are today tomorrow we don't know what they will say yes tomorrow morning we don't know what they will say if your way of being is determined by all these people then you are a mess you're bound to be a mess so you are a product of this planet yes or no whatever nonsense individuals may think about themselves we are all just a pop-up from this planet you've seen those pop-ups on the computer screen pop pop yes you just a pop-up you'll be gone you can't believe you will be gone ah me I will be gone yes all the very smart people countless number of people who walk this planet before and you and me where the hell are they are not a sign all became top soil isn't it so one day pop-ups aren't you a pop-up [Music] you may think you have a great life and this and that as far as the Earth is concerned it's just recycling its soil throws you up and draws you back throws you up and draws you back so in this little pop-up the important thing and the most important thing is you create sensitivity within you such sensitivity that every dimension of Life comes into your experience [Music] before you fall dead is it not important you e

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