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Why Good People Won’t Get Anywhere | Sadhguru

[Music] in this world good people are suffering more or bad people are suffering more good people are always suffering more yes people who think they are good they are simply a suffering isn't it so please look at this now first of all how did you become good he's not okay she's not okay he's not okay he's not okay he's not okay she's not okay compared to all these people I am a good man from where did you get the idea that you are good tell me you have compared yourself with lots of people and you labeled everybody as bad and now you feel good somebody who thinks he is very good in his mind nobody in the world is okay the more good you think you are nobody is okay for you is that so isn't it so people who believe they are very good people nobody wants to go anywhere near them because they're so good no life can happen your goodness is only in comparison with something else isn't yes and you establishing yourself as good and making everybody as rigid people All these people are totally rigid people then I am a really good man isn't it isn't it so good people won't get anywhere either in this world or in the other world can you take a joke one day in his previous life shankaran pillai was a good man after a brief illness he died being a good man he naturally went to heaven he landed up at heaven there at the reception committee of angels opened his account book page after page good deed good deed good deed good deed good deed kaaba took over only good deed then the angels were in confusion then they came to shankaran pillai and said mr pillai there's a little problem here he asked what is the problem he said the angel said see here we have various kinds of accommodation in heaven various levels of accommodation one bad deed means highest heaven see front view two bad deeds next level of accommodation three bad deeds next level of accommodation like this but no bad deed we don't have such a place we really don't know what to do with you you are the first man to come like this Shankaran Pillai thought what nonsense in the world nobody wanted to come near me because I was such a good man I lived with the hope of getting to heaven and even here problem then the angels had a discussion and they arrived at a conclusion they said don't you worry mr pillai we have found a solution your body is still intact there we'll give you three hours of life just commit one bad deed we'll put you in the highest heaven nothing is lost low shankaran became shankaran pillai became alive here then he sat there thinking how to commit a bad deed an hour and a half passed away see he's not like you he has no practice after an hour and a half he remembered in the neighborhood there is a woman who is well beyond her prime who's been casting inviting glances at him he being a good man he never looked that way now he thought okay adultery is a bad deed because after all he's going to do whatever he is going to do just to go to heaven so he went looking for the woman he went and knocked on her door she came and opened the door when she opened the door shankaran pillai said I want you why mr pillai just yesterday evening they told me you are on your death bed what is this he said it doesn't matter I want you he went in you know nature took over things happened between them he doesn't want to die in her house time is running out so he told her I need to go and he came to the door the woman came to see him off and she said Mr Pillai do you know what a good deed you have done for me today one more good deed so good people will neither make it here nor there it's not your goodness which liberates you your goodness is only in comparison with somebody else your goodness being in comparison with somebody else it's not about goodness it's a kind of sickness it's just like right now people are going about like this they're happy they don't know what joy is their happiness is just that they have things that other people don't have isn't it now let's say you are all very hungry but my stomach is full and I feel so happy that nobody has food but at least I have something to eat Is this happiness or sickness? Humanity is suffering from the sickness which is passing off as happiness for most people, isn't it so?

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