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You’re Always Safe With Me | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Sa

love child I know everything about you your secrets your wishes and what you really need I understand all that you say and deeply want to give you what you're looking for in return I ask for your true devotion keep loving me and serving me no matter what comes your way even when you're happy and have plenty don't forget how much I care for you you're always safe with me don't let the things happening in the world scare you the problems and enemies you face might seem tough but with my spirit you'll get through my spirit gives you wisdom and strength not through force or fighting but with gentle guidance that helps you grow stronger every day Let My Words of Peace fill you up and give you fresh hope and energy let me put it simply you're meant to have a lot of blessings so you can be a blessing to to others too nothing can stop you remember your life with me forever is incredibly valuable never forget that I'll do anything to make sure you win staying strong and never backing down always remember who you are don't be swayed by what others think live by the truth I've put in your heart you're not just a sinner my powerful love has made you clean refreshed by my spirit I've removed all bad urges from you you won't feel like hurting or speaking badly of others anymore your words will now lift people up and your kindness will spread happiness around you tell your family and friends about me don't hide our connection say out loud that I am Jesus the one who gave himself up for your sins trust and know this nothing in this world can defeat you you are ch cherished and blessed surrounded by love all the time you're not a lost cause your mind isn't filled with negative thoughts right now my holy spirit is renewing your thoughts surrounding you with universal love I'm speaking clearly today so you can grasp and embrace this open your heart to what I want for you decide to bless yourself show gratitude to those you care about and forgive anyone who has hurt you I acknowledge your struggles and understand your doubts but know that I have never forsaken you my word spoken today is reshaping your mindset look at how you live now your heart brims with courage and happiness you are stronger than you realize and all that you have endured is forged strength and wisdom within you many lack what you possess you now know me intimately your soul is filled with faith and your loyalty is unwavering believe me when I say that those who have harmed you will be humbled when they realize the depth of my love for you I've lifted you up Stripped Away the garments of Shame and despair and clothed you in my love and Glory believe and know this nothing and no one can beat you in this universe you're going to be blessed and see great success but always hold on to me listen to what I say every day take in my words and if you really trust me stop focusing on what's behind you and step forward with faith into a new life full of blessings that you can touch and see right now I love you I'm with you and no matter what happens promise me that you'll always love and trust me your name is written on the blessing I've got for you made with care ready for you to receive soon get ready and kneel down my angels are setting things up for your good feel free to share your challenges with me don't let fear grow in your mind and make you doubt keep up your courage and excitement to welcome the blessing I'm saving for you understand this I see that you're not the type to give up because of a setback God's blessings will change your life and others might get jealous some will try to block your way to these blessings some might even want to take them from you you're aware of what these people are like they're fearless and don't care about their future they wait for someone else to work hard and then try to take advantage and steal the fruits they lead sad lives taking advantage of skills they don't have kneel now prepare yourself in advance open open your heart to be surrounded by love raise your hands to the sky seek wisdom speak kindly to your family do not allow any hidden sin to come between my spirit and your heart do not think that by hiding something from me I will remain unaware of the struggles you are facing I will pour blessings upon you and your family but do not be surprised if you face opposition fear no no one I not blessing you to burden you with problems quite the contrary all struggles are temporary and your enemies are already defeated if you're feeling weak or you've messed up just kneel down and ask for forgiveness I promise you I will forgive you your soul will be cleaned and ready to take on the new challenges I have in store for you I'm going to bless you a lot that's a sure thing I've already already planned for your success so I ask you to be brave when blessings come your way the enemy will try to bring new problems to shake you but you're strong you don't get scared by threats you've never been a quitter you're not one to just cry when times get tough forgetting about me your heavenly father who can save you that's why I talk to you every day I know how brave and strong you are even when you face many difficulties but you don't give up you keep going stay on your path keep growing in faith soak up my words and you'll see I'll keep on blessing you just as your soul prospers my work in your life is complete I pour my love and anointing upon you here on Earth your enemies fear you and my angels defend you in the spiritual realm in my presence I offer you eternal life and a crown of Victory to Adorn your head you do not walk alone and even in those days when you hear bad news of financial problems lies and betrayals my presence covers you I have made you tougher than the strongest Diamond stronger than steel keep moving forward you can do it because I live in your heart you can have a smile on your face in the midst of tribulation the king of the universe is with with you a thousand may fall at your side 10,000 at your right hand but you are not shaken by the winds nor do dangers cause you fear you're not defeated by conflicts your emotions do not consume you while multitudes are lost and suffering without finding a way out you have your refuge in your place of prayer I want to remind you not to forget these words listen to them again learn them speak them write them they are strength for your soul I am giving you a beautiful gift you will have the demeanor of a champion people will see you as a person of great Authority because your face reflects the power of your heavenly father prepare yourself before going out to receive your blessings pray and think about what you will say use the wisdom I have given you do not be afraid to speak when you must fight and be silent when you must be silent but never cower when it comes to safeguarding your blessings and defending those you love watch over your family face any coward who seeks to destroy your home I want you to be happy to have peace 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