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YOU NEED TO WAIT | God Is Working Behind The Scenes

if God is making you wait then there is always a purpose there's always a reason you see when God makes you weak he is giving us an opportunity to really build our faith and we do this because in your waiting you have to dive deeper into God's word and I say you dive deeper because while you wait you need to find promises that you can stand on furthermore when you're waiting you have to seek the Lord more desperately through prayer I would venture to say that God makes us wait because he wants to develop our character or rather transform our character because in your waiting you will have to concede that it's either going to be your way or God's way it's either going to be your will or God's will you're either trusting God Enough by waiting for him to intervene or you'll force the issue so by weighing God is working on your humility because you realize that you can't just have it your way you have to bow down to a higher power and authority in your waiting God is working on your heart you go from a state of simply saying God give me the miracle or give me the blessing and then you get to waiting on the Miracle giver and The Giver of All His blessings so if you are waiting know that God is working within you he is teaching you to depend on him more to trust in him more waiting on the Lord isn't always easy but we ought to never give up or Rush God's plan instead we need to remember that those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint consider this if God answered your every prayer then how would you learn to trust him if he answered your prayers as soon as you prayed and your prayer life would never grow your prayer would never develop because waiting in prayer develops your character it humbles you it trains you to have tenacious faith I believe the reason why the Lord makes us wait in prayer is because he knows that what we need most is to be changed into the image of Jesus waiting on the Lord to answer our prayers causes us to rely on God waiting on God is something that all of us need to do as part of our Christian lives there are times when the answer to your prayer will come relatively quickly then there are times when the answer to your prayer takes longer than you would like for it to come these are the times when we have to wait on the Lord these are the times when we have to trust God's perfect timing we often ask God for things in prayer and more times than not we have to wait for an answer is God cruel and making us wait for answers to prayer Joni Erickson Tada has an incredible testimony regarding waiting on the Lord by looking at her life we can see what God is doing by having her wait on answered prayers in 1967 at the age of 17 Joni Erickson Tada decided to go swimming she took a dive into the Chesapeake Bay she did not realize how shallow the water was and fractured her fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae this ended up paralyzing her from the shoulders down at first it was extremely tough for her she would often pray for healing but nothing happened she doubted that God was real and struggled with wanting to live however many years later she would reflect on her time in her chair and she said I hope in some way I can bring my wheelchair to heaven with my new glorified body I will stand up on resurrected legs I will be next to the Lord Jesus I will feel the nail prince in his hands I will say thank you Jesus he will know that I mean it because he will recognize me from the inner sanctum of sharing in The Fellowship of his suffering he will see that I am one that shared in his suffering so he will see my gratitude will not be Hollow and I will say Lord Jesus do you see that wheelchair over there well you were right when you put me in it it was a lot of trouble but the weaker I was in that thing the harder I leaned on you the harder I leaned on you the stronger I discovered you to be I don't think I would have ever known the glory of your grace if it was not for the weakness of that wheelchair so thank you Lord Jesus for that and now if you like you can send that wheelchair off to hell there is a season between when a prayer is prayed and offered to God and when the answer is manifested we call that period of time waiting on the Lord this is a place where Joni found herself while waiting on the Lord to do anything specifically answering a prayer is challenging God is working in the waiting as we wait on him we learn how to lean on and trust God the first thing about waiting on the Lord to answer prayer is to admit that it can be very hard Christian culture has romanticized waiting on the Lord as if it is a beautiful process while the end result is beautiful because God changes Us in the process the waiting can be agonizing waiting on God to heal our bodies when they are sick or waiting on God to fix a broken marriage is not easy even Joni Erickson Tada admitted that at the beginning of the trial when she lost her ability to move below the shoulders down she felt extremely depressed and had doubts about God even though waiting on God to answer prayer is tough God is walking with us through it Isaiah 40 verse 31 says but they who wait for the Lord shall bird knew their strength they shall Mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint we respond by running to the Lord to give us strength while waiting for him to answer our prayer we run to him with more prayer we also seek him out in the word we don't give up simply because God has not answered we push harder into him while God loves and cares for us what he is more interested in than just answering our prayer is changing Us in the process consider this if God answered your every prayer how would you learn to trust him if he answered your prayers as soon as you prayed then your prayer life would never grow your prayer would never develop because waiting in prayer develops your character it humbles you it trains you to have tenacious faith I believe the reason why the Lord makes us wait in prayer is because he knows that what we need most is to be changed into the image of Jesus waiting on the Lord to answer our prayers causes us to rely on God in her testimony Joni Erickson Tada said it was a lot of trouble but the weaker I was in that thing the harder I leaned on you the harder I leaned on you the stronger I discovered you to be I don't think I would have ever known the glory of your grace if it was not for the weakness of that wheelchair while she hated the wheelchair she leaned on God as she waited she had to relearn how to do almost every task we take for granted such as eating communicating and even going to the bathroom she even re-learned how to paint by putting a toothbrush in her mouth the whole time she was praying for healing when the healing did not come it helped her trust in God through the weakness the trial you're going through God is

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