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“you have LESS than 1 month” – Terrance Howard

what D ventry tried to do at 80 I did at 6 years old because I had been working on it perhaps from a past life the ukian mindset has kept us so locked away like there's tons of paperwork of Da Vinci working on the Flower of Life and trying to unravel it Terrence Howard mentioned something about an ancient Discovery called The Flower of Life which represents one of the oldest Imes we have the oldest images that we have from Antiquity and found on every continent is this image where 64 circles are overlapped and it's called The Flower of Life and on every continent was found in whatever language it was always called The Flower of Life made 6,000 years ago messes with us because we can't draw a straight line in it can we really understand these old shapes or are we clueless well 6,000 years ago or however long ago someone had the clever idea of saying you know what why don't I draw straight lines where the circles overlap he questions the use of straight lines in constructing platonic solids arguing that energy in the universe is expressed through curved waves due to the principle of equal and opposite reactions if they began to average the space where the circles overlap so that tetrahedr that we see because because we know that there are no straight lines because all energy is a all energy has an equal and opposite let's pause it for a second just so I can repeat that um all energy is expressed in motion all motion expressed in waves and all waves Ur therefore it is impossible to create a straight line because every action has the equal and opposite reaction and that greater that reaction Terren found math problems that arise from creating straight lines where there are none let's see his explanation the greater the resistance and the greater that curvature this curvature is the is the equinity of all the interactions within a particular system it all balances out into these these perfect spheres which are magnetic fields around each other which is a discharging aspect and where these magnetic fields interact this is where electricity begins where they overlap their Force to create space but 6,000 years ago they said they're going to average the spin and these toroidal happening and they generated straight lines and approximated where the energy goes so you can keep playing it and now you can clearly see that even the cube where we get Pythagorean theorem from a S Plus b s equal c^2 is an average it's an approximation all of these problems arose from them creating straight lines where there were no straight lines and this has been called you know the the greatest um Discovery basically in Geometry energy is all about that NeverEnding cycle acting yeah it was fun but physics that's where Terren found his spiritual Groove now he's cooking up these fresh wave and tear mixes waving goodbye to the old school ukian scene and [Music] fors PL onic solids you're speaking about solids the platonic solids are averages ukp went to Egypt and pulled these things and wrote them down and everyone took credit from them for them but they took credit for some falsehoods so they've watched it go through and it'll go through the decahedron so what I decided to do what I was instructed to do was to take the same flower you may think you've been here for 20 years on this plan but we know that energy it is forever it doesn't it continually recycles itself so you know that you've been a troby 350 million years ago or some part of it some parts of you were part of a a terao every one of us have been a part of everything in this universe so if we tap into those things in ourselves and remember those things in ourselves we have that power now my vocation has been an actor and I've loved that I've been been able to take care of my family as an actor but that's never been my passion I was an actor because it was like Jesus walking on water for tips because he could do it that's what he did it was a natural thing for him I've always been an empath I've always been emotionally connected to everything but the thing that I was most spiritually connected to that was my driving force was physics it was wondering how the UN verse really came to be and I might get about talking about this right now but I've got a book coming out called does a dollar time a dollar equal a dollar or does a dollar time a dollar equal $2 and in the process not only do I explain the of the platonic solids but I also introduce the new Teran wave conjugations that replace this ukian way of life and gives us uh three-dimensional way of seeing the world that's what I'm saying do you want to see the world in 2D or do you want to see it in 3D you how do you have time to really bring yourself back to who you are because that's the most important thing that's the thing that's that's going to bother you more than anything else you will look at yourself one day and you won't know who you are because you don't remember who you were you know sometime long way maybe at 13 or 14 we let go of the the little person that kept us going the Flower of Life said to be the oldest symbol ever dates back 6,000 years Da Vinci and Newton they were obsessed spending their lives trying to figure it out I want you guys to know about a 6,000 year old secret 6,000 years mankind has been trying to decipher this one little thing called The Flower of Life now do you know the Flower of Life have you guys ever seen this before now you know this is one of the oldest symbols in um human history right or do you not know this symbol was found in the temple of Osiris in Egypt and it had been molecularly burned into the wall and it's 6,000 years old this the same symbol has been found in the The Forbidden temples in China sitting under the Fufu dogs and the foot on it the Flower of Life saying whoever controlled that flower of life controlled the universe there were secrets in that flower of life that da Vinci spent his whole life trying to uncover there were secrets in that flower of life that Newton spent his whole life in secret trying to uncover the same secrets that Pythagoras was desperately trying to uncover but the problem was they kept seeing this in a two-dimensional space they couldn't get it out of this two-dimensional frame and as a result they got stuck in this plane a flat plane now what D Vinci and all of them were wanted to do they were trying to find a way to bring this flower to life because what is inside of it well apparently there were Secrets inside of it shapes nature doesn't follow straight lines and Terren Prov it with the space between Earth and the moon have we been blinded by our stubborn adherence to tradition or are we ready to shake things up with A New Perspective and all of those other things out of it but they were misled by something I think called a straight line you guys believe in straight lines you believe there's straight lines in the universe well let me hit you with something all energy in the universe is expressed in what it'

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