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You Can Trust Me | God Message Today | God Message For You | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child in this special moment I want to address you with words of love and Trust allow me to envelop you in my grace and reveal to you the beauty in trusting me in surrendering your plans Into My Loving Hands know that trust is a Sublime demonstration of Faith a bond that unites our hearts in an indisoluble way from the beginning of time I have taken care of every detail of your life every breath every beat of your heart Echoes my constant Presence by your side Amid uncertainties and challenges I want you to know that you can trust me completely trusting in me is not only A wise choice but also a testimony of your faith in my perfect plan for your life I understand the longings of your heart the doubts that seow uncertainties and the storms that sometimes darken the horizon of your life but my beloved I want you to understand that trusting in me is placing your anxieties at the feet of my sovereignty trust is the foundation of our relationship and I understand the struggles you face in deciding to entrust your plans and concerns to me however I want you to understand that the love I have for you is infinite and perfect there is no doubt in my heart about how much you are are loved in many passages of the Bible I extend the invitation to trust in me Proverbs 3: 5 and 6 remind us trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight these words are a promise that by trusting in me your paths will be guided by my wisdom and love here is the secret to living the best possible life believe in me I came and gave my life to reconcile you with God now trust in me with all your heart there's not much left after that I understand that often the world around you may seem tumultuous and uncertain however I want you to trust in my sovereignty in Proverbs 16:9 I affirm a man's heart plans his course but the Lord directs his steps trust that the plans I have for you are for your good and for a future full of Hope even if you don't understand my beloved child everything I plan for you is the best path to follow by trusting in me you are releasing the burden of trying to control every situation in Matthew 11:28 I invite you come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest let me be the guide on your journey relieving you of the worries that weigh on your shoulders trust is an act of surrender and I know that at times surrender can feel like a leap into the unknown however trust is not blind it is grounded in the certainty of my goodness in your journey I understand that you will encounter challenges and trials there will be moments when the weight you carry will seem overwhelming and the storms that arise in your path threatening however I want to assure you that every dedicated effort every shed tear and all sacrifices made have a purpose each adversity will shape and strengthen you turning you into someone more resilient confident and wise trust does not mean the absence of challenges but a profound certainty that I am with you every step of the way in Isaiah 41 I promise fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand trust that my presence is the light that dispels darkness and the strength that sustains you handing over your plans into my hands is not a sign of weakness but an Act of Faith in Jeremiah 29:11 I declare for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans for welfare and not for evil to give you a future and a hope trust that the plans I have laid out for you are filled with love and purpose live each day trusting in me with unwavering Faith do not give up for your significant blessing is at the door be strong and courageous for the best is about to manifest keep your heart open and receptive trusting that all things will happen in the right time I bless you with my love and peace assuring you that I will always be present guiding and supporting I will take care of you being your constant support trust in me with all your heart surrendering all your concerns into my hands under my protection lack and scarcity will not afflict you for I will fulfill your dreams and strengthen your family ties now is the time to trust fully letting go of emotions that cause pain and Lead astray leave behind the anxieties that cloud your life and create internal turmoil even though you have given much and faced pain in me your suffering comes to an end my love for you is deep even if it is sometimes difficult to comprehend you are a treasure acquired by my precious blood trust in me and experience the fullness of my grace I want to encourage you to surrender to my love and Trust even when circumstances seem challenging in Romans 8 I promise and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose trust that even difficult moments will be transformed for your good trust in me my beloved child believe in my words today for I do not make empty promises of Happiness as your father I have loved you since your conception do you remember when I breathed the first breath of life into you it was an act of pure love and with each New Dawn I continue to sustain that Divine gift of existence I bestowed upon you so when the weight of life feels overwhelming trust that I bear each burden sometimes the answers to your prayers may not be immediate but trusting in me is believing that I am always working behind the scenes my timing is perfect and every wait is an opportunity to grow in trust and spiritual maturity in uncertainty seek me with an open heart my answers may come in unexpected ways but know that each response is imbued with Divine wisdom trust in me is not a sign of weakness but a demonstration of spiritual strength amidst the storms trust that I am your safe shelter just as I calm the Raging Waters of the sea I can calm the storms in your life trust that I am present even in the darkest nights Illuminating the path with the light of my presence when the journey seems too difficult remember that trust is like an anchor that keeps your soul steady amidst turbulence trust for in every challenge in every Joy I am working all things for your good open your heart to my love allowing grace and favor to fill your journey lean on these words my dear do not shrink back from the path I have laid out for you be courageous do not fear the Spectre of failure for within it lies the seed of learning the courage to rise and the determination to move forward with greater discernment and resolution at this moment I invite you to surrender completely to me let me be the author and finisher of your faith by trusting in me you will find a peace that transcends all understanding therefore my beloved Son my cherished Daughter by trusting in me you are surrendering to a love that is eternal unshakable and full of grace do not f

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