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You Are Chosen | God Message Today | God Message For You | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child in the Whispering Winds and the rustling leaves hear my voice calling you to a Journey of Faith and Triumph from the very Genesis of your path my hand has been clasped in yours guiding you steadfastly through the darkest valleys and the shadowy Realms even when the world around you ripples with conflict and your eyes are clouded with the storms of life remember this I am the unwavering be of Hope in your life this year a Divine promise unfolds before you Laden with blessings prosperity and the sweet fruits of recognition and respect but this path requires not just your footsteps but your heart's unwavering faith in my Eternal Word the word of the one who bore the cross for your ultimate Victory do not be ens snared by feelings of unworthiness or Shadows of Doubt for my love transcends all condemnation you are chosen a Beacon of Hope and a vessel of blessings for your family cast aside the chains of defeatism I am your ally in all Endeavors draw strength from me daily cleanse your thoughts of Despair and embrace bravery in your faith nourish your soul with my teachings let them be the sword and shield in your life's battles Adorn yourself with the virtues of humility and patience and watch as The Garden of Your Life blooms with blessings so wondrous they once seemed beyond the realm of possibility embrace your triumphs with Simplicity and clothe them in humility and wisdom remember the glory of your victories the spark of your success the Zeal of your enthusiasm and the might of your Visions were all forged through sacrifice through the agonizing blows the lashes the Bloodshed on the cross there on that Hallowed Ground your future was written and your forgiveness sealed Embrace now the Grandeur of Glory born from the power of my resurrection I vow to be by your side in moments both prosperous and challenging to be your watchful Guardian your unwavering provider your safe heaven do not Harbor thoughts of solitude or Abandonment for you are never alone in my presence in times of defeat do not succumb to despair or let negative emotions Eclipse your blessings my words are not idle they are promises made and kept in me defeat has no Dominion let your heart be a sanctuary of my assurances for you are held in my steadfast Embrace Reserve in your heart a Sacred Space for me here I reside reject The Whispers of I can't I I lack I am not for I am the embodiment of capability abundance and existence face your adversaries with courage my child for I am your constant companion my provision is abundant I am the source of your fulfillment listen to my guidance obey and March confidently towards your aspirations do not cast your eyes downward lift your gaze for I guide you by the hand shielding you from harm I am your loyal friend the one who never falters never deceives never waivers accepting you holy as you are I share in your joy and your pain I celebrate your victories I support you in Triumph I uplift you in defeat and I extend my hand when you are in need I am Jesus I am your lord behold I am everpresent fear not for I am your friend do not lose heart or Grant your detractors the satisfaction of your downfall pursue your path for yourself for those you love but most importantly in remembrance of my boundless love reflect upon my journey a path of Sorrow to a cruel cross undertaken for you out of love for forgiveness for your Liberation for your healing for your salvation remember in your most challenging moments I am with you together handin hand we will endure commit to perseverance and I assure you my unwavering presence imbuing you with strength encouragement peace confidence Solace wisdom courage and joy open your eyes to the Future to your dreams and desires they are not mere fantasies they are seeds I have planted within you now expel doubt and disbelief from your heart even if you find yourself self amidst scarcity uncertainty and Injustice remember this path has been tread before I assure you in this world you will face trials but take heart in my Triumph for I have overcome the world your heart Brave and steadfast shall be ignited with the Flames of joy and victory you are a treasure of incomparable worth your heart radiates Beauty your soul exudes Purity and your sincerity mirrors my own image feel the profound truth in this you are a reflection of me a spark of my creation I breathe life into you you belong to me your intelligence diligence and fearless Spirit are Testament to your Divine inheritance your Origins wealth or lack thereof the Perfection or imperfection of your body or the flawed perceptions of others do not diminish your value in my eyes you are my beloved child and I Proclaim this loudly for the cosmos to hear you are an heir to my blessings enveloped in my boundless love this is why the enemy views you with trepidation for they know of my unwavering defense protection and provision over you in my presence you want for nothing do not follow the path of those who turned away from me who listen to their adversaries and believe themselves to be orphans Unworthy of Love they chose to forsake me wandering lost and devoid of Peace Comfort or God but I stand beside you steadfast for so long I have urged you to believe in my words my word is truth vibrant powerful and everlasting infusing you with faith it has consistently proven true I am waiting for you to boldly step forward and claim your courage Your adversaries are but Shadows fear them not their threats guilt remorse and past memories are but feeble and ineffective tools against you choose to believe in me it comes at no cost you were never faded for failure my purpose has always been to raise you to Great Heights to be a Beacon of Faith to lay hands on the sick and despairing and manifest my power through you stand firm in the tempests wielding the power of my word to topple Giants this is how I Envision you a valiant unbreakable Warrior embodying Holiness and wisdom humility in heart a hero of Faith Victorious and triumphant Embrace and declare this inherent worth within yourself you are my cherished child my beloved my love for you is Everlasting unending confide in me express your your belief and love for me I yearn to hear it let your voice carry these truths your importance to me is immeasurable and it is my deepest wish for you to feel profoundly loved yet I see times when you wake engulfed in sorrow so deep that its cause eludes even you it's an emotion that appears abruptly as if your heart is striving to communicate something vital understand this for it is essential that feeling is your heart resonating with my Holy Spirit In The Quiet of the morning my spirit Whispers your name beckoning you back when you start to drift away but often you're so entangled in the day's demands that you miss these moments to sit and recall my presence and my spirit gently warns You cautioning Against The Emptiness that's creeping in the sadness you experience is is a fervent plea from your sou

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