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Listen & Pray Before You Sleep | Blessed Bedtime Prayers

Heavenly Father help us to guard our hearts help us to fill our hearts with your word help us to be vigilant against every force of evil and every cunning lie of man help us to be in the world but not of it help us to be in this world but not to love it Empower us to be a strong Godly influence in this world Lord rather than for us to be influenced by this world help us to be salt in this earth help us to be the light that shines For Your Glory your word calls me in Philippians 4 verse 8 to say finally Brothers whatever is true whatever is Honorable whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is commendable if there is any Excellence if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things Lord I pray that I would not be like a sponge that absorbs all the filth of this world no instead let me be like a mirror reflecting your goodness for all to see let me be like a mirror that reflects your love Lord like David wrote in the Psalms create in me a clean heart renew in me a right spirit I know that such a heart is pleasing to you more than sacrifices or good works you desire a heart that is broken over sin and one that humbly seeks your forgiveness Psalm 119 verse 9 says how can a young man keep his way pure by guarding it according to your word Lord give me Grace to make my way pure before your sight whenever I think impure thoughts and whenever sinful desires start creeping in give me strength King Jesus to resist the devil and forgive me because at times I let things into my heart that may hinder my walk with you and I know that these things will only destroy me physically spiritually emotionally if I continue to hold on to them so give me the awareness to recognize those things and the strength to get rid of them father be the gatekeeper of my heart let nothing enter accept what is Godly what is pure what is pleasing in your eyes your word says in James 4 verse 8. draw near to God and He will draw near to you cleanse your hands you Sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded help me to be spiritually sensitive able to detect anything that tries to slip between the cracks ready to rebuke any evil desires and influences that threaten to barge in I know that from my heart flow the Springs of Life so help me to guard it with my life motivate me to open your word and to Simply soak in your life-giving truth may I be so filled with your spirit that I can no longer stand to be in the presence of anything contrary to your will father thank you for your mercy thank you for giving me a fresh start I know that I constantly fall short of the glory of God but I also know that there is no heart that is too damaged or too broken there's no heart that is too stained by sin that it can't be washed clean in the blood of the Lamb all glory be to Christ forever and ever in Jesus name amen [Music] Heavenly Father forgive me forgive me for all the times I've neglected my walk with you and for all the times that I've pushed you aside for my own selfish ambitions in your kindness you have given me the gift of eternal life and all you ask in return is my full and complete surrender yet still I fail I failed to give you the priority and the attention that you deserve so father I'm asking you to help me help me to take my walk with you seriously and intentionally help me to get my spiritual house in order if there is any part of my faith that needs attention Lord give me the urgency and the desire to fix it open my eyes to the things I should be doing that will cultivate and grow my faith so often I treat you as optional to my life when you are absolutely essential Lord I need you I need you in my career in my family in my home and in all my hopes and dreams without you my whole life means nothing everything I have is from you even the air I breathe is a gift from you so Lord fill my heart with gratitude and by your grace let me earnestly seek to become a better servant and follower of Christ help me to dwell in your word help me to be a person of Prayer help me to be active in my church and in my community for the sake of the Gospel help me to sacrifice my time and my gifts for the things that matter and father as I go about my life protect me from anyone and anything that might lead me astray Lord cleanse me from all unrighteousness help me to be vigilant over my spiritual life and not leave any opportunity for the devil father I ask that you would help me to maintain this house with all diligence and care show me the areas in my life that are in dire need of maintenance whether it's my prayer life my scripture reading habits or my unforgiveness towards others motivate me to address these areas before they collapse inwardly and cause serious damage father help me to ultimately rely on your grace I can't fix everything myself I can't keep everything functioning as it should but you you Lord are the one who was able to heal and mend every area of Brokenness in my life you are the one who creates order out of Chaos father I thank you I thank you that even though my life can be a mess you still love me and you're willing to help me get back on track with you in Jesus name I pray and I give you thanks amen First Chronicles chapter 16 verse 34 says o give thanks to the Lord for he is good for his loving kindness endures forever [Music] now let us pray dear King Jesus I praise you for your Amazing Grace I adore your everlasting love I Praise You King Jesus for your multitude of Mercies you have blessed me with a sound mind you have blessed me with peace in my heart and strength in my body all of these things aren't because of luck or Fortune but they are because you Lord are faithful and you are good help me not to be envious of others and I pray that Envy or covetousness or greed will never be found in My Heart Lord give me a heart that is content and filled with gratitude a heart that will never Overlook the blessings that you have given me Lord I Thank you for your protection I don't know what each day holds but I do know that the protection you offer me is divine I have little to no power to protect myself each and every day and it's by your grace and by your mercy that I am safely kept each day you have protected me consistently you Lord have ensured that no harm or danger will come to me and that's something I am thankful for your word says in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3. but the Lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one I Praise You For This Promise King Jesus you are faithful to establish me you have been faithful all throughout my life and you have guarded me against the evil one and I Praise You Lord Jesus because you have guarded me against attacks that I knew about and even those I didn't know about your word in Deuteronomy 31 verse 6 says be strong and courageous do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the Lord your God who goes with you he will never leave you or forsake you father I praise you for such a promis

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