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Will Sadhguru Support This?

a temple is the aboard of a praan pratishtith deity who lives there where is mosque is a congregational space for prayer and in Islamic nations itself very routinely they are translocated from one place to the other for mundane things like building a road or whitening railway line and so on so if the right people sit and negotiate there can be seener elements who can be addressed yes if you hopefully post this election these illegitimate leaders will be pushed aside if they're pushed aside I'm very sure there is a lot of wisdom in the Islamic community they're not senseless people as they're being seen today because of these voices which are speaking louder than everybody else I know I have lots of friends families who are very close to me who are very devout Muslims because I don't care whether somebody is Muslim Hindu or Christian they are devout that matters to me because devotion is not about something what you are devoted towards is one aspect but because you have devotion in your in your heart you there is a certain transformation in your life so the devout Muslims would have no problem because clearly the Sharia law says that you can never take another man's place of worship so just by that not even by Indian courts or Indian constitution just by Islamic law it will not fly but as I said this illegitimate leaders who constantly mounting hatred which is not there in the hearts of common people and I'd like to play it's a hard role to play devils advocate but the devil here needs to be represented because every time one talks about reclamation of temples the often the argument comes what about it's a mythical argument you know allegedly destroyed so suppose tomorrow there is a Buddhist stupa or a cave beneath a very grand temple will the Hindu community also be willing to give that up the reverse is also true tell me which existed before which is the earliest times you're a historian you please tell me sanatan dharma yes so tell me the chances of temples being all built over there are temples over which stupas have been built because stupa is not a place for people to enter is just brick or mud all right it's a solid structure the very idea of stupa some people say is because they covered the temples otherwise why would you build a building that you can't enter so that is another matter but that if there are incidences like that there are not too many and there is nobody to reclaim them so if really if you have solid evidence like that into picture whether Hindus are built over Buddhist sites or Buddhist have buit over Hindu sites if there are significance to people if it's still in their collective memory and there is scientific proof yes it doesn't matter which religion whether we have to give something or they have to take something it's perfectly okay with me the important thing is that you take pleasure in the wombs of other people's hearts that's not okay with me the question that you I think alluded to in your earlier answer we can reclaim them then what happens after that because then if it goes to the government control no this is what I was about to say the real the real reclamation that need needs to happen is not just Kashi mathura thousands if not hundred thousands of temples which are in the hands of the government run by government clerks who are not necessarily devoties see without god they can be a temple but without a devotee there is no temple let's understand this so now there are thousands of temples probably if you add up in all the states it's over hundred hundred 20 thousand or hundred fifty thousand temples which are in different states of slowly being murdered when I say murdered if there is a temple here and the person inside who's in charge is not a devotee of the deity it's murder it's happening once the person who stands there doesn't have they their hearts don't beat for the deity there is no meaning in the temple so we have done this so that reclamation needs to happen we are seeing how to do this there are so many had hop legislations which are happen in various states uh many concerned people have gone to courts and as you know our courts take 550 years to deliver a judgment but I think we need a we deserve a parliamentary legislation with nullifies all the state legislations which were made at various times the important reason the only reason why temples are in the hands of governments is because of the wealth that they had the British were interested in the temples because there was wealth that they could easily transport to her Majesty service and at least a significant part of World War 2 was funded by the Indian temples from the wealth that was stolen from Indian temples even you here in Kashi when ourangajeb and others destroyed the temples how many camels are elephants carried gold and diamonds that were there because this was the land of gold and diamonds where gold and diamonds in many places were sold like vegetables on the streetside nuggets of gold and diamonds were stole sold like vegetables without security that is how much it was present so a whole lot of it was in the temples and even now you have seen in the thiruvanthapuram temple the estimates are incredible that a few yeah many zeros not out of our liberty but genuine zeros so because of wealth they see the Islamic invaders they wanted the wealth to start with not let's not call them invaders the Islamic morderers who came in the beginning they wanted just the wealth so they attacked temples the invaders as I said they wanted to occupy not just the geography but the mental geography of the population so they did things in a certain way to break the spirit of the population that even your god cannot protect himself what can you do to belittle the people to destroy the spirit it was that and further this these are the things in a man's life today I know all the gender issues but in a man's life in the past if you take away his woman his God and his land he's broken and all these three things they took one reason how Islamic population swelled in this country is they took hundreds and thousands of Hindu women as slaves and produce Muslim children out of them so the ugliness of it cannot be documented by any historian the ugliness of that the pain of that and the suffering of that is not something that you can put it in numbers but it's happened all that we are not reclaiming just the significant important temples which are in our eyes please don't fight it just if you hand it over there will be brothery going and build your place it is haram but what about the Buddhist structures that the Hindus maybe that will also have to come

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