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Why Arrange Marriages are better than Love Marriage?

so how do you know that the person you are with is the right to something what you don't know the father's name you don't know who they are what they are how will you marry a Netflix show on the Indian way of matchmaking is trending and drawing criticism for the regressive ways of arranged marriage is it still relevant in today's time well uh if you do not know this the success of something is in the result LX B which is uh held as one of the most economically prosperous and free societies a small little country diverse rate is 87% Spain diverse rate is uh some 65% Russia 51% United States 43% India 1.5% you decide what's working because marriage is not about how it happened who arranged it your parents arranged it or a a a commercial website arranged it a dating app arranged it or a local bar arranged it when you are fuzzy or your confused friends arranged it or your confused self arranged it well anyway it's an arrangement it is best it is arranged by responsible sensible people this idea arrange management is some kind of a slavery well that depends as there are exploitative people everywhere sometimes your parents themselves may be exploitative they may be doing things for their own reasons their stupid Prestige their wealth their nonsense they may be doing it for those reasons they may be watching the D but somebody just now in the last couple of days asked uh a thing that they want to choose a girl for their boy one girl is uh well educated pretty another girl father big man so which should I do so I ask a simple question you want to marry the girl or somebody's wealth you make up your mind because I don't know what's your priority it depends what's your priority if your priority is such that somebody's wealth by marriage becomes yours and that's all that matters to you fine that's your choice that's the kind of Life you've chosen and this whole thing is an American thing that there is a soulmate somewhere see body needs a mate understandable maybe psychologically also you need a mate understandable emotionally you need a mate Soul cannot need a mate so Soul doesn't need a meate nor was some person made perfectly for you okay this creation makes uh all kinds of unique idiots if you understand you are one kind of idiot and the others are different kind you will be you will understand their nonsense because you know you got your stuff if you think you're perfect and God has chosen you and he is made another person perfect somewhere else you're heading for a disaster okay there's no such thing even uh you know people today after 5,000 years people are still ulating and worshiping Krishna as the greatest lover but his wife's are dead unhappy with the guy you're not going to find any perfect person a deep sense of involvement something wonderful may happen because of your involvement not because other person is fantastic no even if you choose a fool actually it's easy though I never took any anybody's advis in my life there'll always be advisor they said you making the biggest mistake in your life this going to be your disaster I said whatever happens whichever way it happens I knew this much it's for me either to make it a disaster or a success because who you marry how you marry which way it was arranged by who it was arranged is not important how responsibility you exist that's all that is so so this whole debate about is arrange marriage better or meeting in the local bar is better well I think when you're not little first out I think your decisions are a little better if a 18 20 year old man or woman young man or young woman want to marry who will they marry their contact is just there within those 10 people that they know in their life one guy or one girl you marry within 3 months you will know but in most countries there is a law at least 2 years you must suffer it's like a jail town if you make a mistake at least 2 years you must suffer then only you can divorce most Nations have this well many religions have fixed it that divorce is completely wrong you cannot divorce but where such religions are practiced there the divorce rate is highest so God's dictates not able to stop the breakups law is not able to stop the breakups you need to understand this when parents organize you I'm asking you a basic question do you believe judgment may not be the best but parents have the best interest of yours but if you have matured Beyond them that's a different thing you can make your own decisions but arranged marriage is a wrong terminology all marriages are arranged by whom is the only question I think it's best it's arranged by people who are most concerned about your well-being who have a larger reach of because you can't find the best man or the best woman in the world because we don't know where the hell they are with limited contact that we have what is the reasonable good thing we can put together that's all it is so the very fact the diverse rates are as it is in these so different societies that I spoke about well the success rate is very clear when parents are the basis of your organization it's little better because they will think little longterm ter you just like the way she's dressed and you want to get married today well tomorrow morning you will realize you don't want to have anything to do with her because when you're 182 due to various compulsions or peer pressure or something you may take decisions which will not last a long lifetime or sometimes you really hit it off with somebody and it may work out that's another matter so everything is an arrangement please understand this you may think so many things it is arranged by your emotion or your greed or your your loved ones it is arranged by somebody isn't it or something it is an arrangement how you arrange it well it's your choice I'm not saying this is the way or that is the way but whichever way you do it please conduct it responsibly joyfully if you you know they've been saying marriages are made in heaven but you're cooking hell within you marriage is made in heaven that's why a lot of people want to go there soon because it's made there they want to go there and settle it now you need to understand to fulfill your needs physical psychological emotional social and various other needs you're coming together if you always remember to fulfill my needs I'm with you you will conduct this responsibly initially you like that after some time you think he or she needs you then you will start acting wly then of course ugliness will start in many different ways

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