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Have Faith in Me | Gods Message Today | God Blessings Message | God’s Message | God’s Message Now

my cherished child as you rise each morning your Vigor and Faith bring a smile to my heart you face challenges with unwavering determination never faltering in your resolve you bear a striking resemblance to me in your heart I see a burning desire to do what is right I am here to support you to keep your family united and harmonious to bless you with each new Dawn's first light I am you to continue down this path to never let go of that Faith your way of living is a beautiful devotion a praise that fills my heart with joy your virtuous actions Inspire and Elevate me I long to open doors for others to witness Someone Like You someone with genuine Faith someone who truly loves me I hold you in the highest regard you face the fiercest winds without responding with hatred or your resentment to those false friends who have harmed you who may have taken material possessions but could never steal what truly matters your faith dedication and unwavering commitment to follow my will no matter the trials you are undoubtedly my child the word I planted in your heart has borne much fruit and there are still countless blessings and gifts for you to harvest your future shines brightly and rest assured I Stand By Your Side in every circumstance you can come to me with confidence and pour out your soul at my altar whenever doubts or mistakes weigh on you my faithfulness will never waver my presence will surround you and you will feel it in your very being with a multitude of heavenly armies at your disposal ready and willing to Aid you I will grant you victory over those who may try to oppose you I will provide healing banish illness and Empower you when you speak my word the forces of Darkness shall be defeated your life your family your health your finances and all those under your roof shall know freedom and live in Victory your home will radiate with my Majestic glory and miraculous wonders will become a daily occurrence you will be surrounded by families of good-hearted people who will also be blessed by your loving spirit I urge you once more to stay the course to resist straying into the land of disbelief seek me learn grow and be filled with my Holy Spirit which will reveal my love and affection to you daily embrace the peace I offer the peace that strengthens you my beloved child you are forever loved you've already thanked me today for the gift of life so why wait it cost you nothing to open your heart and express your gratitude I know your needs even before you voice them trust in me come and spend a moment of serenity with me find a quiet moment and reflect on the countless reasons you have to be grateful today your life your family your health the air you breathe the nourishment on your table the shelter over your head my Supernatural protection that envelops your home the Vigilant Warrior Angels who stand guard watching over your dreams and ready to wage battle you have so many reasons to feel blessed so fill your mind with positive thoughts and open your eyes to the goodness I place along your path rest assured that I hold your destiny in my hands I dwell Within in a grateful heart one that recognizes its need for me one that seeks me with Faith and Hope because it knows it is profoundly blessed I understand that at times worries about life's events May consume you but that's perfectly natural don't fret excessively I comprehend the weight of your responsibilities you desire everything to go smoothly to provide for your family to maintain their health and to safeguard the peace and stability you all require however there are also days when darkness clouds your gratitude when the enemy Whispers Insidious thoughts into your mind turning concerns into fears surrounding you with lies and transforming fear into dread and despair I watch and wait for you to raise your arms high and speak the words that will make the enemy flee thank me for your life your family your health and all that you are and possess your unwavering faith and grateful heart act as Shields sustaining you in times of trial when you walk through the fires of Affliction know that I am there waiting for you to open your eyes I yearn to hear the first words of your day flowing from the depths of your grateful soul uttering thank you thank you for life come to me today if you feel unwell pour out your heart to me I will take those feelings into my hands and transform them one by one sorrow into Joy remorse into peace guilt into hope I am dispelling the darkness that gnaws at your mind making you listen to voices from the past that deceive you I am the almighty God you are my beloved child obedient and steadfast in belief today I wish to Grant you freedom from all mental Affliction through the power of my pure and holy blood when you hear my powerful word receive complete healing from head to toe wherever you may be rise lift your hopes from the ground and walk forward follow this path that will lead you to the Pinnacle of the Sacred Mountain to the place of your Victory the emotions I am sowing in your heart are sealed by my Holy Spirit this blessing I place before you is genuine and true you shall receive it as you believe in me and my Eternal Word you are not making a mistake by surrendering your heart to your heavenly father who loves you immeasurably you are not imagining it powerful and Supernatural Miracles will happen for all who listen to me and humbly and simply dare to believe those who respect my word acknowledge their shortcomings leave behind evil and resolve to walk forward without looking back I love you deeply my beloved child I wish to heal you break your chains and shatter every curse and enchantment that led you to believe that someone in this universe possesses greater power than I an utter falsehood among falsehoods Heaven and Earth tremble at the sound of my voice the forces of Darkness fall defeated in the presence of my manifest glory in this world no Being Human or spiritual can oppose you harm you or bring you down because you are no longer alone my arms encircle you my Holiness envelops you and the power of my blood Shields you day and night no more sorrow there will be no more tears of Despair except and feel the peace and happiness I bestow upon you now declare to me that you are receiving it profess your belief in me bow your knees and thank me for the love and wonders you are about to witness I have marvelous news for you the news you've longed to hear I will resolve every burden that weighs upon your soul I will bless your family your health and your finances you're entering a season of restoration so pay close attention for I will provide the guidance for all to go well give me time and commit to me humble yourself and return to my word decide once and for all to release your fears and burdens to fortify your spirit with my presence and to listen to The Voice of Love in Your Heart the voice that speaks to you with tenderness I wish to lead you along the right path to help you re

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