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What Every Teenager Needs To Do In 2024? Sadhguru Answers

what is needed most right now in 2024 teenagers should know what to do with their life they're looking to make resolutions for the new year and wondering what is the next step same job same marriage same school there's nothing wrong with it but you are doing it for the wrong reason sadguru's advise take a few weeks off and be uninfluenced by anybody I wonder if I may ask how you see all this see uh yes it's true you're seeing that as a global situation but we need to understand this bringing down walls without bringing down economic disparity is not going to work when we brought down walls then itself we should have understood that we must strive to bring down disparity in the world no man or woman wants to leave their home and go somewhere else to some strange land and live there just for survival nobody wants to do that but but it is uh estimated that in the next decade there could be about 1.7 to 1.8 billion people moving or migrating when that many people start migrating your wall is not going to work anyway wall wall will work wall will work when they're in a few thousands maybe a million but when they go to a billion your wall is not going to work it's going to be a tragedy because now you see a stream of people coming well can every nation just open up its borders and say welcome live on the streets not possible yes so the thing to do is which I've been striving to do and I'm failed to do is in the last 25 years I've been trying to bring some key people in the world together so that this initially we started as and I try to create a board and every time we are about to do it some warlike situation comes and some Nations back away and it never happened all right the idea was just this 1% of what we invest in our Defense Forces as we call them arms and armaments what we invest if we contribute and we Institute a board of people who are from responsible businesses to be given as soft loans to these businesses if you give them a softer money which is not expensive for a gation period of 12 to 20 years and very soft kind of cushion for them to develop an Enterprise develop the talent and create industry and business in improvised societies the reason for these people to migrate will go there many buring entrepreneurs that are in this room what's your advice to them to start new businesses uh increase the levels of employment for the 50 % unemployed youth that we have in our country and grow our economy so that everybody can be more prosperous 1% or not there are many things that need to be done there's no one particular thing but entrepreneurship is something that needs a certain psychological Ecology of its own you will see those uh youth who come from business families so effortlessly create businesses those who don't come from that ecosystem they struggle and struggle and they can't figure it out it's not lack of intelligence it is lack of experience and exposure so I would say one of the things is the youth who are willing to wanting to do something I'm sure that many many of them if some kind of selection can be made and they're exposed to Enterprises in similar conditions let's say in rural India how people any number of Enterprise India is a land of Enterprise because till 2000 only 3% of indiaan Indians were employed 97% were self-employed so whether he may be selling uh 5 kg of vegetable or fruit or maybe a very large billion dollar business it doesn't matter even he understands how to do business where he has to position himself what he has to say what he should not say these are simple things but till you're in it you don't learn so learning this experience not necessarily from the public but there are institutes and institutions in India which can teach entrepreneurship we ourselves in Asia starting a Leadership Academy in Bangalore City uh where youth from these countries can come and get exposed to variety of Enterprise I mean the incredible thing right now in India is the variety of Enterprise is unbelievable when you go for so much Enterprise some of them will fail so it needs a net to hold them so that they don't fall back onto the street or hang from a tree which is unfort for happening here and there but uh it is time to do that because we

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