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WATCH THIS EVERY DAY – Motivational Speech By Oprah Winfrey [YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS]

I know not what the future holds but I know who holds the future and I want to tell you I've been Guided by the light of God's grace my entire life people ask what's the secret to my success it's because I lean into his grace because life is always talking to us and this is what I do know when you tap into what it's trying to tell you when you can get yourself quiet enough to listen I mean really listen you can begin to distill the still Small Voice which is always representing the truth of you from the noise of the world and you can start to recognize when it comes your way you can learn to make distinctions to connect to dig a Little Deeper you'll be able to find your own voice within the still Small Voice you'll begin to know your own heart and figure out what matters most when you can listen to the still Small Voice every right move I've made has come from listening deeply and following that still Small Voice aligning myself with its power with the source of power so that when I walk into a room just as cool as you please and the Fellas either stand or fall down on their knees and they say that's a phenomenal woman and when I walk into that room I come as one but I stand as ten thousand because everybody that's ever come before me walks into that room with me my great great grandfather Constantine Winfrey born an enslaved man and couldn't write or smell his spell his name but Ten Years After the Emancipation Proclamation had learned to read and had picked ten thousand bales of cotton in exchange for 80 acres of land and became the first person in my American lineage to own his own property I come as one I stand as ten thousand has been my mantra for power because for so many of my earlier years when I was the only I was the only woman I was the only person of color the one nobody expected to be in the room at the table on the anchor desk co-anchoring the news here in Nashville in 1975 walking into boardrooms in the 80s negotiating deals to own my own show not just do the show but to make as much money from it as they were gonna make off of me and at no time did I ever feel out of place or not enough or inadequate or an imposter do not let the world make an imposter syndrome out of you why because I knew who I was and more importantly I knew whose I was I didn't know the future but I knew who was in charge of the future and my job just as your job is to align with God's dream for you and my prayer was always use me use me God show me how and who you need me to be because this is what I will tell you God Can Dream a bigger dream for you than you could ever imagine for yourself I am living testimony of aligning and living history but my job today is to help you to commence to the next part of your dream Odyssey so let's talk about the Right Moves for that I've been thinking a lot about how much of your lives have already been spent grappling with the Extreme Complex complex issues of our time because you are the generation that is forced to depend on body cams to obtain Justice and even then accountability as we've seen again and again can be so hard to come by you've witnessed the storming of the capital and the death of Civility you're acutely aware that voting rights are being gutted women's rights are being dismantled books are being banned history is being Rewritten the Supreme Court is being corrupted the debt stealing is being held hostage the climate is changing the lgbtq community LGBT plus Community is under attack the cold war is back the leaders are behaving like children the children are being gunned down by military-grade assault rifles we live on a planet where there is more than enough wrong to keep you busy trying to make things right for the rest of your natural life and unfortunately you're going to encounter people who will insist that it's not actually possible to make any real difference but I believe Tennessee has a couple of justines just a few miles from here who would respectfully disagree Representatives like Justin Jones and Justin J Pearson are using their lives to prove the cynics wrong and they're building on the legacy of giants mentors of mine like John Lewis whose fight for justice started right here in Nashville and who now speaks to us from eternity well this is what I know for sure there will never be anything in your life as fulfilling as making a difference in somebody else's everybody here wants to see you take your integrity your curiosity your creativity your guts and this newfound education of yours and use it to make a difference everybody always thinks you got to go do something big and Grand I'll tell you where you start you start by being good to at least one other person every single day just start there that's how you begin to change the world by just being good to one other person it doesn't matter if it's a member of your tribe or a stranger on the street I'm here to tell you that a little Act of compassion can be a lifesaver for somebody who receives it but also for you who offers it just extend yourself in love and kindness to somebody and as my dear friend Maya always said love recognizes no barriers it jumps hurdles it leaps fences it penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of Hope and when you step out in love you become someone's hope and I know that becoming hope in the world won't always be easy there will be times when you get to your wits in but there's another old proverb that says when you get to your wits in remember that's where God lives I would add that when you get to your wit's end it's also a good idea to remember that you've been there before because we are among the toughest most resilient people the world has ever seen and I'm just not talking about older Generations your generation has messed up and locked down for a pandemic that ravaged the world you my TSU friends have trained for complicated times and I don't care how hard Life After College gets and it's gonna get hard we need you to dream big we need audacious thinkers use my example I was one good TSU teacher Mr Cox and one timely phone call away from a career that would absolutely change my life that story is not just my own what dream are you one or two steps away from we also need generosity of spirit we need high standards and open minds and Untamed imagination that's how you make a difference in the world using who you are and what you stand for to make changes big and small and there will be times when making the next right decision will be scary I tell you a secret that's how I've gotten through every challenge without being overwhelmed by asking what is the next right move you don't have to know All the Right Moves you just need to know the next one and it's okay to be scared in fact if you weren't scared I'd be scared for you but let me repeat something that the most extraordinary certainly one of the most extraordinary men I've ever known said may your choices reflect your hopes not your fears let your choices reflec

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