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Trust In The Lord & He Won’t Let You Down | Motivational & Inspirational

never be too quick to fall and be discouraged when you're faced with adversity it could very well be the thing needed to light a fire in your faith adversity and pain is a catalyst for some of us it moves us from being lukewarm to praying with fervency and for your prayer to be effective it needs passionate faith behind it have you ever noticed how the fire and intensity you pray with when everything is good and comfortable in your life it's very different to how you pray when you are in a testing season at times we need to have the presence of mind to realize that the lord allows he allows certain things to happen to us he allows certain events to take place all so that we can tap into the next level of prayer our next level of faith so what you're going through may not be designed to destroy you but instead to build you what you're going through isn't intended to ruin you but instead it's all to strengthen you i've been fighting season after season and i'm not just talking about warfare in a single area of my life no i've faced battles within my family i've had to fight battles concerning my health i've even faced battles in my mind all of these different areas have been under attack at one point or another but let me tell you something i am still standing i'm standing because of jesus christ i still have strength because the joy of the lord is my strength i haven't given up i haven't thrown in the towel because i serve an awesome god i serve a big god an all-powerful and mighty god perhaps this year has been tough on you maybe it's been tough for you perhaps the enemy has been fighting you in multiple areas but saints i want to encourage you to get to the point where you say enough is enough tell the devil no more tell him that this struggle is not your portion and i'm talking to the person who's tired you're tired of being defeated you're tired of feeling as though as though you cannot overcome the mountain that's before you if you're at this point i want you to know that god said i am who i am for a reason if you need to be rescued god says i am your rescue if you need to be healed god says i am your healer if you need your family back together if you need your marriage restored god says i am the one who restores i am the one who mends broken hearts and i make them whole again [Music] and saints i pray that the holy spirit will convict you at this time may he speak to your heart may he open your ears and your eyes i encourage you to begin to speak the name that is above every other name that's the name of jesus christ if you can only get his name at the center of your heart if you can only get his name on the throne of your mind that's when things happen for those who hunger he's the bread of life for those who thirst he is the fountain of living water and so begin to confess and declare lord jesus victory belongs to you lord jesus i am triumphant in you i will overcome because of you my god jesus you're the cornerstone of my life you're the bridge over troubled water begin to confess his name and declare who he is he is the light of my salvation my great banner of hope my healer the waymaker the holy one the lion of the tribe of judah jesus christ is the alpha and the omega he is the author and the finisher he is almighty the everlasting father i need jesus because i can't save myself i can't redeem myself i can't deliver myself and there sure isn't any other human being on this planet who can offer me redemption or salvation or eternal life like jesus christ can so i have to be honest at times when things are tough i find myself just saying and praying four simple words over and over again be with me jesus be with me lord at times when i'm tempted i find myself quietly praying give me strength lord give me strength jesus and if you can relate to what i'm saying then i encourage you to stand child of god stand firm in the word of the lord take those things that weigh you down take those burdens that slump your shoulders and hand them over to jesus christ stand by me god be with me jesus give me strength lord jesus died on a cross he did rise again in victory but the fact that he had such an unpleasant and painful death on the cross makes me think how great must his love have been to endure such pain how great of an example he said about being obedient to god the father by him willing to sacrifice everything down to his life so when luke 14 verse 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple here's the amplified translation for that very same verse whoever does not carry his own cross expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come and follow after me believing in me conforming to my example in living and if need be suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in me cannot be my disciple now since luke 14 verse 27 says whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple the question is what do you stand for do you carry your cross and stand for the love of jesus christ [Music] do you stand to represent the life of jesus christ a life that was marked with righteousness obedience prayer and forgiveness are you carrying your cross you see we need to truly examine ourselves the mouth can so easily profess something but it's in your heart and it's in your actions that the truth is revealed what do you stand for do you stand with a willing heart should god speak to you today would you be willing to sacrifice the most important thing in your life for him i would like to ask you the question how is your heart today both spiritually and physically what is the condition of your heart are you troubled are you worried or maybe anxious john 14 verse 1 says let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me these words spoke by jesus should give you comfort and if you're still needing reasons to be convinced as to why you should not let your heart be troubled the word of god in john 14 27 says peace i leave with you my peace i give to you not as the world gives do i give to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid and isaiah 43 2 reads when you pass through the waters i will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame scorch you and finally psalm 23 verse 4 says yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me god has said peace i leave with you my peace i give to you not as the world gives do i give to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid if you were drowning in worry if the waters are too deep and you're struggling to catch your breath god has said when you pass through the waters i will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you even if you are in a scary place if it feels like rock bottom remember the word of god though i walk through the valley of

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