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Trust in My Mysterious Ways | God Message Today | God Message For You Today | God Message Now

[Music] my beloved child I am hastening the flow of time so that you may soon hold your cherished blessing in your hands I know you've been waiting eagerly for the answer you seek and I want you to know that the changes I'm orchestrating around you are for your ultimate good prepare your heart open your mind and let the doors of your home welcome my presence as I speak to you now I solemnly promise that a transformation is on the horizon for your life I understand your needs and I've known them even before you did yet I desire Clarity in your thoughts and desires be certain of what you request understand your goals and know that if you seek Triumph it comes at a price genuine Faith fervent prayer hard work and personal sacrifices I am here to bestow upon you a blessing of Eternal significance for you and your family rest assured I will not Grant you anything that brings sorrow or separates you from me my desire is not for your family to suffer due to your absence I want you to shine in the world but may Darkness never overshadow your home remember those you hold dear for I do not wish for tension to ens snare your relationships or for you to lose your health my eternal longing is for the best for you true peace unwavering Faith a tranquil life and a Detachment from material possessions the goods of this world are fleeting you brought nothing into this world and you will take nothing when you depart however the love and affection you sow in those who cherish you the faith you share the help you extend to those in need your unshakable faith and loyalty these are the things that will bring you genuine spiritual fulfillment I have sent you a great blessing and one day I will place a crown upon your head with my own hands I hold the power to change seasons and times to transform Hearts I am aligning everything so that you may experience my blessings and your suffering will be left behind I stand at your door calling open up to me now I desire to dwell in your home and I want my wondrous peace to fill every corner of your family's Hearts soon you will witness my power manifesting upon your family and yourself a time of Peace healing and blessing is Drawing Near I have seen your faith I am listening to your prayers your attitude pleases me and your sincerity touches my heart your faith is alive and you Faithfully come into my presence each day you hold your spiritual life in high regard unlike others who come sporadically and do not entrust their paths and plans into my hands I want you to become an example to your family and all you love let them witness the fruits growing within you as your faith continues to strengthen your spirit mind and soul more blessings are coming your way but they come with great responsibility I will place you at the Forefront so that many may see how I bless those who obey me those with Humble Hearts who patiently wait for my response no longer filled with anguish and impatience when things do not go as planned you are aware that your life your family and all you do are in my hands many live in constant worry believing they are amidst crisis during these times yet all good things are for those who love me who submit to my will and believe in me you belong to the faithful who have remained steadfast the doors are open for you and Showers of Blessings and joy shall continuously pour forth always and everywhere keep your eyes open for a grand opportunity awaits you many reject the blessings I send them because they feel unworthy on your journey you will encounter many suffering Souls who weep unable to comprehend that someone truly loves them forgives them and that their future holds no pain or death if only they could Cast Away their disbelief and offer me the opportunity to shower them with my love however you will yield abundant fruit like the good tree you are when you have grown sufficiently and your branches are strong enough to Bear the blessings I shall bestow upon you great Miracles will occur in you and your family I love you except my love open your heart and soul to this pure affection that fills you with peace Serenity and divine strength my love heals all your wounds relieves your pain and ailments stabilizes your emotions and grants you a Tranquility you can find nowhere else only here bes IDE me when you approach with the desire to receive to grow to live solely in my presence you shall find it fill yourself now breathe in this fragrance of my Holy Spirit and let the hours pass receive even more of these gifts and This Love that I wish to bestow upon you this beautiful love is yours never reject it do not strive to earn the love of those who claim to love you but fail you and treat you poorly I appreciate you I love you with eternal love my Covenant with you is Everlasting my plans are firm my purposes are true accepting my love means a change of course for You a New Life of complete and plentiful happiness love without disappointments my love is more than good it is marvelous it is forgiveness it is yours accept it I gave my life on a cross and rose from the dead on the third day so that you too may rise and live perhaps you do not yet understand this today but I'm doing far more than you desire and comprehend I shall touch your heart and reveal it to you you shall feel a conviction so powerful that it shall Propel you to make important decisions it is time to act to appreciate this Supernatural power that fills your life no one shall belittle you regardless of your age or your past they shall tremble and be amazed at the fruits you're producing today when they finally understand that my spirit has been working in you all along and that this beautiful and holy love is available to all the love the world offers is limited many only promise love if you offer them something in return in the end they give you betrayal and falsehood pain and misery rejection and loneliness suffer no more I shall help you heal in my arms all your despair shall be forgotten I love you tell me that you love me too do not let despair overcome you if on this day you feel weak and lacking in strength I implore you to listen closely to my words to open your heart wide to me and to embrace the serenity I offer you in this moment I am the creator of the vast universe and I hold command over the winds that may shake you know that I can calm these storms and silence the threats that seek to trouble your world keep your faith unwavering and let your vision regain its Clarity release the weight of what you consider accomplishments and do not dwell on your perceived weaknesses instead Focus your complete attention on me for it is when you acknowledge your own limitations that you truly require me when your faith combines with my power you become Unstoppable your strength is replenished your spirits unbreakable with a Word of Faith your weaknesses fade and you can boldly declare I am walk with hope Resolute and continue your Ascent towards the Mountaintop where I eager

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