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Share Your Heart’s Yearnings with Me | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child in the quiet Whispers of your heart know that the miracle you yearn for is Within Reach closer than the very Breath You Take Let My Words Be the Anchor for your faith a steadfast beacon in turbulent times I invite you now in this sacred moment to pour out the yearnings of your heart write down your deepest desires share the burdens that weigh upon your soul in the comments below I am here ready and waiting to listen to respond to your call unveil your struggles your deepest pains to me and let each of your needs be spoken with a faith that does not waver with a hope that never dims as you lend your ear to my guidance you will find not just answers but a path to peace for the troubles that stir within your soul heed my call do not turn away away from my utterances for each phrase I utter tenderly caresses your spirit and eases your heart you will be wrapped in my constant presence throughout your day In My Embrace of love I will guide you down the right path I am here to help still your thoughts and banish your uncertainties I wish not for you to act rashly in times of distress my desire is for you to be Serene and assured feeling my voice resonate in your heart especially in those moments when silence breathes fear but you fear not your heavenly father is here to grasp your hand to support you in all things to lead you through the darkness and to raise you up and embolden you when you feel you can Journey no further the truth is you're capable I bestow upon you the Vigor to persist in your endeavors I yearn year for you to live and to fulfill the Magnificent Destiny I have crafted for you at times your thoughts may be clouded by negativity you convince yourself that the promises made to you are unattainable and you worry that my response will not come before the night ends in your bed sleep eludes you as fear Whispers that everything will be lost that you are unloved alone yet know these fears are but falsehoods planted by your adversaries you are not defined by their words nor will you become what they claim others do not control your fate they hold no power to damage your life remember no one understands you as I do so let me Infuse you with hope and encouragement at this moment cast aside those negative thoughts and listen to my voice attentively my love for you surpasses is all in this universe it is my intention for you to realize the dreams I have instilled in you my Holy Spirit dwells within your heart making all things possible through me your past errors and missteps are not barriers to the blessings and abundance I have in store for you choose this day to seek me continually to absorb my words and to draw Vitality from them today I am here to revive your dreams I aim to rekindle your beautiful aspirations those forgotten or believed to be lost you will experience my Supernatural power showering upon you opening your spiritual eyes to the Marvels that my might can achieve recall that I bore a cross enduring lashes of immense pain yet I persevered with you in my heart no strike or insult could halt my steps I endured this for you bearing the burden of your sins so that today you can advance towards your blessings free from excuses you are capable of achieving greatness but you must focus on my words turn away from the counsil of false friends who envy your gifts and begrudge your success trust in me for in my presence and guidance you will find the path to your true calling hold tightly to this unwavering truth no force can lead you astray from your destined path embrace the depth of my Divine love and you will find that no discouragement or despair can touch you you will always carry with you the memory of my sacrifice for you you have heard my words repeatedly echoing with promise call to me and I will answer you revealing great and hidden things you have not known this is what I cherish in in you your faith in my words your willingness to bring your most urgent prayers to my feet your challenges may have seemed insurmountable nearly impossible yet your heart and eyes have witnessed my response to your call therefore I assure you again I will meet your present needs with even greater and more marvelous blessings you will witness this soon and even now you can feel the peace and serenity I pour into your soul continue to believe to labor to pray ceaselessly and to persevere my perfect timing will bring you the rest you seek the day is Drawing Near when I will place a beautiful Miracle into your hands I love you pause for a moment to absorb the tenderness of my words the love and the strength that emanate from me you have called out to me amidst your thoughts bearing a great need in your heart I am here to show the magnitude of my love for you in this very moment I want you to feel comforted El let the tears that touch your heart flow freely do not carry the burden of guilt placed on You by others anchor your faith in my words find your peace in my promises never let your confidence waver in the knowledge that I am always with you even in moments of solid ude or when life's trials assail and wound you pain serves as a reminder that you are alive and with every pain comes healing with every trial comes Triumph I'm here to heal you to console you to uplift you repeatedly I tell you not to fear embedding my words in your mind so that my voice May Echo grandly each morning as you wake hear me I'm right beside you expressing with profound affection my love for you in your daily life you will encounter unforeseen challenges yet you will be fortified my strength dwells within you my grace is sufficient and my promises steadfastly assure you that I will never abandon you after the storms in your life calm will come filling you with peace joy and vigor you will stand tall living life fully empowered by the strength I give you I hold you dear and the days of hardship are nearing their end when blessings flow into your life remember they are sent from my love I have watched over you amid chaos and as you journeyed through your deserts I have been your sustenance on this day as you read these words commit to rejuvenating your faith countless attacks doubts trials and disdains May have worn down your fervor return to the path of trust renew your mind with my powerful word I yearn for your faith to be vibrant and strong so that as abundance fills your life you remember me your God and Lord persist in prayer and supplication for there is much yet unseen by your natural eyes a battle wages in the spiritual realm and I will bless you but there are significant challenges to overcome your Triumph Is Anchored in your faith persistence steadfastness and perseverance in prayer seek me in the daytime pray in the night and commit to intercession your times are shifting and my gaze scans the Earth seeking brave souls like you miracles will manifest in and through you as you become a conduit of bread clothing Solace healing and blessings for many as you bless others yo

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