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This Is Why You’re Always Tired | Sadhguru

You want to increase only the quality of your sleep Life does not work like that If you become totally ease sleep quota will come The quality of sleep will be good because quality of life is good in the eastern cultures in India particularly All the systems are built into one's life Of course they're throwing it away because they all became modern If you wake up well in the morning, you sleep well in the night. size? Sleep is not a requirement in one's life. What the body requires is rest. Sleep is just one form of rest. A lot of people are beginning to think. In Tamil Nadu if somebody says rest panikaranga (ஓய்வு பணிகிராங்கா) means they're sleeping You can sit and rest, isn't it? Yes. You can stand and also rest. You're running. If you stand, doesn't it feel like rest? You're standing. If you sit down, doesn't it feel like rest? There are many ways of resting. The most important thing is rest means you're changing the energy equation where consumption is lowered. Production is going on at the same pace. So after the period of time, you feel rejuvenated because consumption has been lowered Essentially, you're managing the energy equation for an equity activity. The consumption is more whatever you're producing. It's not enough. After some time, you feel exhausted because the consumption has been heavy. If you lower the consumption and increase the production, after some time, you'll feel energized. Suppose you're running If you run a mile after that, you can't take another step. Let's say, how many have you been running for Isha marathons Isha vidya marathon. after 42 kilometers it's all right. Whenever, after a mile or two, you can take another step. Don't eat anything. Don't drink anything. Just sit down. For 10 minutes again. You'll find rejuvenated, isn't it? all you have done this long. The consumption production is still at the same level. So now there are ways to lower the consumption and increase the productivity also. So if you come to a certain state of ease, when I say ease, it's not something that most people will ever understand because most people are not at ease If you're a total ease, the system is at total ease. Everything is at ease. It is well rested, always. It is rested because it's so rested throughout the day. If you sleep in the afternoon, do see you can't sleep much in the night. Yes. Oh, you are already experimenting If you sleep in the afternoon, you can't sleep much in the night unless you're sick or your very tired because of something, because it's well rested. In the day. It can't sleep in the night. So you don't have to necessarily sleep if you sit here. Also, if your body's resting, you will see your sleep, quota will naturally shrink. How to increase the quality of sleep. Don't try to increase the quality of sleep. The ideal way to live is there is no sleep in my life. But that's not possible right now. Still, body has some inertia, so it's sleeps minimum. The rest of the time it is at ease. If you keep this at ease, then sleep does not occur to the body unless it comes to a certain point of exhaustion. So body is never, ever asking for sleep, but it is definitely asking for a rest. If you do not know how to sit here in a restful manner, it will prejudiced like this. If you can sit, you are totally at ease. You can sit here for hours without falling asleep. Otherwise, this is the only way it knows how to rest. So do not try to increase the quality of sleep. There's no such thing. Just learn to keep your body restful. And at ease consciously. If you sit here now, one simple thing you can do is you sit down and you come and sit down here. Just move your attention from the top of your head, down to your toes and see if everything is close and easy and relaxed. And at ease. Are you sitting like this? Just bring this to ease as much as you can. Not everything is in your conscious level as much as you can consciously bring it to ease. You will see, suddenly if you are the kind who will fall asleep at 10:00. If you simply one hour, you sit here at ease you will see your sleep will get postponed by half an hour. You won't feel sleepy at ten. Naturally, you're awake. So instead of trying to increase the sleep quality, No… you increase the quality of life. If you increase the quality of life, then I think within quality of life. Nothing in your life, whatever you may be doing from simple breathing to any complex activity that you do in your life, the quality of that will not improve. If you cannot do it with ease is it so only when you can do something with total ease. Let's say you're riding a bicycle. If you ride in like this, like this, you can say you're enjoying your cycling. If you can ride it with ease with so much ease that even if you take off your hands, if you go only straight the way you want it to go, you're at ease because you're at ease. The quality of your cycling has improved, isn't it? So these two things are connected. So if you enhance the quality of your life, naturally sleep will go down. If the quality of your life goes bad, you can't do anything with ease. Then also you cannot sleep. But stressfully you cannot sleep. Not because you are well rested. You cannot sleep. You cannot sleep because you are stressed out. If you do this, you will not live long. If your body does not get enough rest it will die. It will break. Something will go. If you are not at ease, that means you are in disease you're heading there you are in disease means you're in a certain state of ill health. But if you say you're deceased, that means you're dead. So don't move and stay into the direction of disease move in the direction of ease. If you become totally ease sleep quality, sleep quota will come. That quality of sleep will be good because quality of life is good. You want to increase only the quality of your sleep. Life does not work like that. If you wake up well in the morning, you will also sleep well in the night there's a whole lot of systems to give this to people in the eastern cultures in India particularly. All the systems are built into one's life. Of course, they're throwing it away because they all became modern. Modern means to be distressed, constantly in tension, agitated, worked up about everything. That means you're really modern. Otherwise, traditionally, all these things were built in the morning. When you wake up till you go to sleep, what you should do, how you should handle yourself. All these things were fixed till the beginning of this generation. Everybody was aware. Suddenly they are all becoming elnglish educated and they become modern and tense. Otherwise, this was called achara-vichara what to do, what not to do. Everything is built from morning to night. All aspects of life how to do it. if you do it like that so that you can do everything with ease, as much ease as possible. So those who are not able to dedicate their life to yoga and spiritual process, for them, it was built into natural culture, at least thi

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