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This Is Why You Are Failing – Sadhguru [Paskistani Student Asks Question]

I think pain leads to prosperity. And in life, if you have goals, they have a price tag that includes pain hard work, resilience. And when is when this is the case, then why do a lot of people shy away from stress? Because from on an individual level, up until I am alive, I want to achieve goals and it will come with a lot of stress and pain. And then I can rest when I'm below because I'll spend more time in the grave. Then I will outside the grave. Do you think this is the right mentality or what is your comments on this? This is a sure way to mess yourself up This is a this is a serious mistake. A whole generations of people have done that If you study, how should you study hard? you must study hard If you work, how should you work? You must work hard. Why didn't they tell you must study joyfully? Why didn't they tell you you must work lovingly? No, you must do everything hard. And then you complain. You complain about everything in life because you are doing everything hard. There is substantial medical and scientific evidence to show you only when you are in pleasant states of experience does your body and your brain work at their best. Is that important for you to perform any activity in life? Well, that your body and your brains are working well. Hello. Is it important? Tell me if you are stressed and anxious. Does your body and brains work at their best? Just working hard. Doesn't do things in the world This is the biggest problem right From your childhood. Your parents taught you if you study. How much of how should you study? Study hard if you work. How should you work? work hard you do everything hard? If you do things hard, things won't happen. It will become a donkey's life, just doing everything hard. Nobody told you. You must study in joy. Nobody told you. You must work in love They told you. You must do it hard. they made their lives very difficult for themselves No. They were instead ensuring that your life becomes difficult too why do you work hard? A body can get immune to it, and that is how you do it. Like in the gym. And I stress my muscle. It grows when it breaks. So like that we can also get past you. And you should joyfully run. Climb a mountain, play a game. Still muscle. Really get well. Hello. So under stress it would get better. It would break and then it would be better together See the stress means you're always finding more and more exotic words for this. Somebody says stress. Somebody says tension or somebody is anxiety and goes further. All right. There are many, many names. There are some 70 to 74 different kinds of mental ailments today that they identified. Lots of exotic names. Essentially, it's just this your intelligence has turned against you once your intelligence is turned against you. No, power in the universe can save you, that's all. If your intelligence was working for you, would you keep this blissful or stressful? Please tell me you make good choice. I'm going to bless you right now. If your intelligence was functioning for you, what is your choice for yourself? Blissfulness or stressfulness? What you want for your neighbor? Maybe debatable. You know, we are neighbors elsewhere. What? What are you working hard? If it's hard, give it up. If you can do it joyfully, you do it. Otherwise, don't do it. Isn't it? Isn't it so? If you're going to make yourself miserable in the process of working. What? Use is your work to yourself or to anybody around you. You just sit to the temple gate and beg and eat. It's better somebody will throw you. One rupee, two rupee You eat out of it at least that you do joyfully sit there happily eat what people throw at your bowl if you're going to make it so hard for yourself? I'm sure you're making it very hard for everybody around you isn't it? If you're going to spread misery in the world, it's better you don't do anything else. If you are gonna spread joy in the world. Go and do as much as you. can

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