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The Secret To Manifest What You Want | Sadhguru

so the whole yogic system is focused on this there is some simple technology with which you can keep your mind in a certain condition of clarity then you don't have to worry about mental focus that's where the mind will be see wherever your desire is that's where your mind is isn't it isn't it so how do you say this in hindi wherever your desire is that's where your mind is isn't it what's design so wherever your desire is that's where your mind will be if you desire something intensely your mind will be always there right right now you desire the cup wrong place to be you desire a goal that's what you should desire when you're on the field isn't it now you can desire the cup but once you're on the field you just desire the goal and goal and goal nothing else once your desire is strong your body and mind naturally moves in the direction isn't it whatever you desire that's where you go if your desire falls off then you can't keep the mind on it so you just have to develop the isha in you [Music] the only choice to score the goal then you don't have to worry about mental focus that's where the mind will be can somebody take your mind off what you desire can somebody take your mind off what you desire what you desire is where your mind will naturally go isn't it so how does yoga help in this see what are the simple parameters with which the body and mind is functioning this is a complex machinery this is the most sophisticated machine [Music] in this planet is human body and mind isn't it everything that we have created has come out of this mind so this mind is a complex machinery very complex so if you do anything wrong it will create many distractions within itself there are certain simple ways there is some simple technology with which you can keep your mind in a certain condition of clarity where it simply sees that you learn to keep your mind like a mirror it simply shows you what is there it doesn't distort the moment your mind gets identified with many things now you are playing as an indian hockey player now you get all distorted because now you're reading the whole history the glory of indian hockey the depths of indian hockey everything will flow in your mind now you will not play the game you will not see the game the way it is first of all learning to keep the mind like a mirror where it simply shows you what is there in front of you without any distortion once there is no distortion you will walk to the best of your ability isn't it now you are walking on this floor there is no distortion in your vision you can see everything clearly to the best of your ability will go isn't it in your very vision if there is distortion you will unnecessarily stumble all over the place so whatever talent you have whatever capability you have if it has to find full expression your mind doesn't come in between and distort anything it just shows you everything the way it is so the whole yogic system is focused on this for a spiritual purpose which can also be used for the sport that it shows you everything just the way it is not some other way not the way you think it is [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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